Proven Joint Supplements to Reduce Pain and For Better Health (Evidence Based)

Taking joint supplements can help to ease the pain and discomfort that comes from living with chronic joint pain. The best joint supplements to reduce pain include vitamins and herbs such as turmeric, boswellia, cayenne pepper, and vitamin D. Some other joint health supplements contain compounds that help to reduce inflammation and pain in knees and other joints.
One of the reasons to look for joint pain supplements is to reduce the need to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Some of the best supplements for joint health don’t have many of the side effects that pain relievers cause.
You may also find another benefit of taking natural joint supplements – your overall health may improve. This is because benefits from these home remedies for joint pain can help address a number of other health issues at the same time.
There are many supplements on the market that claim to relieve joint pain and ease stiffness. But, do joint supplements actually work, and what are the most effective joint supplements you can use?
In this article you will find out what scientific research says about vitamins and other supplements for bone and joint health.
What Causes Joint Pain and Inflammation?
Chronic joint pain and inflammation are usually the results of arthritic conditions or injury. The Arthritis Foundation says that damaged tissues or cartilage in joints send pain signals up your spinal cord to your brain. (1)
Joint pain often affects the knees because they have to work hard to support your upper body. Severe or chronic pain in the joints can also come from damage to ligaments, bone, muscles, or tendons. Joint pain can also restrict movement and cause pain when carrying out even the simplest of tasks. (2)
Why Take Supplements to Reduce Joint Pain?
Joint supplements include natural ingredients that help to lubricate joints, reduce inflammation, and soothe irritation.
Many joint health supplements help to encourage good joint health so that there are less irritation and friction causing joint pain.
According to various studies, some supplements for joint pain help to stimulate cartilage growth and reduce the perception of pain. (3)
Some vitamin supplements help to promote good bone and joint health and play a role in helping to restrict autoimmune conditions. (4)
There are also some joint supplements for arthritis that have anti-inflammatory properties and help prevent a worsening of the condition. (5)
Using Supplements – Important Precautions
A word of warning: always consult with your doctor before taking any supplement to avoid any adverse interactions with current medications you take.
For example, turmeric and ginger which are mentioned in this article, possess natural blood-thinning properties. Therefore people who are about to undergo surgery and those who take blood thinning medications should take extra precaution. Also some supplements are not safe for pregnant women. Talk to your doctor first to be on the safe side.
The Best Joint Supplements
Let’s look in more detail at the best supplements to help with joint pain that are also backed up by scientific research.
Turmeric (Curcumin) is an Anti-Inflammatory Joint Supplement
Turmeric is one of the most popular joint pain supplements because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
The reason why turmeric works for treating rheumatoid and osteoarthritis is due to the compound curcumin. This is the part of the spice that gives turmeric its color, taste, and pain-relieving properties.
Many scientific studies have confirmed the potential of curcumin in treating osteoarthritis. A 2016 review found that curcumin from turmeric helps to block inflammatory cytokines and improve the symptoms of joint pain. (6)
The journal Foods reported that curcumin supplements have a number of health benefits. When curcumin is combined with piperine (black pepper) its joint pain-relieving properties are enhanced. Studies have shown that curcumin is a good joint supplement for knee arthritis. (7)
Other studies into using turmeric extracts for joint pain treatment found that they can help treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In some cases, curcumin was just as effective as some NSAIDs in providing anti-inflammatory pain relief. (7)
You can learn more about the many reasons to take turmeric supplements for joint care, good cardio health, and healthy digestion.
You can also add turmeric to your diet, as consuming moderate amounts of turmeric on a regular basis helps prevent arthritis pain. Turmeric is absorbed most readily into the body when combined with oil or with other substances such as black pepper.
Please note that you should avoid or limit turmeric consumption when taking certain medications or having certain health conditions – find more information about it in this article.
Ginger Supplements for Arthritis
Ginger is closely related to turmeric and is another of the effective joint health supplements you can take to relieve pain.
A study involving over 260 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee found that ginger supplements helped alleviate many of its painful symptoms. Scientists found that ginger helped to treat joint pain and increased joint movement. (8)
Ginger is good to take as a supplement for knee pain and also as a topical pain reliever. One study found that applying ginger oil to inflamed painful joints can help to reduce soreness in rheumatoid arthritis. (9) Ginger essential oil is one of the top 20 essential oils to relieve pain and inflammation.
