The Best Teeth Whitening Home Remedies (Natural Teeth Whitening Methods)

13 Natural Methods for Teeth Whitening

Natural teeth whitening methods at home can help to remove yellow stains from teeth. As we age, teeth naturally lose their pearly-white color and can start to darken. You can whiten your teeth at home by using products such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, charcoal, or coconut oil.

Apart from the age process darkening teeth, there are a number of other reasons why you may look for home remedies for yellow teeth. Foods such as coffee, tea, dark juices, and sodas can all result in a loss of whiteness on your teeth. That is why natural whitening toothpaste contains gentle abrasive ingredients such as baking soda to buff away stains from the surface of teeth.

In this article, you will find out how to whiten your teeth naturally at home. You will also learn about the best ingredients to use in a homemade teeth-whitening toothpaste.

What Causes Yellow Teeth

Your teeth are naturally white because they are covered by a fine layer of enamel that contains calcium. Over time, a thinning of the enamel layer results in teeth that appear yellower in color.

A study published in 2015 found that the color of teeth is affected by age. This can result in teeth that gradually become gray to yellow in color. In fact, the color of teeth allows forensic experts to estimate the age of a person where there are no birth records available. (1)

One reason for needing to whiten teeth is smoking. Nicotine stains teeth over time and causes teeth to become dark and dull. Some of the natural toothpaste remedies in this article can help remove yellow cigarette stains from teeth.

Other reasons for teeth losing their bright white color include vitamin deficiencies, diet, and levels of minerals in drinking water. (1)

Why Choose Natural Teeth-Whitening Methods?

Most people desire white teeth because they are associated with good dental health and success.

A study published in the journal PLoS One reported that people with white “sparkling” teeth are viewed as more attractive than those with off-colored teeth. This is despite the fact that teeth whiteness is no indication of good oral health. (2)

There are also many reasons to find out how to whiten your teeth at home naturally. Many “whitening toothpastes” contain chemicals and artificial ingredients that could affect your health. Some commercially-available whitening products can also increase teeth sensitivity or irritate gums.

Why Plaque Buildup Causes Stains on Teeth

Although plaque on teeth is a colorless substance, a buildup of plaque can lead to stains on your teeth. So removing the plaque could also help to get rid of yellow stains on your teeth.

Doctors from the Mayo Clinic report that plaque forms on your teeth due to bacteria from starches and sugars. If plaque builds up, it forms into tartar which is a hard, discolored substance that is difficult to remove. (3)

Tartar can cause yellow to brown staining on the teeth and can lead to gum disease.

A study from 2012 found that the soft materials leading to plaque formation are affected by the colorants in food more quickly and undergo color changes. (25) This effect can also cause the plaque buildup to have a yellowish color on teeth.

How to Whiten Your Teeth at Home: The Best Home Remedies for White Teeth

Let’s look at how to get rid of yellow teeth and see what scientific research says about home remedies to whiten teeth fast. You will find out how to use baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, charcoal, and other natural ingredients to get whiter teeth at home.

Baking Soda for Teeth Whitening

Baking soda whitens teeth because its grainy texture and antimicrobial properties help remove stains from teeth. Baking soda also gets rid of bacteria from your mouth which freshens your breath.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a natural ingredient in many tooth-whitening toothpastes. You can easily and safely use baking soda as a cheap way to clean yellow teeth.

A 2017 review of the benefits of using baking soda in dental care found that it is an effective stain remover. Various studies have shown that baking soda helps whiten teeth by helping to remove yellow coloring from teeth. Baking soda whitened teeth more effectively than other “tooth-whitening” products. (4)

One study found that a whitening toothpaste containing 65% baking soda led to significantly whiter teeth. (5)

How to use baking soda to whiten your teeth and remove yellow stains

You can easily make your own paste to remove stains from teeth by mixing some baking soda and water into a thick paste. Brush your teeth with the baking soda every two days to whiten your teeth.

Baking soda is a very versatile ingredient to have at home, and you can learn more about the benefits of baking soda to your health in general.

You can also find out how to use baking soda to treat symptoms of acid reflux. This is also important in keeping your teeth pearly white. Acidic juices from your stomach can cause yellowing of teeth and weaken tooth enamel.

What about baking soda and lemon juice to get white teeth?

Some people also use the teeth-whitening properties of baking soda along with lemon juice to help get stains off teeth.

Some studies have suggested that a mixture of salt and lemon juice has mildly abrasive properties. The cleansing action of sodium and citric acid can help to whiten teeth over time.

