How to Effectively Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection

How to Effectively Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection

Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy that you can use to treat a yeast infection. Yeast infections are commonly caused when an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida albicans affects the vagina, mouth, or skin. This yeast infection can cause burning, irritation, redness, swelling and a thick white discharge. Apple cider vinegar is just one of the many natural ways to destroy the yeast infection, which is also sometimes called candidiasis.

There are various reasons why you may suffer from a yeast infection in your genitals, mouth, or on your skin. For example, a course of antibiotics could upset the balance of healthy bacteria in your body, resulting in a yeast overgrowth. Or, having a weakened immune system, wounds on your skin, or hormonal changes can all cause yeast infections.

The effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for yeast infections is due to its acidic content. Apple cider vinegar lowers the pH levels of a candidiasis thus inhibiting the fungus overgrowth. Apple cider vinegar also helps to soothe itching, burning sensation, and other symptoms of a yeast infection.

In this article, I am going to look at why apple cider vinegar is effective for treating yeast infections. You will also find natural treatments you can make at home to treat vaginal yeast infections, oral thrush, and skin fungal infections.

What Makes Apple Cider Vinegar Effective for Yeast Infections

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) contains many enzymes and prebiotics that can help to boost your health in general. However, it’s the levels of acetic acid along with these enzymes that give apple cider vinegar its healing qualities.

According to the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, acetic acid is the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar. During the fermentation process, ACV develops antibacterial and prebiotic properties. It also has antioxidant properties as well as an antifungal activity. The researchers concluded that ACV is an effective natural treatment for many ailments.1

Research into the healing antifungal properties of acetic acid has shown that it is effective against many strains of yeast. For example, the journal Acts Microbiologica Bulgarica reported that acetic acid can suppress the growth of many strains of fungus.2

Among the fungus strains that apple cider vinegar is effective against is Candida albicans. The Journal of Prosthodontics reported that apple cider vinegar can help kill off candida yeast infections. The study concluded that apple cider vinegar has powerful antifungal properties and can be used as a therapeutic alternative for treating yeast infections.3

Yeast infections are also more common in people with diabetes, as high sugar levels cause better conditions for the yeast to grow. A study conducted on female rats found out that high sugar level caused by diabetes was favorable to infection caused by candida albicans. 10

The good news is that you can use ACV to control blood sugar levels. In my article on how to use ACV for diabetes I’ve mentioned a study published by the American Association of Diabetes, in which the researchers found that ACV helped to decrease the blood sugar levels after meals in type I diabetes patients, as well as another research published in Diabetes Care which found that the consumption of ACV improved insulin sensitivity in the insulin resistant and type II diabetes patients.

The best type of apple cider vinegar for yeast infections

In order for apple cider vinegar to be an effective home remedy for yeast infections, it’s important to purchase the right kind.

To get the best out of apple cider vinegar, you should use the type that is raw, unprocessed and unfiltered. This kind of apple cider vinegar will be a dark amber color and have a murky appearance. You should also notice bits floating around the vinegar which is called the “mother.” The mother of vinegar is the part that contains all the healthy enzymes and beneficial properties. If you can, always choose organic, raw, unpasteurized and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother.

According to the journal Medscape General Medicine, most raw vinegars contain acetic vinegar as well as minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants.4

Common Symptoms of Yeast Infection

Let’s look at some of the symptoms of candida yeast infections that can cause vaginal candidiasis, oral yeast infections, or fungal skin infections.

Vaginal yeast infection

A vaginal yeast infection, or genital candidiasis, will cause a lot of discomfort around your vagina. According to PubMed Health, vulvovaginal candidiasis usually causes itching and a burning sensation around the opening to your vagina. You may also notice a thick white, cottage cheese-like discharge and have swelling around your vagina.5

One of the top obstetricians and gynecologists in the U.S., Dr. Nivin Todd, says that vaginal candidiasis may also make sexual intercourse painful and cause a painful sensation when you urinate.6

Oral thrush (oral candidiasis)

Candida can also infect your oral cavity and cause a condition called oral thrush. The American Academy of Oral Medicine reports that common symptoms of oral thrush include a thick cheesy-like discharge in the mouth. You may also notice red patches or white spots on the back of your mouth and on the tongue, gums, and inside of your cheeks.7

According to the journal Informed Health Online, oral candidiasis can also make you feel like your mouth is burning. Severe oral thrush may also make it difficult to swallow and oral candida can be a reason for white patches on your tongue.8

Skin yeast infections

Candida infections can also affect areas of your skin, especially warm moist areas like between your legs, in your armpits, or cause a rash under your breasts.

The journal Microorganisms says that signs of a candida skin infection include red patches of skin that may appear thicker. Very often, candida skin infections have the same symptoms of eczema or psoriasis.9 The rash can also cause itching or pain.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Treating Vaginal Yeast Infections

First, let’s look at how to use apple cider vinegar to treat vaginal candidiasis.

Apple cider vinegar tampon

One very effective home remedy for vaginal yeast infections is to insert a tampon with apple cider vinegar into your vagina. This is a safe way rather than apple cider vinegar vaginal douche that many women do and is not recommended by medical professionals. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar will quickly go to work to get kill off strains of candida and help restore a natural balance to your genital area.

