Raspberries: Nutrition Facts, Calories, Carbs, Proven Health Benefits (Science Based)

Raspberries are a delicious edible fruit that contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrients. Raspberries are low in carbohydrates and calories and are a tasty and healthy addition to your diet. One ounce (28 g) of raspberries contains 7.3 mg of vitamin C which is about 12% of your recommended daily vitamin C intake.
Red raspberries are the most popular type of raspberry with many health benefits. Consuming raspberries has been linked to lowering blood pressure, losing weight, and boosting cognitive function. Black raspberries have nutrients that are excellent for promoting good heart health.
Raspberries can also be yellow or purple, depending on the species.
In this article, I will look at the amazing nutritional value of raspberries and how they can benefit your health.
What are Raspberries?
Raspberries are a small fruit that grows on the raspberry plant. Raspberry is from the Rubus genus and is cultivated in many countries around the world. The botanical name of red raspberries is Rubus idaeus and is sometimes referred to as the European raspberry.
Despite the name, raspberries aren’t truly classed as a berry. Raspberries are called aggregate fruits that are a collection of tiny “drupes”, each with a seed inside.
Doctors from WebMD say that red raspberries and raspberry leaf extracts have been used for centuries due to their medicinal properties. (1)
Red raspberries have a sweet but tart taste which gives them a unique flavor when compared to other fruits and berries. Raspberries are only slightly acidic, with some types of raspberries being sweeter than others.
Black Raspberry vs. Red Raspberry
Black raspberries are becoming very popular due to their health benefits. Black raspberries are sometimes mistaken for blackberries, however black raspberries, just like red raspberries, are hollow without a core. On the other hand, blackberries have a white core where the stem attaches to the fruit, and are not hollow.
Apart from the color, the main difference between black raspberries and red raspberries is the taste. Many people describe the taste of black raspberries as being less tart and slightly sweeter than red raspberries.
Black raspberries have compounds that can boost your cardiovascular health. Results of studies indicate that black raspberries can help lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation. (2)
Nutrition Facts of Raspberries
Raspberries are packed full of goodness that can help to boost your immunity, keep your heart healthy, and your digestive system working well.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1 cup of raw raspberries (123 g) contains 64 calories, 14 g carbohydrates and 1.48 g protein.
One cup of raspberries (123 g) also contains 8 g fiber which is 33% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of fiber! (3)
100 grams of raspberries have a low GI (glycemic index) of 2 with 42 g of carbs and 4 grams of sugar. (11)
Red, black, and other colored raspberries also contain large amounts of vitamin C. A serving of 100 g fresh raspberries contains 26 mg of vitamin C which is nearly half of your required vitamin C intake. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens your immune system to help fight infections and prevent chronic diseases. (4)
Another of the great benefits of consuming raspberries is that raspberries contain xylitol. The Journal of Food Science reports that from all fruits and berries, raspberries contain that highest levels of xylitol. There are approximately 400 μg xylitol per 1 g of fresh raspberries. (10)
Xylitol is used as a natural sweetener because it is lower in calories than sugar. This means that raspberries are a good fruit to eat if you have diabetes, as they won’t cause a spike in blood glucose levels.
The nutritional content of raspberries also includes vitamins A, E, K, and some B-group vitamins. There are also trace amounts of lutein, zeaxanthin and B-carotene, all of which are important vitamins for healthy eyes and skin.
100 g of raw raspberries have 34 mcg manganese which is over 30% of your daily recommended intake. Raspberries also contain minerals that benefit your health such as potassium (4% RDI), magnesium (5% RDI), iron (4% RDI), and calcium (2% RDI). (3)
Antioxidants in raspberries
Raw raspberries also contain important antioxidants that benefit your health. Antioxidants are important to rid the body of free radicals that can contribute to chronic disease.
Red ripened raspberries have a total ORAC value of 5065, which makes raspberries one of the top fruit sources of antioxidants. Black raspberries have an even better ORAC value of 19,220. ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity and is a way to measure the levels of antioxidants in foods. (9)
Research has found that raspberries contain various tannins that have health-promoting properties. The study found that various tannin compounds in raspberries combine to have an antioxidant effect. (5)
According to one scientific study into the nutritional benefits of red raspberries, they contain 10 flavonoids with antioxidant properties. Flavonoids are important bioactive compounds to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and degenerative brain diseases. (8)
Health Benefits of Raspberries
It is clear that raspberries are a very nutritious fruit that everyone can enjoy. Let’s look at some of the health benefits of consuming more raspberries in your diet.
