Proven Home Remedies for Vaginal Dryness (Vaginal Atrophy) & Best Natural Lubes

Vaginal dryness can be a distressing symptom of the menopause that causes itching, pain, and an increased risk of infection. A decrease in vaginal lubrication can be due to reasons such as low estrogen levels, medications and age. The best lubricants for women with menopause dryness that help to moisturize the genital area include vitamin E, aloe vera, coconut oil, and olive oil.
Apart from using natural lubes for vaginal dryness treatments, there are a number of supplements that help to promote vaginal health in the menopause. For example, taking probiotics, vitamin D, black cohosh, and red clover all help to prevent symptoms of the menopause. These home remedies to help cure vaginal dryness can greatly improve the quality of your life after the menopause.
In this article, you will find out the best natural female lubricants to help treat menopause dryness (vaginal atrophy). You will also find out about various home remedies to use as natural vaginal lubes.
What Causes Vaginal Dryness in the Menopause?
Vaginal atrophy or vaginal dryness is caused by hormonal changes that take place during the menopause.
Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that vaginal dryness can occur at any time in a woman’s life. The most common reason for female dryness is hypoestrogenism, or, a drop in estrogen levels. Usually, after the menopause, levels of the estrogen hormone estradiol drop to lower than 30 pg/mL. Before the menopause, estradiol levels fluctuate between 10 and 800 pg/mL during the menstrual cycle. (1)
Other reasons for needing to address issues of vaginal dryness can be due to breast cancer treatments, breastfeeding, or a side effect of medications. (1)
Symptoms of Vaginal Dryness
Vulvovaginal atrophy can cause irritation in the genitals due to the lack of lubrication and moisture. This condition of vaginal dryness can then lead to a number of other health complaints.
The journal Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health reports that one of the most common complications of vaginal dryness is pain during intercourse. Without lubrication, the vagina can become dry and itchy and is prone to extreme irritation. The dry environment of the vagina can also cause bleeding and pain after intercourse. (2)
In time, vaginal dryness can greatly impact on the quality of life and affect emotional well-being.
It is important to find good home remedies for curing vaginal dryness because doctors say that the condition won’t resolve itself without treatment. (2)
The Best Home Remedies for Vaginal Dryness Including Natural Lubes
Let’s look in more detail at some of the best natural ingredients that you can use for natural vaginal lubrication.
Vitamin E for Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal suppositories (pessaries) that contain vitamin E can be used as an effective home remedy for menopause dryness.
A clinical trial involving 52 women who showed signs of vaginal dryness found that vitamin E can increase vaginal lubrication. The vitamin E vaginal suppositories contained 100 IU of vitamin E and they reduced vaginal itching, pain after intercourse, and vaginal atrophy. (3)
Scientists noted that using vitamin E for menopause vaginal dryness is a good option to avoid resorting to hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Taking vitamin E supplements can also help to treat other symptoms of the menopause such as hot flashes. A dose of 400 IU vitamin E a day can help to treat menopausal hot flashes and night sweats. (4)
Find out how taking vitamin E can also help to keep your skin elastic and supple after the menopause.
Aloe Vera as a Homemade Lubricant for Vaginal Dryness
Using aloe vera as a home remedy for a dry vagina can help to keep your vagina moist, lubricated, and free from irritation.
Researchers in 2016 found that aloe vera can be used as a vaginal friendly water lubricant and vaginal moisturizer. Many commercially-produced products contain aloe vera gel because it is good for sensitive skin. Applying an aloe vera vaginal gel can make sexual intercourse more pleasurable and reduce vaginal irritation. (5)
Other studies have found that vaginal gels containing aloe vera extracts can help to improve the vagina’s microbiota. (6)
One of the benefits of applying aloe vera as natural lubrication for intercourse is that it won’t affect the integrity of latex condoms.
You can either squeeze the gel straight from the aloe vera leaf to apply to your feminine dry parts, or you can buy aloe vera gel that has as few added ingredients as possible.
Aloe vera has amazing effects in helping to keep your skin looking youthful and soft. You can also apply aloe vera to your face to help reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Kiwi Vine Extract Lubricant for Women During the Menopause
Extracts from the kiwi plant (like this one) can be used as a natural lubricant for vaginal dryness to help improve female lubrication.
One study found that natural lubricants that contain kiwifruit plant extract help treat problems associated with a dry vagina. (7)
Kiwi vines are usually considered to be the byproduct of harvesting and are left in the ground to decompose. But kiwi gum can be extracted from them and made into a moisturizer that mimics the woman’s usual lubrication. This lubricant doesn’t destroy the vaginal balance and maintains its natural pH, while providing with a smooth feel.