However, is lemon juice not among the acidic foods that can lead to tooth erosion and affect enamel integrity? It is true that studies have shown that undiluted lemon juice can damage enamel. However, this was when teeth were soaked in acidic juice for 7 days. (7)

So, occasionally using a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for their natural whitening properties may help to bring back sparkling whiteness to your teeth, but this should be done infrequently as not to have any negative result on your oral health.

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with the juice of ½ a lemon to create a lemon and baking soda teeth whitening paste. Use the natural paste not more than once a week to help gradually remove stains from teeth, including removing nicotine stains.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda for White Teeth

Another way to get rid of yellow teeth and to make them brighter is to combine hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Hydrogen peroxide may help to get rid of tobacco stains from teeth or yellow stains caused by drinking coffee. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent that can help to make teeth whiter.

A study published in the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry found that 3% hydrogen peroxide can help to whiten teeth. In the study, a commercially-produced gel containing food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide helped brighten teeth over a 6-month period. (8)

If you want to make your own cheap teeth whitening paste at home, it is important to use a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Some studies show that high concentrations of this natural bleaching substance can damage tooth enamel. (9)

Some scientific research has suggested that you can use baking soda together with 3% hydrogen peroxide to naturally whiten your teeth. One commercially-available toothpaste containing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide removed tooth stains and whitened teeth naturally. (10)

How to quickly whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide

You can help to get rid of various types of stains from teeth by making your own baking soda and hydrogen peroxide remedy at home.

Mix some 3% hydrogen peroxide with a tablespoon of baking soda to create a thick paste. Use the natural paste as you would regular toothpaste to clean your teeth and remove yellow stains. Leave the paste on your teeth for 3 or 4 minutes before rinsing and spitting out.

For best results in getting your teeth to look whiter naturally, use the hydrogen peroxide toothpaste 2-3 times a week.

Learn more about using hydrogen peroxide at home and what precautions you should take.

Coconut Oil for Teeth Whitening

Another way to help reduce bacteria in your mouth and scrub surface stains from teeth is to use coconut oil.

One study into the antimicrobial properties of coconut oil found that it helps kill off Streptococcus mutans bacteria. This is the strain of bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Researchers found that applying coconut oil to teeth and gums helped to prevent plaque buildup and maintain good oral health. (11)

Coconut oil along with baking soda can create an anti-plaque toothpaste that helps buff away yellow stains from teeth.

How to get white teeth with coconut oil and baking soda

You can make a larger batch of natural coconut oil toothpaste to help keep your teeth clean and free from bacteria.

Mix together 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Add 2 drops of peppermint oil if you want to give the whitening toothpaste a fresh scent. Use morning and evening to clean your teeth and prevent unsightly yellow stains from forming on your teeth.

When you have achieved the level of tooth whiteness you require, use the baking soda/coconut oil toothpaste 2-3 times a week to maintain sparkling white teeth.

Further reading: Why You Should Start Using Coconut Oil as a Toothpaste.

Fruit Enzymes Help to Whiten Teeth

One of the natural ways to whiten teeth without resorting to expensive dental treatment is to use toothpastes containing fruit enzymes.

You may have come across websites saying that pineapples can help whiten teeth or you can use papaya fruit. This is because scientific research has shown that extracts from these fruits have teeth-whitening properties. (12)

Regular brushing with whitening toothpaste containing fruit extracts bromelain and papain results in significant removal of yellow stains from teeth. (12)

Other studies have found that all-natural toothpastes containing fruit extracts from oranges, banana, or pineapple help to reduce cavities and plaque. (13)

Charcoal for Whiter Teeth

Although you would think that charcoal stains teeth black, it may have the opposite effect in helping to make teeth whiter.

There are not many studies into the claims that charcoal can whiten teeth by removing stains. However, researchers have found that charcoal is used in some countries as a cheap natural way to whiten teeth. Some people claim that charcoal is good for removing tobacco and coffee stains from teeth. (14)

How to brush your teeth with activated charcoal

Crush one charcoal tablet into a find powder, or if you have activated charcoal capsules, you can carefully open them and remove the powder. Dip a clean, wet toothbrush into the powder and brush your teeth as normal for around 2 minutes. Carefully spit out the mixture and rinse well. You may need to repeat rinsing a few times before all the activated charcoal is fully rinsed out. For best results, you can use activated charcoal to clean your teeth 2 or 3 times a week.

Find out more about how to use activated charcoal and how brushing your teeth with charcoal can help to get rid of yellow teeth for good.

Oil Pulling for Teeth Whitening at Home

Oil pulling involves swishing cold pressed oil around your mouth for 20 minutes to help prevent the buildup of yellowing dental plaque.