Find out more about how ginger can boost your health and also help address many digestive issues. You may also be surprised to learn that dried ginger can be just as good a fresh ginger.
As with turmeric, you should avoid or limit ginger consumption when taking certain medications or having certain health conditions – find more information in this article.
Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements for Joint Pain
Taking omega-3 supplement regularly can help to naturally lubricate your joints and also fight joint inflammation.
A meta-analysis of 17 reviews on the effectiveness of omega-3 supplements for joints found that they help relieve many symptoms of chronic pain. Taking omega-3 capsules helped to improve joint pain when taken for 3 months or longer. (10)
One study found that omega-3 supplementation helps improve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Taking fish oil supplements also helped to lower joint stiffness and treat arthritic pain. (11)
A double-blind randomized controlled trial found that omega-3 pills helped to improve a number of symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Among the ways that omega-3 helped with arthritis was to reduce soreness and tender joints and lessen morning stiffness. (12)
The most popular way to consume omega-3 is to take high strength fish oil supplement (like this one) or krill oil supplement (like this one).
Find out more how taking omega-3 regularly can improve your joint health, heart health, and cognitive function. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are also helpful in managing chronic pain conditions and are one of the foods you should eat if you suffer from arthritis.
Glucosamine Supplements for Joint Health
One of the best cartilage repair supplements is glucosamine, as it stimulates healthy cartilage formation.
One randomized controlled trial found that taking 1,500 mg of glucosamine sulfate daily helped to improve knee pain caused by osteoarthritis. Most of the 106 patients in the trial taking glucosamine supplements found that their arthritic symptoms improved after 6 months. (13)
Other studies have shown that taking glucosamine supplements on a long-term basis can help to delay the progression of osteoarthritis. (14)
Find out more scientifically proven natural remedies for knee osteoarthritis.
Chondroitin Joint Pills
Chondroitin is another of the best supplements for knee pain and arthritis.
Chondroitin is naturally found in cartilage and bone tissue, and taking chondroitin supplements can be good for your joints.
Can these supplements help to rebuild cartilage? Some scientific research points to the fact that chondroitin can help to promote joint cartilage health. For example, taking chondroitin sulfate of 400 mg twice a day helped to increase cartilage volume and reduced joint pain. (15)
One trial involving over 1,500 persons with osteoarthritis found that taking glucosamine and chondroitin supplements helped to improve their arthritis symptoms. Also, just taking chondroitin on its own helped to reduce joint swelling.
SAMe Supplements for Knee Pain and Joint Pain
One of the most popular joint repair supplements is SAMe because it stimulates the production of amino acids that help repair cartilage.
SAMe is short for S-adenosyl-L-methionine and occurs naturally in the body. Some people with osteoarthritis have found relief from taking SAMe supplements. For example, in one study, taking SAMe was as effective as the NSAID celecoxib in managing osteoarthritis symptoms. (16)
A meta-analysis of 11 trials using SAMe for osteoarthritis found that it is a helpful supplement for managing joint pain. (17)
Boswellia Joint Health Supplements
Supplements to manage joint pain containing Boswellia can help to reduce inflammation in joints.
Boswellia (also called Indian frankincense) helps to treat chronic pain in joints because it blocks pro-inflammatory enzymes. One study found that Boswellia has anti-arthritis properties as it reduces pain and swelling caused by inflammation. (18)
There is also scientific evidence that Boswellia together with curcumin can help to treat painful osteoarthritis symptoms. One trial involving 200 osteoarthritis patients found that the boswellic acid and curcumin supplements reduce joint pain in a 12-week period. (19)
Devil’s Claw Supplements for Bones and Joints
You can use supplements for arthritis that contain devil’s claw because compounds in this natural substance help with joint pain.
To boost the effectiveness of devil’s claw supplements for joint health, other natural anti-inflammatories are added. One study found that a joint pain supplement containing devil’s claw, turmeric, and bromelain helped to provide pain relief from acute and chronic arthritis pain. (20)
Researchers report that devil’s claw supplements can be as effective as NSAIDs but without the unpleasant side effects.
Find out how to use devil’s claw to reduce the painful symptoms of gout, which is a type of inflammatory arthritis where joints become red, inflamed, and very sore.
Cayenne Pepper Supplements for Arthritis Pain
You may be surprised to learn that cayenne pepper is a supplement that helps treat chronic joint pain.
