Category Archives: Health
Why Does My Heart Hurt? Common Reasons For Heart or Chest Pain
Feeling like your heart hurts can cause you a lot of worry and stress. The reasons for chest or heart pain are many, and not all causes of pain in your heart area are a sign that you have cardiac pain. For example, your heart can hurt because of indigestion, stress, chest muscle strain, or lung problems. Of course, pain in the heart area could be related to problems with your heart or arteries. Therefore, you should always get squeezing or unexplained chest pains checked out.
TSH Levels: Normal, High, or Low (Including Optimal Thyroid Levels)
TSH is a hormone secreted by the brain’s pituitary gland to control the activity of your thyroid gland. TSH stands for thyroid stimulating hormone and as its name suggests, it stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones. Levels of TSH affect the production the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Doctors usually test TSH level to see if it’s within the normal range if you show symptoms of an overactive or underactive thyroid.
Thick White Discharge: What It Means and Is it a Reason for Concern?
It is normal for most women to have some amount of thick white discharge during their menstrual cycle. The consistency of normal milky white discharge tends to get thicker around the time of ovulation. Thick white sticky discharge could also be an early sign of pregnancy or changes in your hormones. However, sometimes white creamy discharge that has a clumpy appearance could indicate a vaginal infection.
Strawberry Legs: Causes and Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Them
Strawberry legs are unsightly black dots or dark bumps that often appear on legs after removing hair. The appearance of dark spots on your legs may make you self-conscious about wearing shorts or a bikini. The small black dots that appear after shaving, waxing or epilating legs are actually tiny blocked pores that look like a dark rash.
Garcinia Cambogia: Liver Side Effects, Is it Safe & Other Side Effects
Garcinia Cambogia is a natural supplement that many people use to assist in losing weight. Some people are concerned about garcinia cambogia side effects on the liver and if it is safe to use as part of a weight-loss program. Also, people with diabetes use garcinia cambogia because of its effect on lowering blood sugar levels. So, you may be wondering: “Is garcinia cambogia safe to use?”
Pain in Right Side Under Ribs: Causes and When You Must see a Doctor
Pain in the right side under your ribs can make you worry, especially if the pain is sharp, stabbing, and comes on suddenly. Sometimes, pain under the right ribs can feel like dull aches that seem to gnaw at your upper abdomen. Even though cardiac-related chest pain usually feels like a squeezing sensation on the left side, pain that is felt under your right ribs should not be ignored.
Apple Cider Vinegar Vaginal Douche: Is It Safe & Other Ways to Treat Vaginal Infections
Many women use an apple cider vinegar vaginal douche to treat vaginal yeast or bacterial infections. A homemade douche with apple cider vinegar is also used as a natural feminine wash to clean the vagina and balance pH levels in the vagina. The reason for using apple cider vinegar in a douche for women is that it is a natural antiseptic and kills off infection-causing germs.
Black Spots on Skin: Causes, Treatments, Pictures and More
Black spots on skin can come in all shapes and sizes and can affect your face, shoulders, arms, or upper body. Some spots look like tiny black dots that resemble a black rash on your skin. Other types of black spots can be flat dark patches of skin whereas some can be raised black bumps or very dark moles.
Sore Breasts After Period – What Does It Mean? (Extensive Guide)
While it’s common to have sore or tender breasts before or during the period, some women also have breast pain after their period ends. Sore breasts after your period are often caused by hormonal changes in your menstrual cycle. However, breast tenderness after your period could be a result of inflammation, injury to your breasts, or even chest pain that feels like sore breasts.