One of the best ways to whiten your teeth with oil pulling is to use virgin coconut oil. Scientific studies have shown that coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and plaque removing properties. Using coconut oil for oil pulling helped to significantly lower the amount of plaque and help prevent gum disease. (15)

Oil pulling to improve dental health has been linked to fresher breath, fewer dental caries, less risk of gingivitis (gum disease), and less plaque buildup on teeth. (16)

In my article “Why You Should Start Oil Pulling Today” you can find detailed information about the research on oil pulling, which other oils you can use, and how to incorporate this habit as part of your regular dental hygiene routine.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good to Remove Stains from Teeth?

Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfecting agent that may help keep your mouth free from plaque-causing bacteria.

Can you use apple cider vinegar to make teeth white overnight? There is no evidence that apple cider vinegar works so quickly to whiten teeth. However, one study on animal teeth found that it has a whitening effect. (17)

As with lemon juice, you should use caution when using apple cider vinegar for teeth whitening at home. The mentioned study found that vinegar can also erode tooth enamel if it is in contact with teeth for too long. So, you could use an apple cider vinegar mouth rinse infrequently to reduce bacteria and help prevent tooth staining.

How to make an antibacterial apple cider vinegar mouthwash

Dilute 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water. Swish the natural mouthwash around your mouth for a 30 seconds. Rinse your mouth with plain water to remove any residue of acidic vinegar.

Don’t use apple cider vinegar mouthwash every day to prevent tooth enamel damage, and also limit the amount of time that this rinse is in contact with your teeth. Also don’t brush your teeth immediately after consuming anything acidic and wait at least a half hour before brushing your teeth. Brushing your teeth immediately after using this mouthwash will remove even more enamel from the weakened state of your enamel.

Banana Peel for Good Oral Hygiene

There is no evidence that banana peel can get rid of yellow teeth; however, there is some evidence that compounds in the peel benefit dental health.

The journal Contemporary Clinical Dentistry reported that banana peel has antibacterial properties that help prevent gum disease. Banana peel extracts can help to reduce the number of bacteria that can lead to tartar buildup. (18)

Some people claim that using banana peel to rub on your teeth helps to make them whiter. They say that potassium, magnesium, and manganese in banana peel helps to remove stains and strengthen enamel.

Find out more about how bananas can boost your health and how to use banana peels to help look after your dental health.

Can Turmeric Whiten Teeth?

Some people use turmeric powder alone or with other ingredients to whiten their teeth. However other people find that consuming turmeric can lead to yellowing teeth over time. In fact, turmeric is sometimes used as a tooth-staining application in some countries to check for signs of tooth decay. (23)

There is evidence that turmeric indeed benefits dental and gum health (26, 27, 28, 29), however there’s very little research to support turmeric whitening ability. Still there is anecdotal evidence that for some people it works as a teeth whitener, so you may want to give it a try.

Brush Frequently to Prevent Yellowing Plaque on Teeth

Of course, to help prevent yellow stains on teeth due to nicotine, coffee, red wine, or sugary sodas, it’s important to care properly for your dental health.

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day to reduce a buildup of plaque. To reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth, you should brush after eating and also floss regularly. (19)

You can also try using this homemade eggshell and coconut oil toothpaste to remineralize your teeth to reduce the number of cavities and white spots on teeth.

How to Prevent Yellowing Stains on Teeth

As well as using natural whitening toothpaste to remove surface stains from teeth, it is important to avoid foods and habits that cause teeth staining.

  • Reduce your consumption of dark drinks. Doctors from the Cleveland Clinic report that coffee, colas, and red wine can discolor teeth. (20)
  • Stop smoking. A survey involving over 3,000 individuals found that smoking resulted in significant discoloration of teeth. (21) Other studies confirm that giving up smoking can help to improve the look of teeth, resulting in less staining and a whiter appearance. (22)
  • Don’t consume too much vivid-colored spices. Some spices such as turmeric, paprika, and curry can lead to yellowing of teeth over time.

Precautions When Whitening Teeth at Home

If you are trying to whiten your teeth at home to fix yellow teeth, then it’s important to be aware of a few precautions.

There are many over-the-counter teeth whitening strips for sale that may help to brighten yellow teeth.

The American Dental Association advises that you always follow instructions carefully and try to avoid high-strength tooth bleaching products. Once you reach the shade of white you require, you may only need to reapply teeth whitening remedies once or twice a year. (24)

For many people, the safest and cheapest way to whiten teeth naturally is to try first some natural ingredients such as baking soda or hydrogen peroxide.

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