Gas Pain in Chest: Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies

Gas Pain in Chest - Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies

Most people associate gas pain with abdominal discomfort, however, excess gas can also cause pain in your chest. Intestinal gas, or flatus, is a natural occurrence and you can usually get relief from gas pain by burping or passing gas. Excess gas can not only be embarrassing to deal with but can cause anxiety if it causes upper chest discomfort and pain.

Gas trapped in your chest may cause stabbing chest pain which many people worry is a symptom of a heart problem. While you should never ignore any kind of chest pain, the discomfort caused by too much gas in your digestive tract can easily be relieved. In this article, you will find out many home remedies to relieve gas pain in your chest.

Chest pain due to gas can be caused by a number of reasons. For example, eating fiber-rich foods, having a food intolerance, or digestive problems can cause a buildup of gas in your chest. If you are bothered by a constant gassy feeling in your chest, then natural remedies like peppermint, chamomile, apple cider vinegar, and ginger can provide you with relief and prevent flatus.

Does Gas Really Cause Chest Pain?

Many people are surprised that an accumulation of gas can actually cause chest pain.

Dr. Matthew Hoffman on WebMD explains that gas causes swelling in the intestines and can leave you feeling bloated. Usually, gas causes pain in the abdomen and is relieved by passing gas. However, Dr. Hoffman says that gas can also cause discomfort and pain in your chest.1

Dr. Hoffman warns that the cause of chest pain can be difficult to diagnose. Because your heart is located in the center of your chest, you shouldn’t ignore any kind of pain in your chest. Cardiac problems usually cause pain on the left side of your chest.

If your chest pains are caused by gas, Dr. Hoffman says that they should go away fairly quickly. If you have squeezing, pressing pains in your chest that come and go and you can’t get any relief, it could be a sign of heart-related pain. If the chest pain becomes worse or radiates to your arms, neck, and jaw, you should seek medical help immediately. Some kinds of right side chest pain can also be a sign of inflammation in your gallbladder or liver.

Causes of Gas Pain in Chest

This article looks at chest pains that are caused by gas or other digestive issues.

Eating too quickly

If you experience sharp stabbing pain under your ribs after eating a meal it could be because you were eating too quickly. Consuming food too quickly causes you to gulp in air which builds up in your chest and abdomen and may cause gas pain in the chest. It also results in more food fermenting in your intestines. All of this causes your abdomen to bloat with gas and causes discomfort and pain.

Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that gas that isn’t relieved by belching or flatulence builds up in the intestines and causes mild to sharp pains. They confirm that one cause of these gas pains is because of consuming food too quickly.2

To prevent gas pain in your chest caused by eating too quickly, try to eat slower and chew your food properly. This will also help to improve your digestive system naturally and make it easier to digest food.

High fiber foods

Another common cause for a buildup of intestinal gas that can cause chest pain is eating high fiber foods. Gas is a by-product of bacteria breaking down and digesting fiber in the colon. This in itself isn’t a bad thing because foods rich in fiber helps to cleanse your colon.

The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders says that foods that are more likely to cause gas are beans, certain vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and green peppers, certain fruits like prunes, apples, and pears, and whole grain foods.3

If you want to incorporate more fiber into your meals, you can prevent the potential buildup of gas by adding fiber-rich foods gradually to your diet.

Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks cause excess gas and can lead to chest pain because of the air bubbles in the drink.2 If you find that drinking fizzy sodas and other drinks cause chest pains or abdominal discomfort because of gas, try letting some of the fizz out of the drinks before consuming, or reduce the amount you consume.

Food intolerance

Many people with food intolerances such as gluten sensitivity experience excess gas that causes abdominal and chest pain. Dairy products commonly cause gas because many people can’t digest the lactose contained in them. It’s actually surprising that most people are lactose intolerant and have difficulty digesting milk and products containing dairy.

