How To Get Rid of Boils: The Best Home Remedies

Boils or furuncles are often treated with antibiotics, contributing to the general antibiotic overuse, but did you know that you can naturally get rid of boils? If you invest some time and patience, you can heal boils naturally. By treating boils the natural way, you avoid the side effects connected with antibiotic use (prolonged use destroys your natural gut flora) and prevent antibiotic resistance. Boils are not dangerous and if possible, should be treated with home remedies.
What Is A boil?
A boil is a skin abscess. It’s a painful, red, puss-filled round lump that develops on the surface of the skin. Usually, a hair follicle or oil gland gets infected and the unsightly bump develops.
Boils can appear on any part of the body such as the face, legs, inner thighs, under arm and buttocks, and can grow to a size of a golf ball.
Boils are painful and not very aesthetic, but are not considered to be a serious problem. The boils themselves are not contagious, but the bacteria causing them are, so care needs to be taken to prevent spreading to other parts of the body or from person to person.
What Causes Boils
Boils on the skin are typically caused by Staphylococcus Aureus – a common bacterium that can become resistant to antibiotics and has been connected to the infamous MRSA infections (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus). These infections are proving to be a real burden to the health care system. Therefore, a natural alternative to treating boils should be welcomed.
How To Get Rid Of Boils Naturally
There are a number of home remedies for boils and you should start using them as soon as you notice a boil developing on your body. These natural remedies can be used to treat boils on various parts of the body such as the inner thighs, back, buttocks, face and legs.
Prompt action can prevent complications and help you to cure boils faster. Try the following techniques and natural remedies to treat boils:
- A warm compress with Epsom salt
Epsom salt is a great natural remedy for boils as the salt dries the boil and causes it to drain. Apply a warm compress with Epsom salt for 30 minutes three times a day on the boil. Depending on the part of the body, you can also soak the boil in warm water. For example, if the boil is on the lower body (such as the thighs) , just sit in a hot bath and you can find the instructions on how to do Epsom salt baths in my article about Epsom salt bath and foot soak – benefits and recipes.
- The heat will increase blood circulation, draw pus to the surface and quicken the draining process of the boil, while reducing pain and itching.
- Repeat the compress until the boil begins to drain.
A warm compress is also one of the most helpful treatments for removing sebaceous cysts naturally.
- Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and it’s an excellent home remedy for boils. Apply tea tree oil directly onto the boil once a day. Take a cotton bud or pad and pour a couple of drops of tea tree oil on it. Dab the boil gently. Do this until the boil is healed.
- Turmeric
Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory agent which can help you to get rid of boils.
To heal boils with turmeric, make a paste by mixing turmeric with some warm water until you reach the desired consistency or alternatively use the turmeric paste I mentioned in this article. Apply the paste directly onto the boil and cover it with a bandage.
You can also take turmeric extract in a capsule form to boost your immune system.
- Colloidal silver
Colloidal silver is a suspension of submicroscopic metallic silver particles in a colloidal base, which is gaining popularity amongst alternative practitioners (but also attracting criticism). Silver has traditionally been used in wound healing and is still an ingredient in some high-quality wound dressings.
As a natural boil treatment, you can try colloidal silver cream. Rub a little directly onto the boil twice a day.
- Castor oil
Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with swelling and tenderness of boils on the skin.
Soak a cotton ball in castor oil and place it over the boil. To ensure it stays in place, use gauze or a Band-Aid. Leave it on for a few hours and then change the bandage.
- Witch Hazel
Witch hazel has antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties and is a natural astringent that can help get rid of a painful boil. The astringent properties of witch hazel help to reduce inflammation in the inflamed boil and also help drain pus from infected bumps. Witch hazel also has antioxidant properties that disinfect wounds and thus helps in boosting the healing process.
To help reduce inflammation from a boil with witch hazel, soak a cotton ball in pure witch hazel and squeeze out excess liquid. Hold to the irritating boil on your boil for a few minutes to help kill off the infection and reduce inflammation. Repeat 2-3 times a day and continue applying until all signs of the infected boil have completely gone.
What To Do If The Boil Is Opening And Draining?
If your boil has already opened and you are worried about an infection, do the following:
Apple cider vinegar
Dilute apple cider vinegar (ACV) with some water and pour it directly over the boil. This will clean the infection and prevent the boil from worsening.
You can also drink some diluted ACV every morning (1 tbsp. in a glass of water) to detox the body and disinfect internally – get the complete instructions in my post on how to make apple cider vinegar detox drinks. You can find more general information on how to detox your body in my e-Book The Detox Guide.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is great for your skin, and is well-known for its power in reducing skin inflammation, soothing irritated skin and rashes. Aloe vera is also very useful in treating the boil and control the infection. Simply apply pure aloe vera gel onto the boil several time a day to get rid of it.
Garlic, onion and potato bandage
To heal boils faster, place small pieces of onion and garlic around the boil (it’s best to dilute them with other ingredient such as castor oil or aloe vera, as applying neat garlic can burn sensitive skin). Then cut a thin slice of potato and put it directly on the boil.
The potato will draw the pus out of the boil (raw potato can be used in many ways to heal your body), while the onion and garlic act in an antiseptic way.
Cover the boil with gauze or bandage to keep everything in place and leave for a few hours.
The vegetables used should be raw (and preferably organic).
How to Prevent The Spread Of Boils
Boils can spread, so certain measures need to be taken to prevent that.
– Wash your hands before and after touching or treating the boil.
– Keep the area around the boil clean and wash with warm water and fragrance-free soap.
– Do not share towels and sheets if you have a boil.
– Use fresh towels and cloths for every cleaning and wash them afterwards.
– Keep good personal hygiene.
If the boil is not opened, you can leave it uncovered to help with air circulation. You can also cover the boil lightly with clean gauze, especially if you’re worried about its appearance.
What You Shouldn’t Do When Having Boils
Do not squeeze or poke the boil. It might seem tempting to try and relieve the pressure with a needle, but popping boils, piercing or slicing them can make the infection worse and spread it to the surrounding areas. So resist the temptation or you might end up with multiple boils.
How To Avoid Boils
Generally speaking, boils are a sign of a weakened immune system. Also, some people are more susceptible to skin boils and such infections. To support your body and make it more resistant, consider making some changes to your diet. Recommendations to avoid boils include:
– Limiting caffeine, sugar and processed foods.
– Taking a combination of vitamins and minerals that will boost your immunity. Consult a specialist for the right dosage. Vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and zinc are all considered essential for your health. Read more about natural substances to boost you immune system here.
– Eat garlic, which acts as a natural antibiotic but avoid these 6 common mistakes when using garlic as an antibiotic.
– Include some phytonutrient-rich supplements into your diet: spirulina, chlorella, and wheat grass.
– Consider doing a liver detox. Dandelion, milk thistle, burdock, artichoke, kelp, and peppermint, are herbs that help with liver cleansing and can also help you to prevent and cure boils.
– Use these 10 life hacks to improve your immunity almost immediately.
Remember that after treating the boil with any of these home remedies, you should also to maintain hygiene and follow a good diet to prevent new boils from developing. If you have recurring boils, consult a doctor.
If you have concerns about your boil or you are experiencing fever, swelling and pain in the surrounding areas, go and see a doctor. A red line extending from the boil is a sign of infection spreading and requires immediate attention.
For more information about natural antibiotics read my articles:
- 13 Powerful Antibiotics That Don’t Require a Prescription
- Golden Honey Mixture – The Strongest Natural Antibiotic
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