Category Archives: Food & Nutrition
Guanabana (Fruit, Tea): Scientifically Proven Health Benefits (Extensively Researched)
Guanabana (also called soursop or graviola) is a fruit that grows in tropical climates, and guanabana extracts are prized for their proven health benefits. Scientific research into the medicinal properties of the guanabana leaf, pulp, and skin extracts has revealed its potential as a potent natural remedy for many ailments.
Breast Cancer Prevention Tips According to Scientific Studies
Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers and is the second leading cause of cancer death in American women. By changing your diet, you can do a lot to reduce your risk of getting it. Scientific studies have also revealed that 90–95% of cancer cases have their roots in the environment and lifestyle factors.
Honey and Cinnamon: A Proven Natural Cure For Many Diseases (Evidence Based)
Honey and cinnamon are two amazing natural substances. Natural honey which hasn’t been heated is an excellent raw ingredient for your health. Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices and it’s full of medicinal properties that can contribute a lot to your health.
The Many Health Benefits Of Okra Water and How to Make It (Evidence Based)
Okra is considered a comfort food by all who love it. Although okra or Abelmoschus esculentus (sometimes referred to as “lady fingers”,”bamia” or “bhindi”) is often served fried and battered, it is quite the healthy food and boasts many health benefits when prepared without a beer-battering and deep-frying.
Magnesium Citrate, Oxide, and Glycinate: Benefits, Dosage and More (Science Based)
Health Benefits of Green Tea: Weight Loss, Skin, and More (Science Based)
Green tea is a healthy, refreshing and hydrating drink that you can enjoy hot or cold. Green tea contains antioxidants that help to improve brain health, prevent chronic disease, and boost your cardiovascular health. You can also use green tea to help lose weight and improve your health at the same time.
Love Nutella? Here’s Why You Should Never Eat It And Opt For A Healthier Alternative Recipe
Nutella was a pantry staple of mine for many years, until I started to learn more about nutrition and how to decipher labeled ingredients. In theory Nutella is pretty healthy, chocolate has been shown to release happy hormones in the brain along with other benefits. Hazelnuts are high in vitamin E, various minerals such as magnesium and essential fatty acids. Then there’s skim milk which many people have been led to believe is a healthy food for strong bones and teeth.
Foods to Eat if You Need to Poop – The Best Natural Laxatives to Relieve Constipation
We might not feel comfortable talking about it, but being able to go to the toilet regularly does make a big difference. There are many factors that can cause constipation, and often a combination of poor diet, stress and lack of activity can be blamed. In this article I am going to explain how natural laxatives can help you relieve constipation.