Category Archives: Animals
How to Get Rid of Ants Cheaply and Naturally
Bug repellent made from coconut oil works better than DEET, government study says

When summer arrives and mosquito season comes, all my family gets bitten like crazy. I like to make my own natural homemade mosquito spray which is a natural bug repellent as I don’t like to use the commercial products that contain nasty and harmful chemical ingredients. Therefore you’ll find here natural solutions to repel mosquitoes, which are the best and healthiest ways to keep them off anyone.
14 Human Foods That Can Harm or Even Kill Your Beloved Dog or Cat

Lots of people have pets and they treat them as an integral part of their family, but while there are foods that are safe and delicious for us, they might be dangerous for our pets. Some of them may just cause a stomach upset, but some of them can be fatal. Below you will find a list of common people foods to avoid feeding your pets. While no matter how cautious you are, your pet may still eat something it shouldn’t. If you suspect your pet has a food poisoning, contact your local vet or the closest emergency clinic.
Palmetto Bug: What it is and How to Get Rid of it Quickly

The large American cockroach is commonly referred to as the “palmetto bug.” It can be a terrifying experience to see a large roach walking across your kitchen floor or crawling out of a cupboard when you open the door. The first reaction may be to kill the palmetto bug quickly. However, if you have a palmetto bug infestation in your home, you should look at some natural, safe methods to get rid of the roaches quickly.