According to nutrition expert Dr. Kathleen Zelman, many people are also intolerant to foods containing fructose – a sugar found in many fruits and used to naturally sweeten sodas. The symptoms of intolerance to fructose and lactose are gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, hard stomach and diarrhea.4

If you constantly have gassiness, gas pain in chest, and other digestive issues, Dr. Zelman recommends keeping a food diary to identify trigger foods. When you reduce or eliminate these foods from your diet, you should have less gas that causes pain in your chest and abdominal area.

Artificial sweeteners

A gassy feeling in your chest that causes pain could be due to using artificial sweeteners in your drinks.

A common artificial sweetener that causes a buildup of gas and can cause chest or abdominal pain is sorbitol. Dr. Louise Chang from WebMD says that sorbitol can’t be digested by the body and can cause gas and bloating.5

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic digestive issue that can cause excess gas and bloating. Because IBS can cause a lot of gas that is difficult to get rid of, you could also feel stabbing chest pain and abdominal discomfort.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, IBS causes increased gas production as well as non-cardiac chest pain, heartburn, nausea, and indigestion.6

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, please read my article on the best natural treatments to relieve IBS. There you will find how peppermint, aloe vera, and licorice can help to manage your painful and uncomfortable feeling of trapped gas in chest.

Esophageal disease

Another cause of chest pain that is connected to your digestive system are disorders with your esophagus. Some of the most common problems associated with your gastrointestinal tract are heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

The journal Gastroenterology & Hepatology says that chest pain connected to heartburn and GERD should be checked out by a doctor to rule out the possibility that the pain is cardiac-related.7

Best Home Remedies for Gas Pain in Your Chest

There are many effective home remedies to relieve gas pain in your chest. These natural treatments help to reduce the buildup of gas in your intestines and also soothe pain in your chest and abdomen caused by gas.

Drink plenty of water

One very simple way to help relieve gas trapped in your chest and abdomen is to drink plenty of water. Among the health benefits of drinking enough water are that it helps your digestion function properly.

Doctors from WebMD recommend increasing your fluid intake to help prevent gas and bloating. Of course, you should avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol as part of your increased fluid intake.8

Chamomile tea

A refreshing cup of chamomile tea may help to relieve your gas and, therefore, stop your gas related chest pains. Chamomile has many anti-inflammatory health benefits for your body and can help soothe many digestive problems.

The journal Molecular Medicine Reports published studies showing that chamomile can help reduce gastrointestinal upset, get rid of gas, and help food pass through the intestines. Chamomile also has a soothing effect on your mind and can help you relax at the end of a stressful day.9

How to use:

To use the anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile to relieve gas and intestinal pain, please do the following:

  • Pour boiling water into a cup with one teaspoon of dried chamomile and cover for 10 minutes.
  • Drink the tea 3-4 times a day between meals to improve your digestive health and prevent gas pain in chest.


Another natural remedy for relief from gassy feeling in chest is peppermint. Peppermint is a natural calming herb that has many uses in boosting health and wellbeing. Peppermint is also a natural antimicrobial agent that can help to kill off bacteria that cause stomach upset and digestive problems.

The University of Maryland reports that peppermint can be useful for soothing indigestion, symptoms of IBS, and GERD. Peppermint also helps to relieve painful gas by relaxing the muscles and allowing you to pass gas easier.10

How to use:

There are various ways to use peppermint to get rid of pain-causing gas and reduce bloating. You can make a delicious cup of natural peppermint tea or take enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules to prevent the buildup of gas in your chest.

To use peppermint tea as a natural remedy for relief from gas pressure in chest:

  • Place a few fresh mint leaves in a cup of boiling water and cover for 10 minutes.
  • Drink the peppermint tea remedy 2-3 times a day to help relieve a buildup of gas naturally.


Ginger can help to relieve gas that is causing chest pain and abdominal discomfort. Ginger has many health benefits and it is a delicious addition to any meal or can be made into a therapeutic tea to reduce inflammation.