Due to kiwi’s origin, this type of moisturizers was created in New Zealand in the 1980s, and the product was later launched around the world. Always check the ingredients of lubricants, so you know that you’re buying a high quality product that is safe to use.
Olive Oil for Female Lubrication During Menopause
You can use olive oil as lubricant for vaginal dryness because it lubricates sensitive areas of the body without causing irritation.
Some researchers have suggested that olive oil is a good non-hormonal treatment to address symptoms of the menopause. Applying olive oil as a lube to the vagina can help to boost the quality of life and reduce vaginal dryness. (8)
Studies have also shown that olive oil can help to reduce symptoms of vaginal atrophy when used in conjunction with other lifestyle choices. The Journal of Sexual Medicine reported that using olive oil as an intercourse lubricant can relieve painful sex in women with vaginal dryness. (9)
It is important to remember that oil-based lubricants can weaken latex condoms and cause them to break.
Learn more about the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil and how taking olive oil daily can help promote good vascular health.
Coconut Oil as a Lubricant for Natural Female Lubrication
Coconut oil is good for your vagina because it helps to provide natural lubrication and also contains antimicrobial properties.
Even though there are no specific studies showing the benefits of coconut oil as a vaginal lubricant, there is plenty of research showing it can be used to treat a number of dry skin conditions.
Some studies have shown that coconut oil helps to soothe and heal skin irritation associated with eczema and helps protect the skin from infection. Coconut oil also helps wounds to heal faster and has antibacterial and antifungal properties. (10)
The best way to use coconut oil for vaginal dryness is to do a small patch test to see if you get an allergic reaction. You can then try a little coconut oil on your vagina to see if this home remedy for feminine dryness is good for you.
Even if you decide not to use coconut oil for vaginal dryness, you can try using it as a natural moisturizer to reduce wrinkles.
Calendula for Natural Vaginal Lubrication
If you suffer from vaginal dryness, one home remedy for lubrication you can use is an ointment containing calendula oil.
Calendula is a natural soothing herbal remedy for the vagina that helps reduce inflammation and prevents infections. Some studies have shown that calendula vaginal gels can help to treat infections of the reproductive organs like bacterial vaginosis. (11)
Can you use calendula to cure vaginal dryness in the menopause? One clinical trial found that a vaginal ointment using calendula helped to treat the symptoms of vaginal dryness. Applying the gel for 4 weeks stopped vaginal itching, burning, inflammation, and pain after intercourse. (12)
Sea Buckthorn Oil for Vaginal Atrophy Relief
If you are looking for one of the best vaginal moisturizers, then you should consider using sea buckthorn oil as a lubricant for vaginal dryness.
The results of a study in 2014 found that sea buckthorn oil helps resolve issues with vaginal dryness. Nearly 100 women who suffered from vaginal itching, dryness, and burning during the menopause consumed 3 g of sea buckthorn daily. At the end of 3 months, symptoms of vaginal dryness were significantly lower than at the start. (13)
Vitamin D Helps with Natural Vaginal Lubrication
Vitamin D helps to treat menopause dryness and could also prevent problems associated with age-related osteoporosis.
One study involving women who had passed the menopause found that vitamin D suppositories helped to treat vaginal dryness. The vitamin D vaginal suppositories soothed vaginal pain, increased wetness naturally, and lowered the pH levels in the vagina. (14)
Other studies have found that taking vitamin D orally helps to resolve other problems associated with the menopause such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and depression. (15)
Learn about other natural ingredients that you can use to stop vaginal itching that is caused by dryness or infections.
Maca is a Home Remedy for Vaginal Dryness
Taking herbs for vaginal dryness can work because some herbal supplements can help to balance hormones during menopause.
Maca is a Peruvian root vegetable that is used as a supplement because of its many health benefits. Maca root is ground into a powder and used to improve male and female sexual function, balance hormones, and boost brain function.
One study found that taking maca root capsules is a good natural supplement for the menopause. Maca herbs for vaginal dryness also help to address a number of menopause-related symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and brittle bones. (17)
Learn about more natural remedies you can take if you are experiencing hot flashes during the menopause.
Probiotics Can Help Manage Vaginal Dryness
Taking probiotics is one of the natural cures for feminine dryness because they help improve the health of your vagina.
