Healthy Breakfast Recipes in 5 Minutes + Easy Smoothie Recipes

Healthy Breakfast Recipes in 5 Minutes + Easy Smoothie Recipes

If you have no energy for a proper breakfast, you can find here excellent healthy breakfast recipes that are quick and delicious. Although breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, many times we tend to skip it. Breakfast is a matter of habit – if we are used to eat our first meal a few hours after we wake up, our body learns to adapt to it. However people who are used to eating breakfast every morning feel hungry almost immediately after they wake up, because their body won’t get the energy level it used to early in the morning.

Never skipping breakfast is also one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health which will guide you how to take positive steps to improve your wellness and overall health.

One common reason for skipping breakfast is that we just don’t have time to prepare it in the morning or sit down to eat it. It is therefore important that the time of the preparation of the meal will be short. Therefore I would like to share with you several healthy breakfast recipes that will take you not more than 5 minutes to prepare.

Healthy options for a quick breakfast:

– Sandwich and cut vegetables
– A serving of fruit / dried fruit, combined with nuts or almonds
– Cereal (make sure to select cereal with no sugar or very little sugar) with milk or almond/rice milk
– A smoothie with milk/water/juice/almond milk/rice milk
– Porridge. There are endless possibilities on how to prepare a delicious and healthy porridge in less than five minutes.

Equally important is to drink water in the morning! Our body needs fluids to clear the accumulated waste at night. Two cups of water in the morning will do wonders. You will feel fresh and energetic throughout the day.

Porridge recipes in less than five minutes

Basic recipe for oatmeal (1 serving)

Cup of liquid (water or milk or almond / rice milk, etc.)
3 tbsp fine oatmeal
Pinch of cinnamon


1. Boil the liquid, add the oats and cook for 2-3 minutes or until porridge thickens.
2. Add additives or sweeteners to taste to make the porridge delicious and fun:
Sweeteners: molasses / real maple syrup / honey
Spices: cinnamon, vanilla extract, ground nutmeg, ground cloves
Extras: sliced ​​fresh fruit, sliced dried fruit, raisins, cranberries
Tahini or almond Paste
Chopped Nuts/almonds

Oat is a true superfood that is also featured in my e-book about superfoods which is part of the Natural Health Revolution Program. This program will help you to achieve your health, nutrition or weight loss goals.

Vegan porridge with banana and cranberries, plus almond paste and date paste (1 serving)

Ripe banana
Almond / rice drink etc.
3 tablespoons fine oatmeal


Tablespoon of dried cranberries
Teaspoon of almond paste
Teaspoon of date paste (also called “silan”)


1. In a small pot mash the banana well.
2. Add the liquid and bring to a boil.
3. Add the oatmeal, stir and simmer for 2-3 minutes, or until porridge thickens.
4. Transfer to a bowl, add the extras from on the top and serve.

 Oatmeal apple sauce based, plus tahini, honey and dates

½ cup apple sauce or crushed fresh apple
½ cup milk or almond / rice milk etc.
3 tbsp fine oatmeal
Pinch of cinnamon


2 chopped dried dates
Tablespoon tahini
Teaspoon of honey or date paste


1. In a small saucepan, bring to a boil the liquid with the apple sauce.
2. Add the oats and stir while simmering for 2-3 minutes, or until porridge thickens.
3. Transfer to a bowl, garnish the top with cinnamon, dates, tahini and honey and serve.

Indian scented oatmeal (1 serving)

1 cup of milk
3 tbsp fine oatmeal
Pinch of salt


Quarter teaspoon chai masala mix
Teaspoon molasses
Teaspoon of raisins
Teaspoon of ground or chopped almonds


1. In a small saucepan, bring to a boil the milk and salt.
2. Add the oats and stir while a simmering for 2-3 minutes, or until porridge thickens.
3. Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle the spice mixture. Decorate with molasses, raisins and almonds and serve.

10 Super Healthy And Delicious Smoothies for Breakfast

We all rush in the morning, preparing the kids to school or day care and preparing ourselves for another day at our work place. It’s always busy and hectic, and we don’t have time to sit and eat a proper breakfast.

The solution is to prepare easy smoothies for breakfast. Fresh and healthy smoothies make a great versatile and delicious breakfast or snack. Smoothies provide important protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals from ingredients like yogurt, fruits and vegetables.

You can use your favorite fruits or vegetables or whatever that is in season. Making easy smoothies for breakfast is a quick and ideal way to get energy boost for the morning, and they can also serve as an afternoon snack or dessert.

The 10 easy smoothies ideas that I want to share with you are quick to make as they consist not more than 4 ingredients.

Green Smoothie (Serves 2)

1 1/2 cups orange juice
2 large mangoes
2 cups fresh parsley or spinach
honey (to taste)

Blend well and drink your healthy green smoothie

Carrot-Apple Smoothie (serves 2)

1 large apple
2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green)
2 whole carrots
1/2 cup water

Blend well all the ingredients and drink.

Cucumber-Pear Smoothie (Serves 2)

1 cucumber
2 cups fresh baby spinach
2 pears (seeded)
½ cup water

Blend in your blender until smooth and enjoy!

Mango-Peach Smoothie (Serves 2)

1 peach, sliced
1 mango, peeled and diced
1/2 cup milk (or milk substitute)
1/2 cup orange juice, or as needed

Place the peach, mango, low fat milk, and orange juice into a blender. Cover, and puree until smooth. Pour into glasses to serve.

Mango Banana Smoothie (4 servings)

1 mango – peeled, seeded, and sliced
1 banana
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1 cup milk

Blend mango, banana, vanilla yogurt, and milk in a blender until smooth.

Banana- Ginger Smoothie (Serves 2)

1 banana, sliced
3/4 cup (6 ounces) vanilla yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated ginger

In a blender, combine the banana, yogurt, honey, and ginger. Blend until smooth.

Yogurt- Berry Smoothie (Serves 2)

1 cup frozen berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries
1/2 cup natural yogurt
1/2 cup orange juice or other juice

Place the berries, yogurt, and orange juice in a blender and pulse for 30 seconds. Blend for 30 seconds, or until smooth. To find more easy and nutritious berry recipes, have a look at my e-book The Healing The Healing Berry Guide. This e-book will teach you how to transform your health with berries, and is a must for berry lovers.

Blueberry Oatmeal Smoothie (Serves 2)

1 cup milk (or milk substitute)
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 frozen banana, sliced

In a blender, combine the milk, blueberries, cereal, and banana for 20 seconds. Scrape down the sides and blend for an additional 15 seconds.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie (Serves 2)

1 cup plain yogurt
1 banana
1/2 cup orange juice
6 frozen strawberries

In a blender, combine the yogurt, banana, juice, and strawberries for 20 seconds. Scrape down the sides and blend for an additional 15 seconds.

Orange-Berry Smoothie  (Serves 2)

2 navel oranges, peel and pith removed, cut into chunks
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen raspberries

Combine all ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth.

You can find more smoothies and juices that will cleanse and energize your body naturally in my e-book The Detox Guide. You can find there useful information on how to improve your body’s digestive process, increase stamina and energy.

The Detox Guide

Healthy and Natural World