The Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Bumps on Inner Thigh (Backed by Science)

Having bumps or pimples on your inner thigh can make going about your daily activities very uncomfortable. It can be even more painful if you develop a large boil or cyst in your groin area. The area at the top of your legs is prone to chaffing and this can make it difficult to get rid of bumps on your inner thigh.
Your groin area between your legs is the perfect environment for different kinds of bumps and lumps to appear. The dark, warm, moist conditions on your inner thigh cause bacteria and fungi to infect your skin. When the skin’s glands and pores become blocked and infected, pus-filled cysts, pimples, spots, boils and lumps can develop on your inner thigh.
Some of the causes for pimple-like bumps to appear between your thighs are shaving, waxing, wearing tight clothing, bacterial or fungal infection, or a sexually transmitted disease (STD). You may be able to get rid of an inner thigh pimple or boil by using natural home remedies that have antimicrobial properties that can help to soothe the infection. Ingredients like aloe vera, tea tree oil, witch hazel, and honey can also help to promote healing of bumps and cysts on inner thigh by reducing inflammation.
In this article, you will find many helpful home remedies to help get rid of bumps on your inner thigh. First of all, let’s look at what could be causing unsightly pimples or boils to appear in and around your groin area.
Possible Reasons for a Cyst, Boil or Bump on the Inner Thigh
Here are some of the most common reasons for inner thigh pimples, boils, and cysts. Knowing the cause of bumps on the top of your legs can also help you prevent these types of pimples and bumps reappearing in the future.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa happens when glands become blocked leading to large inflamed bumps in your groin, armpits, and under your breasts. You may also have a rash that affects the tops of your legs.
According to dermatologist Dr. Amanda Oakley, it’s not known what causes hidradenitis suppurativa. However, friction and blocked glands appear to be the main cause. The result can be painful papules and pustules in and around the groin area.1
The American Academy of Dermatology mentions that other symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa on the inner thigh are deep-acne like cysts, blackheads and boils.
Razor bumps
Shaving your bikini line can leave you with small red bumps on your inner thigh and groin. If the razor bumps become infected then they can even develop into large abscesses and boils. Inner thigh boils, pimples, or zits appear either because of an infection in the hair follicles or ingrown hairs blocking follicles and get inflamed and filled with pus.
Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, STDs can cause small red bumps and blisters close to the location of your groin and around the genitals. These lesions on the groin can be itchy and painful.2
Heat rash
Red bumps between your legs could be caused by a heat rash on your inner thigh. Dr. Benjamin Wedro explains that when the skin’s sweat glands become blocked, trapped sweat causes inflammation with tiny blisters.3 You may have inner thigh bumps caused by a heat rash if you wear tight underwear or clothing.
Jock itch
Jock itch is a fungal infection affecting the groin that causes an itchy rash and bumps. Dr. Gary Cole on MedicineNet says that if the fungal infection gets worse, you may develop pus bumps on your inner thigh that begin to ooze pus. The rash can spread to other areas of your groin and genitals.4
Keratosis pilaris
Tiny white bumps on your inner thigh that are painless could be a condition called keratosis pilaris. Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that these bumps often affect the thighs, upper arms, cheeks, or buttocks.5 Usually, it isn’t necessary to treat keratosis pilaris.
If hair follicles in your groin become inflamed, they can cause folliculitis – small pimple-like bumps to appear on your thighs. The Mayo Clinic says that these inflamed bumps can become very itchy and sore.6 The condition can be embarrassing, especially if you have an urge to frequently scratch your groin. Dr. Amanda Oakley Dermatologist, says that a certain type of folliculitis can cause nodular and cyst-like lesions on inner thighs.
What is the Difference between a Boil and Skin Cyst?
A boil is a common, painful infection of a hair follicle and the surrounding skin. It begins as a red lump, then fills with pus as white blood cells rush in to fight the infection. The symptoms of boils can include swelling, redness and pain. Boils have white or yellow tip and can weep or ooze.
Cysts are common on the skin and can appear anywhere. Skin cysts are closed pockets of tissue that can be filled with fluid, pus, or other material. They feel like large peas under the surface of the skin. They are usually slow growing, painless and smooth to touch when they are rolled under the skin.
How is a boil different from pimple?
Dr. Amy Espy-Smith, the area medical director of an urgent care clinic, says that pimples are caused by a blockage in a hair follicle. Pimples are typically smaller, and not as painful as boils.
Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Bumps on Inner Thigh
In most cases, natural home remedies are very effective at getting rid of pimples, boils, and cysts from your inner thigh. To prevent any bumps becoming more infected and inflamed, you should start treatment as soon as possible.