Scientists have discovered that vaginal atrophy is often associated with low levels of healthy bacteria. Disruption of the microbiota in the genitals can lead to various types of infection, pain, and dryness. Taking probiotics that include the Lactobacillus strains could help to prevent vaginal atrophy. (18)
Researchers have also found that low estrogen levels in vaginal tissue can create an environment where candida infections flourish. Taking probiotics for vaginal health containing L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14 strains can help to limit the effect of yeast infections. (19)
Find out more about how probiotics can improve your gastrointestinal health, boost your immunity, and help treat depression.
Eat Phytoestrogen-Rich Foods to Combat Vaginal Dryness
Some women include in their menopause diet foods which have estrogen-like effects to help them stay wet naturally.
A meta-analysis of many studies on the effects of phytoestrogen-rich foods found that they can help treat menopause symptoms. Your menopause diet should include foods and supplements such as soy isoflavones, red clover, and black cohosh because they can help to treat menopause dryness. (20)
Other foods that contain phytoestrogens include fiber-rich foods, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and soy products. (21)
There is some controversy about using soy products as an estrogen replacement. Learn more about whether taking soy can help you during the menopause or not in my article “Soy or Soy Milk: Is it Really Bad or Good for You (Science Based)“.
Black Cohosh Supplements Could Help Treat Vaginal Dryness
One natural cure for feminine dryness could be black cohosh which is a popular menopause supplement.
One study found that black cohosh helped to address a number of menopausal symptoms, especially in the perimenopausal stage. Taking black cohosh reduced the severity of hot flashes and mood swings. Researchers also noted that sexual symptoms were also improved which could indicate that black cohosh helps promote vaginal lubrication. (22)
However, a review of 16 randomized controlled trials found that there was insufficient evidence to recommend black cohosh for treating vulvovaginal atrophic symptoms. (23)
Red Clover Supplements for Vaginal Dryness and Other Menopausal Symptoms
One of the popular home remedies for curing feminine dryness is to take red clover menopause supplements.
One study found that taking 80 mg of red clover daily helped to significantly improve symptoms associated with vaginal dryness. Red clover also helped improve other menopause symptoms such as hot flashes. (24)
Find out more about the proven health benefits of red clover and how to make red clover tea.
Chasteberry (Vitex Agnus Castus) for Relief of Menopausal Symptoms
You could take chasteberry extracts to help improve vaginal lubrication because it has an estrogenic effect on the body.
A small trial found that chasteberry essential oil helped to give menopausal women “strong symptomatic” relief from their symptoms. (25)
One laboratory study found that taking chasteberry supplements could help improve vaginal health and prevent dryness. Chasteberry increased levels of progesterone and estrogen and increased uterine weight. (26)
Find out why chasteberry extracts could be a good supplement to take if you suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
Dong Quai for Treating Symptoms of the Menopause
Dong quai is another herbal remedy for the menopause which could help treat vaginal dryness and other menopause symptoms.
Scientific studies have shown that dong quai could help to increase levels of estrogen and improve vaginal health in the menopause. One study showed that administering dong quai extracts increased estrogen levels in vaginal tissue. (26)
Ginseng Promotes Feminine Health During the Menopause
An herbal home remedy that could promote female lubrication and prevent vaginal menopause dryness is ginseng.
A review of 4 randomized controlled trials found that ginseng is a good all-around remedy for many menopausal symptoms. Scientists have found that ginseng has a hormonal effect in the body similar to estrogen. This means that ginseng has the potential to increase vaginal lubrication naturally. (27)
Taking ginseng for the menopause also helped to reduce age-related depression, improve feelings of well-being in later life, increase sexual arousal, and improve sexual function.
Using Essential Oils as a Home Remedy for Vaginal Dryness
Some people claim that you can increase the effectiveness of using natural oils for vaginal lubrication by adding essential oils to the home remedy.
Are essential oils good for vaginal dryness? One study on the use of essential oils in treating vaginal atrophy in cases of breast cancer found that certain essential oils have estrogenic activity. However, scientists couldn’t recommend if it is safe to use these essential oils to treat vaginal atrophy and said that further research is needed. (16)
Also, essential oils are extremely concentrated and they could cause irritation in the sensitive tissue of the vaginal lining.
There is some evidence that you can use tea tree oil in the vagina together with coconut oil, but this is to treat vaginal yeast infections. You can find out more information on how to make your own coconut oil and tea tree oils suppository for vaginal infections.
As always, the natural approach takes a bit longer and requires some discipline and persistence. Your vaginal health and well-being should be important to you and finding the right solution is very rewarding. So, take the time to find your perfect natural relief and don’t forget to consult with your doctor before taking any of the above herbs or supplements to make sure they don’t interfere with current medications you take.
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