How to make your own apple cider vinegar tampon:

This is all you have to do to make a home remedy for candidiasis:

  1. Dilute apple cider vinegar with equal amounts of water. Never use undiluted apple cider vinegar.
  2. Soak an unscented tampon in the apple cider vinegar solution and insert into your vagina for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Remove the tampon and rinse your vagina with water and dry thoroughly to help prevent more yeast growth.
  4. Use the apple cider vinegar tampon remedy daily until you no longer have signs of vaginal candida and swelling around your labia.

The remedy may sting a little and this is normal. If the stinging sensation is too much, try diluting the apple cider vinegar with more water.

There are many other effective home remedies to quickly get rid of a vaginal yeast infection. For example, coconut oil has antifungal properties or you can use yogurt on your vagina for a yeast infection. Taking probiotic supplements can also prevent candidiasis, especially if you have just finished a course of antibiotics.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Oral Thrush

Oral thrush can affect you if you have been taking antibiotics, have a weakened immune system, or you wear dentures.

Here are some effective ways to use apple cider vinegar for an oral yeast infection.

How to make an apple cider vinegar mouth rinse for oral thrush:

This mouth rinse includes salt to help boost the antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar to get rid of oral thrush quicker. This is what you should do:

  1. Dilute 2 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water and add 1 teaspoon salt. The warm water helps the salt to dissolve.
  2. Swish the mixture around your mouth for a few minutes and then spit out.
  3. Repeat several times during the day and continue until you no longer have thick discharge or red patches in your mouth.

How to make an apple cider vinegar drink for oral yeast infections:

You can also drink apple cider vinegar to help get rid of candida from your body. This is how to make the anti-thrush drink:

  1. Put 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water (don’t add sugar or honey as sugar promotes the growth of candida).
  2. Drink once or twice a day to help get rid of candida and boost your immune system.
  3. Consume daily for best results and to help keep candida from overgrowing in your gut.

Apple cider vinegar contains many nutrients, enzymes and friendly bacteria and helps to inhibit candida growth by helping to re-balance your body pH. While apple cider vinegar is acidic, once ingested and metabolized it has an alkaline effect on the body. Apple cider vinegar also helps to increase the good bacteria in the gut and increases the immunity of the body.

Apple cider vinegar also contains maleic acid. A Brazilian research in pediatric dentistry found out that the maleic acid in apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal properties against oral infections including candida albicans. 12

The good news is that the health benefits of apple cider vinegar are more than just getting rid of a yeast infection.

For example, studies into the effects of acetic acid in vinegar have shown that regular consumption can help to lower blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar can also help to control blood sugar levels and also detoxifies the liver at the same time.4

Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy for Vaginal and Skin Yeast Infections

If you have signs of a candida infection on your skin, you can easily make an apple cider vinegar compress or take a bath in apple cider vinegar to destroy the fungal pathogens.

Apple cider vinegar bath

To help alleviate the discomfort that a candida infection on your skin causes, you can run a bath with apple cider vinegar. This is what you should do:

  1. Fill your bathtub with warm water just enough to cover your waist when you sit in the bath.
  2. Add 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of sea salt.
  3. When sitting in the bath, keep your knees to your chest to allow the apple cider vinegar water get to your genitals.
  4. Stay in the bath for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse yourself with warm water and dry your body thoroughly.
  6. Bathe 2-3 times a week to help get rid of candida from your skin or vagina.

To increase the anti-fungal properties of the apple cider vinegar bath, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil mixed with a tablespoon of carrier oil. According to research published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, tea tree oil helps to destroy species of candida albicans because of its anti-fungal components.11

Bathing in apple cider vinegar is also a great way to treat all-over body itching or helping to soothe the symptoms of eczema naturally.

Apple cider vinegar compress

If you have small patches of candida skin infection, you can make a damp compress with apple cider vinegar. This will not only destroy candida strains of yeast but also help to reduce itching and redness.

How to make an apple cider vinegar compress for yeast skin infections:

Here are the steps to make a healing compress to get rid of yeast infections from your skin:

  1. Dilute 1 part apple cider vinegar with 1 part water.
  2. Soak a washcloth in the home remedy.
  3. Squeeze out the excess liquid and press the cloth on the infected area of your body.
  4. Hold for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the washcloth and allow the skin to dry naturally.
  6. Apply the apple cider vinegar washcloth 2 times a day and continue using until you no longer have symptoms of candida infection.

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Medical References

  1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016; 2016: 6473678.
  2. Acta Microbiol Bulg.1990;25:24-30.
  3. J Prosthodont.2015 Jun;24(4):296-302.
  4. MedGenMed. 2006; 8(2): 61.
  5. PubMed. Vaginal candidiasis.
  6. WebMD. What is candidiasis?
  7. AAOM. Oral yeast infections.
  8. NCBI. Oral thrush (candidiasis).
  9. Microorganisms. 2017 Jun; 5(2): 32.
  10. 2009 Jun;200(6):659.e1-4.
  11. J Antimicrob Chemother.2004 Jun;53(6):1081-5.

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