Warm compress with Epsom salt
Making a warm compress at home with Epsom salt is an effective way to drain pus from an infected boil or cyst on your groin. The heat from the compress helps to open the boil and speed up the healing process.
How can a warm compress with Epsom salt be used to treat inner thigh boils and cysts? Doctors from WebMD says that Epsom salts break down into magnesium and sulfate in water.7 They say that many people use magnesium on boils and carbuncles to promote healing.8 Dermatologist Dr. Kevin Berman recommends using a warm compress on boils to speed draining and healing.9
How to do it:
To make an easy compress at home with Epsom salts to treat inner thigh bumps and boils and help accelerate healing, this is what you should do:
- In a bowl, mix 1/4 cup Epsom salt with 3/4 cup of hot water. Stir until dissolved.
- Soak a clean washcloth in the water.
- Hold the warm Epsom salts compress on the inner thigh boil for up to 30 minutes.
- Apply several times a day to help drain pus from the bump and clear the infection.
- Continue applying the warm compress daily until the boil is completely healed.
You can also boost the healing power of the warm compress by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to the water.
Dr. Berman recommends continuing to use the warm compress remedy even after the boil opens. You should never try to squeeze or pop a pus-filled boil as this can spread the infection deep into your skin. For other ideas, please read my article about the best natural ways to get rid of boils.
If you have a recurring boil on your inner thigh, you should see a doctor to have the boil drained and removed permanently.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a good all-around home remedy to get rid of pimples, infected bumps, and abscesses from your inner thigh. Unlike other essential oils, tea tree oil can be applied directly to small areas of the skin to help kill off infections and reduce inflammation. Because tea tree oil is both antibacterial and antifungal it is great for treating bumps caused by jock itch, shaving, or pus-infected pimples.
Research into the medicinal properties of tea tree essential oil has found it contains strong antimicrobial activities. A study published in the journal Letters in Applied Microbiology reported that tea tree oil kills off many strains of bacteria that cause skin infections.10
How to use:
To use tea tree oil directly on an infected pimple or boil on your inner thigh, this is what you should do:
- Put 1-2 drops of tea tree oil on a cotton swab.
- Apply the tea tree oil to the inflamed boil.
- Repeat a few times a day to help get rid of the inner thigh bump quickly.
If you have a larger rash with many bumps and pimples on your groin area, you can mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. This natural healing salve should be applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day until the bumps and rash have disappeared for good.
Apple cider vinegar
Diluted raw apple cider vinegar can help to get rid of bumps on your inner thigh and reduce itching at the same time. Apple cider vinegar works well for boils and pimples because the acetic acid in vinegar acts as a natural antiseptic. This helps to reduce skin infections and prevents any infection from getting worse.
A study published in the journal PLoS One found that acetic acid is effective at stopping infection in wounds. The application of products containing acetic acid also kills off infection-causing bacteria and reduces pain and itching.11
How to use:
It is very easy to make your own apple cider vinegar remedy for eliminating itchy bumps and lumps from the area between your legs. This is what you should do:
- Dilute equal parts of raw apple cider vinegar with water.
- Dip a clean cloth in the solution and press on the affected thigh area for 20 minutes to destroy the germs.
- Repeat applying the home remedy 2-3 times a day to reduce itching and heal the skin infection.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is great for healing all types of skin infections like razor bumps, heat rash, and folliculitis. So, you can safely use aloe vera as an effective natural treatment for inner thigh bumps. Aloe vera contains soothing properties that can take the itch out of a bacterial or fungal infection like jock itch or folliculitis. Aloe vera is also a natural anti-inflammatory agent with antibacterial activity.
The journal Pharmacognosy Review reported that pure aloe vera helps to speed up wound healing and is effective against bacterial skin infections. The review reported that aloe vera also destroys certain types of bacteria and fungi.12
The University of Maryland also reported on studies showing that aloe vera is as effective as 1% hydrocortisone cream. Hydrocortisone creams are often prescribed by doctors for treating inner thigh bumps and itch.13
How to use:
To help reduce inflammation and swelling in bumps on your inner thigh, use aloe vera as follows:
- Apply pure aloe vera gel directly to the infected skin on your groin.
- Repeat the application 2-3 times a day to help reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing process.
You can boost the medicinal properties of aloe vera by adding some witch hazel before applying to your inner thigh bumps.
Witch hazel
Witch hazel can help to dry out infected boils and cysts on your inner thigh. The benefits of witch hazel to your skin are due to the presence of tannins which have astringent properties. Witch hazel is also a natural antiseptic that can help to destroy infection-causing germs and microbes.