Red Raspberries Help Keep Your Heart Healthy
Red raspberries contain compounds that are good for a healthy heart and may help prevent heart disease.
The benefits of raspberries for your cardio health come from polyphenolic compounds which are important antioxidants. Scientists have found that red raspberries have a unique composition of polyphenols. Research found that these antioxidants can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce inflammation. (12)
Later on you can find out how black raspberries have even greater potential to boost your heart health.
Raspberry extracts may help reduce hypertension
Consuming raspberries regularly can help in lowering blood pressure and improving the health of your cardiovascular system.
Tests in the laboratory have found that extracts from various types of raspberries have anti-hypertension properties. Raspberries contain enzymes that help to lower hypertension, especially in its early stages. These raspberry extracts work as ACE inhibitors which help reduce blood pressure in your arteries. (13)
If you suffer from high blood pressure, find out more about how you can lower hypertension naturally.
Raspberry juice may prevent plaque buildup in your arteries
Drinking raspberry juice can also help prevent heart disease because it can reduce your risk of atherosclerosis.
Scientists found that polyphenolic compounds in raspberry juice prevent a buildup of plaque in the arteries. The research was conducted on animals and showed that consuming raspberry juice boosts levels of antioxidants and helps to lower triglyceride levels. (14) Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that this is an important factor in keeping your heart healthy. (15)
It is a known fact that a diet rich in fresh fruits, raspberries, berries, and vegetables can help prevent heart disease. (12)
Black Raspberries are Good for Heart Health
Black raspberries contain even higher levels of antioxidants than red raspberries and can help improve your cardiovascular health.
One randomized placebo-controlled trial found that black raspberry extract helps to significantly lower blood pressure. Patients with pre-hypertension who took 321.5 mg of raspberry powder extract a day over an 8-week period experienced a significant drop in blood pressure. (24)
Another trial using black raspberry extract showed that it can reduce your overall risk of cardiovascular disease. (25)
Black raspberry can also improve your artery health because it reduces total cholesterol levels and inflammatory markers. (26)
Raspberries have Anti-inflammatory Properties
Regularly consuming red or black raspberries can help reduce inflammation in your body and may prevent certain diseases.
Doctors report that chronic inflammation can lead to diseases like diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and even depression. (16)
Scientific research has found that polyphenols in red raspberries also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Red raspberry extract helped to inhibit inflammation, prevent cartilage damage, and improve bone strength. Researchers suggest that the anti-inflammatory effect of red raspberry extract could have potential in treating rheumatoid arthritis. (17)
If you suffer from arthritis, you can try these natural remedies for arthritis, as well as foods to consume and avoid when having arthritis.
Raspberries have Properties That Help Boost Brain Function
Raspberries contain ellagic acid which is known for its antioxidant properties, and have properties that promote healthy cognitive function.
Research into the medicinal properties of raspberries found that they contain ellagic acid, quercetin, catechins, and other antioxidants. Scientists have found that raspberry compounds help protect the brain against oxidative stress damage. (18)
There is also some evidence to suggest that raspberry extract can help to improve memory in older adults. (32)
Did you know that there are other herbs and foods to improve your memory and brain function?
Consuming raspberries and other berries can help protect against Alzheimer’s disease
One of the benefits to your brain health of consuming plenty of raspberries is that they can help prevent degenerative brain disorders.
The journal Advances in Nutrition in 2016 reported that red raspberries have a neuroprotective effect. Raspberries have the potential to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress which have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. (19)
Find other foods and supplements to delay Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Raspberries May Improve Insulin Sensitivity in Diabetics
Raspberries are a good fruit to eat if you have diabetes because they are low in sugar and carbs. However, raspberries can also help to manage symptoms of diabetes due to their potential to alleviate insulin resistance.
Research published in 2018 on the nutritional health benefits of raspberries found that they can help manage type 2 diabetes. The antioxidant effect of raspberries helped to reduce certain inflammatory responses. This helped to improve insulin sensitivity and also help reduce obesity. The researchers concluded that raspberry has potential use as a dietary treatment for diabetes. (20)
Learn about other foods that can help to manage symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Raspberries Have Anticancer Properties
The high levels of antioxidants in raspberries and their ability to reduce inflammation mean that raspberry extracts can have potential use in treating certain cancers.
