The Best Natural Remedies for Rosacea

The Best Natural Remedies for Rosacea

Rosacea is one of the most misunderstood problems that many people (some 14 million in the US alone) face today – which is strange because it is one of the least researched skin problems. Most doctors and scientists aren’t interested in studying the causes and effects of rosacea because it is not a life threatening condition.

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition in which blood vessels in your face are enlarged, making you look permanently flushed, especially on your cheeks and nose.

The Rosacea Society says that the problem can be so bad that it can disturb your daily life by making you self-conscious, forcing you to stay inside, and even keeping you from social situations.

Since there aren’t many prescription medications to fix the problem, a lot of people are using natural treatments for rosacea. You need to be aware that some of the natural and herbal treatments may interfere with other prescribed treatments. Always let your doctor what type of natural treatment you are using.

Rosacea – Natural Remedies

1. Kanuka Honey

Kanuka honey is not as well known as Manuka honey. Kanuka Honey is made by bees who visit primarily one bush – the Kunzea ericoides bush.

According to Honeylab science director Shaun Holt, who also lectures at Wellington’s Victoria University, rosacea is caused by mites and associated bacteria living deep in the skin, and the symptoms are an inflammatory reaction to these. Medical kanuka honey is effective at killing micro-organisms and reducing inflammation, and Holt claims that was the reason it worked so well in these cases.

HoneyLab has conducted clinical trials which it says shows its medical-grade kanuka honey formulation can be a safe treatment for rosacea. The clinical trials were undertaken by the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand. The test results have been presented to peers at the American Academy of Dermatology meeting in San Francisco by Holt.

The trials showed that the combination of 90% medical-grade kanuka honey and 10% glycerine was an effective treatment for rosacea with about one in three people reporting a clinically significant improvement after using their product for eight weeks. In 13% of those involved in the trial, rosacea disappeared completely.

Using honey, and not just for eating, is also one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health which will guide you how to take positive steps to improve your wellness and overall health.

2. Zinc

In his book Real Cause Real Cure, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum recommends the use of zinc as a treatment for rosacea. In a study of 19 people with rosacea those who took 100 milligrams of zinc sulfate three times a day had a significant decrease in symptoms. The study was conducted by the outpatient Clinic of Dermatology and Venereology in Baghdad Teaching Hospital between October 2002 and August 2004.

The researchers concluded that zinc sulfate was found to be a good option in the treatment of rosacea, as it was safe, effective and lacking important side-effects.

3. Manuka Honey

Manuka honey isn’t just a way to sweeten your food naturally, but it may also help with your rosacea.

Manuka honey is also commonly used in natural creams for rosacea treatment like this one. You can also make you own DIY honey face masks – just replace the regular honey with manuka honey.

4. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

I’ve already written in great detail about why you should wash your face with Apple Cider Vinegar. Raw ACV can also be a useful treatment for rosacea. It is thought to help as a natural disinfectant and can help decrease the number of yeasts and bacteria on the skin.

There are recommendations for different dilutions, but start gradually from approximately 1 part raw ACV to 6 parts water (since ACV may flare rosacea in some people, a small test area should be tried before applying to the entire face). After a while when your skin got used to it, you can gradually increase the concentration of the ACV until you mix equal parts of ACV and water (adapt the concentration to the tolerance of your skin).

When you use AVC for the first time, it is a good idea to rinse it off with warm water after 5 minutes. This is just so your skin isn’t too exposed to ACV on your first time. If you don’t get a reaction, then the next time you use it, don’t wash it off, and then you can build up your skin’s tolerance. It is best to apply the ACV toner at night as ACV can increase sensitivity to ultra-violet rays.

Washing your face with ACV is also an excellent remedy for treating broken blood vessels on face.

Another suggestion is to simply work more ACV into your diet. A few extra tablespoons here and there will cure the acidity in your stomach, which is long thought to be the cause of rosacea. Always drink ACV diluted with water (1-2 tbsp. for a glass of water). Here is what 2 tablespoons of ACV can do to your body.

5. Green Tea

While green tea won’t necessarily help with the cause of rosacea, it can help to reduce some of the redness that makes it so embarrassing. Applying green tea to the face may help decrease the redness and inflammation seen in rosacea. Green tea has 9 amazing health benefits and is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties. A few commercially available products (like this one) also use green tea extract as an active ingredient.

Steep a green tea bag in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, wait for it to cool down and then apply it to your skin. You can also use it as a cold compress, and then you need to refrigerate it. Dip a cotton cloth in the cooled green tea and apply it to the affected area until you feel relief.

6. Oatmeal

Oatmeal has long been a cure for many skin problems, including hives and even chicken pox. Oatmeal forms a protective barrier against outside pathogens and reduces redness. While many people don’t suffer from itchiness, some do, which is what makes this a great cure.

Oatmeal is super easy to pick up at your local health store or supermarket – Follow the instructions on the pack (which is usually just add water) and allow the solution to sit on your face for 15 minutes.

7. Pure Aloe Vera

Whether you have one of those spiky plants sitting around your house or you go to the local market to get aloe, it can help with everything from sun burn to rosacea.

This is one of the easiest remedies for rosacea: simply take a stalk of the plant or a squirt of the gel and rub it on your face at least once a day. Many people like doing this before they put on moisturizer because it helps their skin prepare for a deeper treatment.

8. Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer which helps to soften the skin and is especially good for dry skin. It may also help to treat various skin conditions like rosacea and eczema due to its anti inflammatory properties. It also helps to reduce the heat and redness on the face. You can also combine the power or both aloe vera and coconut oil and prepare this healing coconut oil and aloe vera gel lotion.

9. Turmeric Facial Mask

Turmeric mask works for acne, eczema and rosacea. It reduces inflammation and redness, and promotes skin healing. Due to turmeric’s antioxidant properties, it has been used for skin rejuvenation. It helps softening lines and wrinkles, giving the face a more youthful appearance.

You can find out how to prepare your own DIY turmeric face mask in my article on how to use turmeric for great looking skin.

10. Olive Leaf Extract

You’ve likely heard about olive leaf extract fixing everything, and rosacea is no different. Olive leaf can work well because it detoxes your entire body and it is anti inflammatory, anti viral and it has other medicinal properties.

To get the best effect, try to get an olive leaf extract in tablet form. You will have to take it as directed on the bottle.

11. Gamma-linolenic acid

Dr. Andrew Weil recommends using supplement with gamma-linolenic acid, which improves the health of the skin. Good sources include evening primrose oil and black currant oil. According to Dr. Weil, you need to take 500 mg twice a day of either, and wait at least six to eight weeks before you notice results.

Related articles:

Holt S. Medical-grade New Zealand kanuka honey as a topical treatment for acne and rosacea. Presented at World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology, Athens, Greece, May 2013
Fingleton J, Sheahan D, Cave N, et al. Topical kanuka honey for the treatment of rosacea. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2013 (Dec): 221–222.;year=2007;volume=52;issue=2;spage=116;epage=116;aulast=Shaffrathul

Healthy and Natural World