Cayenne pepper contains a compound called capsaicin which contains anti-inflammatory properties. Capsaicin also has an analgesic effect that numbs nerves and treats pain.
One study into using capsaicin as a natural remedy for joint pain found that dietary supplements help to manage arthritic pain and inflammation. Capsaicin helps to block enzymes that cause inflammation. In fact, taking capsaicin supplements is good for joint pain, nerve pain, and healing gastric ulcers. (21)
You can also use capsaicin cream as a topical home remedy for joint pain. (22)
Learn more about the medicinal properties of cayenne pepper and how to use this spicy compound in many home remedies.
Vitamins for Joint Health: Vitamin D
One of the best vitamins for joints and relieving joint pain is vitamin D as it is necessary for bone and calcium metabolism.
The journal Endocrinology and Metabolism reported that rheumatoid arthritis is often associated with a vitamin D deficiency. Having a lack of vitamin D can also increase the severity of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis pain. (23)
The results of one study suggested that taking vitamin D supplements can help prevent osteoporosis and treat rheumatic arthritis pain. (23)
Other studies have found that vitamin D deficiency can also increase the intensity of chronic pain. (24)
Before taking this vitamin to help with joint pain, it is important to take a blood test to check for levels of vitamin D.
Did you know that having adequate an amount of vitamin D is also essential to prevent developing many chronic diseases?
Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU)
Avocado contains many minerals and vitamins for joint health and reducing inflammation. Extracts from soybean oils are combined with avocado extracts to create a joint health supplement for arthritis.
Research has found that ASU supplements work on a number of levels to care for joint health. For example, ASU supplements help to stimulate collagen and tissue essential for bone health. Also, ASUs have an anti-inflammatory action and can benefit symptoms of osteoarthritis. (25)
Can these supplements help to rebuild cartilage and lubricate joints? One observational study involving over 4,800 patients with osteoarthritis found that taking one 300 mg ASU capsule daily helped to improve their symptoms. In fact, the majority of participants continued taking the joint supplements after the trial finished because they were so effective. (26)
You can also find out how adding more avocado to your diet can help to reduce inflammation in your body.
Stinging Nettle Joint Supplements
One natural supplement that acts as joint pain medicine is stinging nettle supplements.
In one study, extracts from the leaves, flowers, stems, and roots of stinging nettle were made into an herbal remedy. Certain types of these extracts showed a powerful anti-inflammatory pain remedy action. Researchers said that stinging nettle extracts have potential use for managing inflammatory pain-related conditions such as osteoarthritis. (27)
You can also use stinging nettle supplements to help naturally treat the symptoms of hay fever and other allergy symptoms.
Licorice Root for Joint Health
Licorice root extracts are a powerful anti-inflammatory supplement for good, pain-free joint health.
The benefits of using licorice supplements to address joint pain are due to the presence of glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid. These are both anti-inflammatory compounds that work in a similar way to COX-2 inhibitors (NSAIDs). (28)
Research has found that taking licorice supplement could benefit rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. In mild cases of rheumatoid arthritis, licorice root supplements can help to lower inflammation. The supplement can also enhance the effectiveness of traditional pain-relief medication. (29)
Learn more about the amazing medicinal properties of licorice root.
Juniper Berry Natural Supplements for Joint Health
Juniper extracts from the bark and berries of the juniper tree can help to reduce inflammation and treat a number of health complaints.
Studies into the therapeutic properties of juniper extracts have found that they have analgesic properties as well as anti-inflammatory. Juniper extracts have been used traditionally to treat arthritic conditions. (30)
You can easily make your own juniper berry ointment at home. You will need a cup of olive oil, two tablespoons of grated beeswax and 15-20 drops of juniper essential oil. Melt the beeswax by using a double boiler. Add the olive oil to the melted beeswax and remove the pan from the heat. Add juniper essential oil to the beeswax and oil mixture and stir well. Store the ointment in a clean jar and allow to set. Massage the juniper berry ointment as needed into sore joints and muscles.
Burdock for Knee Joint Pain
One of the many joint pain supplements that have scientific backing is burdock. Burdock contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help alleviate chronic joint pain.
The International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases published the result of a study using burdock extracts to treat arthritic pain. Consuming burdock tea daily had a pain-relieving effect on joints that was comparable to traditional pain relievers. (31)
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