The benefits of ginger to your gastrointestinal health were discussed in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. Various studies have shown that ginger can aid in digestion and prevent excessive gas buildup in the intestines. The researchers found that ginger can help to reduce bloating, nausea, and help food pass through the intestines easier.11

How to use:

To reduce gas and ease the pain that gassiness can cause in your chest, you can make a soothing ginger tea by doing the following:

  • Cut or grate 1-2 inches of fresh ginger root and put in a cup of boiling water. Cover and leave to infuse for several minutes.
  • Drink the ginger tea remedy 20 minutes before a meal to stimulate your digestion, get rid of gas and prevent an accumulation of gas after a meal.

Apple cider vinegar

To help quickly relieve digestive discomfort and the chest pain that gas causes you can try an apple cider vinegar drink. Raw unprocessed apple cider vinegar contains many enzymes that boost digestion and prevent a gas building up your digestive tract.

How to use:

It is very easy to use the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar to relieve gas, bloating, and digestive discomfort. This is what you should do:

  • Dilute 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water.
  • Drink before every meal to help prevent the feeling of gas in chest.

Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal can help to relieve digestive discomfort after a meal and prevent the painful symptoms of excess gas. Activated charcoal helps with digestion because it helps to absorb chemicals and toxins from the gut and as such it may help you to get rid of gas pain in your chest.

The American Journal of Gastroenterology reported that activated charcoal is effective at treating intestinal gas. Taking activated charcoal can help reduce the amount of flatus produced following a “gas-producing meal.” Therefore, activated charcoal can help to both prevent gas pain in the chest and relieve excess gas trapped in the chest.


Probiotics are an effective way to relieve chronic gas and other long-term digestive problems. Probiotics contain “good” bacteria that can help restore a healthy flora to your gut and boost digestive health.

If you have just finished a course of antibiotics, you should also take a course of probiotics to prevent digestive disruption that antibiotics can cause. According to the National Health Service, antibiotics can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea.13

On the use of probiotics to alleviate the symptoms of too much gas, the World Journal of Gastroenterology reported that probiotics are useful in the management of IBS. Researchers found that probiotics reduced pain and the symptoms of digestive disorders.14

Please read my article on why probiotics are good for you to find out how to take probiotics and how these supplements can boost your health in general.


Keeping yourself healthy by exercising is not only a great way to keep your heart healthy but it can help to get rid of excess gas naturally and prevent chest pain.

The American Journal of Gastroenterology reported on a study showing that physical activity helps to clear intestinal gas and prevent abdominal bloating. The researchers found that exercise is a great way to get rid of the symptoms of too much gas.15  

How to Prevent Gas Pain in Your Chest

Many of the home remedies mentioned in this article will help to prevent gas pain in your chest. However, there are a few lifestyle choices that can help to prevent gas and its related symptoms. Some of these are:

  • Always chew your food well to help your body digest it. This helps to prevent abdominal pain because of a gas buildup.
  • Eating smaller meals often can help to reduce stress on your digestive system and make sure that all food is properly digested. This prevents undigested food fermenting and causing gas pain in chest.
  • Try to avoid dairy products, artificial sweeteners, and products containing fructose if they cause gas, bloating, abdominal and chest pain.

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Article Sources:
  1. WebMD. Can gas cause chest pain?
  2. MayoClinic. Bloating, belching and intestinal gas.
  3. IFFGD. Tips on controlling gas.
  4. WebMD. Gas, bloating.
  5. WebMD. Bloating 101.
  6. Cleveland Clinic. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  7. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2011 Jan; 7(1): 50–52.
  8. WebMD. Gas, bloating and burping.
  9. Mol Med Report. 2010 Nov 1; 3(6): 895–901.
  10. UMM. Peppermint.
  11. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jan 7; 17(1): 105–110.
  12. Am J Gastroenterol. 1981 Mar;75(3):192-6.
  13. NHS. Antibiotics – side effects.
  14. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Mar 14;21(10):3072-84.
  15. Am J Gastroenterol. 2006 Nov;101(11):2552-7.

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