Category Archives: Health

How to Fight Sarcopenia (Muscle Loss Due to Aging) – Evidence Based

How to Fight Sarcopenia (Muscle Loss Due to Aging)

Sarcopenia is a condition that causes muscle loss due to advancing age. Muscle deterioration after the age of 50 can happen due to a poor diet, lack of physical activity, or stress. Some ways to reverse the loss of muscle mass in the elderly include strength training, eating nutritious foods, and getting enough vitamins.

White Spots on Throat: 6 Common Causes (Images Included)

White Spots on Throat - 6 Common Causes (Images Included)

White spots on throat are usually a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. If you have white patches on your throat, you will probably have other symptoms as well.

Some of the accompanying symptoms of white spots in throat could be:

The Most Amazing Health Benefits of Baking Soda Water

Baking Soda Water - Benefits and Uses

Most people have baking soda (sometimes called sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda) in their kitchen cabinets for use in baking. However, drinking baking soda dissolved in water is a great natural remedy for many ailments. Even just mixing a small amount of baking soda in a glass of water can help to relieve heartburn, soothe ulcer pain, balance pH levels in the body, and even help cure a cold quicker.

12 Effective Natural Treatments for Heartburn and Stomach Ulcers

12 Effective Natural Treatments for Heartburn and Stomach Ulcers

Many people confuse between heartburn and stomach ulcer, as they are both common digestive problems. The symptoms of stomach ulcers and heartburn are very similar – both are causing burning sensation in the stomach, but these are two different conditions.

This Will Make You Stop Cleaning Inside Your Ears (According to Doctors)

This Will Make You Stop Cleaning Inside Your Ears

Many people regularly clean their ears with the best intentions of keeping them clean and healthy. However, our ears are not designed for cleaning. In fact, they have their own hygienic regime in place, and by sticking objects into the ear, you are only disrupting this natural process. Or worse, causing an injury.

Immune System Boosters: Foods, Vitamins and Supplements for Boosting the Immune System

Immune System Boosters: Foods, Vitamins and Supplements for Boosting the Immune System

A healthy immune system is essential to protect you against disease and prevent infection. You can boost your immune system by eating foods containing antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Supplements are also helpful to strengthen your immunity as they can address any nutritional deficiencies and give your immune system a boost.

‘Kissing Bug’ Spreads A Parasitic Disease in the U.S – They Bite People’s Face at Night

kissing bugs

The triatomine bug, also called “the kissing bug”, is a dangerous creature that carries and transits parasites that can be harmful to your health. These critters are also called “Chagas bugs,” because the parasites that they are known to carry cause the dangerous Chagas disease.

Why Weighted Blanket Helps with Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Autism, and More (Evidence Based)

Why Weighted Blanket Helps with Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Autism

Weighted blankets are designed to help people manage problems related to anxiety, insomnia, depression and autism. These heavy blankets create gentle pressure on the body that many say feels like a comforting hug. Getting under a blanket filled with chains, weighted pellets, or balls can help reduce many anxiety-related symptoms and help you sleep better.

Tonsil Stones: Top Natural Ways for Removal and Prevention

Nearly everyone experiences bad breath at some time or another, perhaps upon waking up in the morning or after a meal full of pungent ingredients like garlic or onions or perhaps due to other common causes.

Healthy and Natural World