The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that raspberry extracts can help to kill off human cancer cells. Lab tests have shown that extracts from black raspberries and red raspberries can prevent the growth of tumors in breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and oral cancer. (21)
Other studies have shown that some varieties of raspberry extracts have the ability to stop cervical cancer cells from spreading. (22)
Some of the anticancer properties of raspberries are due to the flavonoid anthocyanin. This is a pigment that gives raspberries their color. Scientists found that this powerful antioxidant can help to inhibit cancer cell growth in lung cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. (23)
Most of the research into the use of raspberry extracts to treat cancer has been carried out in laboratory settings. There is still much research to do on how raspberries can be used to treat cancerous growths in humans.
Raspberry Leaf Health Benefits
Raspberry leaf can help to improve your overall health and strengthen your immune system because of its high levels of antioxidants.
Dried leaves from the red raspberry plant are a rich source of tannins and ellagic acid. Research has also revealed that red raspberry leaves have more antioxidants than raspberry fruits. (27)
In Europe, raspberry leaf extract has been approved as an herbal medicinal remedy to relieve menstrual pain, treat mild cases of diarrhea, and reduce inflammation in the throat or mouth. (27)
Raspberry leaf has traditionally been used to help induce labor in pregnant women. A study published in the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health indicated that red raspberry leaf helps shorten the duration of labor and lowered the rate of forceps deliveries. The women who participated in the study consumed raspberry leaf tablets (2 × 1.2 g per day) from 32 weeks’ gestation until labor. (28)
You can find more information in my article on how to use red raspberry leaf and make your own tea.
Raspberry Ketones and Weight Loss
Raspberry ketones are a popular weight loss supplement because people claim they help to burn fat and increase metabolism.
You can get small amounts of ketones from raspberries by eating raw, fresh raspberries. However, it’s important to know that “raspberry ketone” supplements are in fact synthetically made. The Biotechnology Journal reports that extracting ketone from raspberries is very expensive. (29)
There is no scientific evidence that taking raspberry ketone supplements can help with weight loss. A trial from 2017 found that feeding mice raspberry ketones didn’t result in any weight loss. (30)
One trial did involve using a weight loss supplement to help overweight men lose weight. These supplements contained raspberry ketones, capsaicin, caffeine, ginger, and garlic. Even though some of the men experienced body weight loss, there is no evidence to suggest that this was due to raspberry ketones. (31)
How to Store Raspberries to Keep Them Fresh
It is important to store fresh raspberries properly to prevent spoilage. If possible, you should choose organically-grown raspberries that have the appropriate certifications. You should choose raspberry fruits that are firm and have a deep color.
To store raspberries properly so they retain their nutritional benefits, you should keep them in the refrigerator. This helps to prevent loss of vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals in fresh raspberries.
You can also stop raspberries from losing their nutrients by freezing them. To freeze raspberries to prevent them from deteriorating, you should first of all gently wash them to remove any dirt or impurities. Then pat dry with a paper towel. Place on a tray and put in your freezer until solid. Then transfer them to a freezer bag.
This way you will keep the shape of the raspberries and enjoy their nutritional value for many months throughout the year.
Other Healthy Berries
Other types of berries, such as blueberries, cranberries and blackberries are also true superfoods that have many medicinal properties:
1. They have anti-aging components that slow the aging process and help to prevent free radical damage in your body.
2. They are essential in preventing heart disease.
3. They have anti-cancer properties.
4. They may help in weight management: they have low sugar content, so they don’t add extra calories to the body. Their high fiber content helps to improve digestion and helps you feel fuller for a longer time too.
5. Berries are rich in healthy nutrients, fiber, organic acids and are full of antioxidants. This combination makes them ideal for better digestive health and to get rid of various harmful toxins.
Although it may not be easy to get fresh berries, you’ll be happy to know that even drying or freezing them still offers many health benefits.
So if so far you didn’t develop the habit of consuming berries of all kinds and types, then this is the time to start. Their health benefits are just something that we should not ignore.
Each berry has its own uniqueness which you can read about in my e-book The Healing Berry Guide where you can find more information about the healing powers of berries.
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