The Journal of Inflammation also reported that the anti-inflammatory activity of witch hazel extracts helps wound infections to heal faster. It was found that when witch hazel was applied to wounds and damaged skin, it promoted the growth of new skin cells, thus speeding up healing.14
How to use:
Using witch hazel on your groin to treat bumps and pimples couldn’t be easier. This is what you should do:
- Dab a cotton ball in some witch hazel.
- Gently press the witch hazel remedy on the inner thigh boil. If you have many upper thigh pimples, then apply liberal amounts of witch hazel to the bumps.
- Repeat the process 2-3 times a day to boost healing and make the bumps go away quicker.
You can use garlic to treat bumps on your inner thigh caused by jock itch, heat rash, razor bumps, or a bacterial infection. Garlic is the perfect home remedy for curing skin infections because of its power to destroy bacteria, fungi, germs, and microbes. Remedies containing garlic also help to reduce itchiness and inflammation.
The journal Microbes and Infection reported that a compound called allicin in garlic contains the powerful antimicrobial properties. Freshly crushed garlic can be used in remedies to treat fungal, bacterial, and viral infections – both internally and topically.15
How to use:
Use garlic to make a healing paste to cure your inner thigh bumps by doing the following:
- Crush up 1/2 small garlic clove and allow to sit for 10 minutes. This allows more allicin to form to boost its healing properties.
- Combine the crushed garlic with 3 tablespoons coconut oil or pure aloe vera gel.
- Apply the healing garlic remedy to the boils, pimples, or cysts on your inner thigh.
- Leave for 20 minutes then rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
- Repeat the process 2 times a day to help get rid of bumps on your groin area quickly.
One thing to remember when using garlic as a medicine is that you should never put it directly on the skin because it can damage sensitive skin and cause mild burns. If you notice a skin irritation after applying the garlic paste, wash it and stop using it.
Turmeric paste
Turmeric contains curcumin which is both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Making a paste of turmeric is a great way to help naturally get rid of bumps on your inner thigh. You can apply a turmeric paste to all types of inner thigh bumps – pus-filled pustules, boils, cysts, pimples, and abscesses.
Many studies have confirmed the use of turmeric preparations for dermatological use. For example, the journal Phytotherapy Research reported on studies showing that applying turmeric as a topical remedy has many therapeutic benefits for the skin.16 Similarly, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reported that curcumin is an effective ingredient to reduce inflammation.17
How to use:
To get rid of bumps and boils from your inner thigh, make and apply a turmeric paste by using the following recipe:
- Mix turmeric powder with water to make a thick paste.
- Apply the natural turmeric remedy to the affected lump between your legs and cover with a bandage.
- Leave for 20 minutes and rinse off with cool water.
- Apply morning and night to help reduce swelling and speed up the healing process of the inner thigh bumps.
Please remember that turmeric easily stains fabric and clothing. The paste should be thick enough so that it doesn’t drip and you should cover it with a large bandage to prevent leakage.
You can use the antibacterial properties of honey as a natural treatment for bumps between your legs. Honey also helps to reduce inflammation and can help to soothe painful boils and cysts that are causing you discomfort.
There have been many studies carried out into the medicinal properties of honey. The Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine reported that honey has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. Also, the acidic nature of honey helps to reduce pH levels on infected skin to reduce irritation, itching, and boost immune response.18
How to use:
Manuka honey is the best kind of honey to use for treating bumps and pimples on your inner thigh. However, any raw organic honey will be effective in getting rid of bumps. This is how to apply honey to heal inflamed and infected skin between your legs:
- Apply some honey directly onto the affected skin on your legs.
- Cover with a clean gauze and leave on for 20 minutes.
- Rinse off with cool water.
- Repeat 2 times a day and continue using the honey remedy on your inner thigh bumps until they have gone completely.
Baking soda
Use baking soda to dry out boils and help pimples on your groin area heal quicker. Baking soda can be used as an effective natural spot treatment because it reduces redness and calms inflammation in infected spots and pimples. The antibacterial activity of baking soda also prevents infections from spreading.
A study published in 1997 reported that baking soda is effective against various strains of bacteria.19
How to use:
To make a baking soda paste to heal bumps on your inner thigh, you should do the following:
- Make a smooth paste with some baking soda and water.
- Apply the baking soda remedy to the infected lump at the top of your legs.
- Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.
- Repeat twice a day for best results and to help get rid of bumps on your inner thigh quicker.
Read these related articles:
- Rash on Inner Thigh: Causes and Effective Home Treatments (Research Based)
- Natural Ways to Get Rid of Boils on Inner Thighs Quickly and Easily
- How to Get Rid of a Sebaceous Cyst Naturally
- Inner Thigh Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Effective Treatments
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