15 Signs You Have a Hormonal Imbalance and What You Can Do About It

13 Signs You Have a Hormonal Imbalance and What You Can Do About It

We ladies know the trouble, stress, and frustration that hormonal imbalances can cause us. When hormones fluctuate, we can feel angry, emotional, tired, moody, and suffer the embarrassment from an outbreak of acne. However, no matter what our partners say, hormonal balance is key to our general health and not just a lame excuse for mood swings and feeling “off color.”

Nine Year Study Finally Explains The Relationship Between Sugar And Cancer

Cancer Is Curable Now - Watch Free Documentary

The role of sugar in the formation, growth and metastasis of cancer cells is a topic that has often divided the scientific community. While the Canadian Cancer Society explicitly states that eating sugar does not make cancer cells grow faster, other trustworthy sources disagree and claim just the opposite.

What Causes Belly Fat: Foods that Cause Belly Fat and Other Causes of Belly Fat

8 Foods to Avoid to Keep Belly Fat Away

Belly fat in men and women can cause a number of chronic health problems. Some of the worst foods that cause belly fat include sugary foods, refined carbs, trans fats, and alcohol. Also, not getting enough exercise, stress, and lack of sleep can result in a big stomach.

Colon Cleansing With Kefir and Flaxseed Meal – Is it Helpful?

How to Effectively Cleanse Your Colon With Only 2 Ingredients

The colon is part of the digestive system and it is also called the large intestine. Leftover digested food enters the colon and the bacteria in the colon break down the waste material and remove water, salt, and some nutrients. Colon cleanse supporters believe that the main purpose of colon cleanse is to eliminate accumulations of toxins and improve the absorption of nutrients into your body.

The Benefits of Eating Grass-Fed Butter

butter is really good for you

Butter has gotten a lot of flak because of its saturated fat content. Many people assume that because of its saturated fat content it could cause skyrocketing cholesterol levels, clogged arteries and heart attack. Heart disease is the world’s leading cause of death. Around the end of 1970’s, nutrition professionals decided that foods high in saturated fat like butter were to blame for heart disease. However scientific studies found that butter from grass-fed cows is good for your heart.

Health Benefits of Potatoes

How to Use a Potato to Heal Your Entire Body

Potatoes have gotten a lot of flak in recent years due to their carbohydrate-rich nature. Proponents of low-carbohydrate diets shun potatoes as awful and unhealthy. However, potatoes—particularly raw potatoes or the juice of a raw potato—have a never-ending list of health benefits.

Coconut Oil For Weight Loss: The Complete Guide (Evidence Based)

What Eating Just One Ounce of Coconut Oil Does to Your Weight

Whether you want to drop that last ten pounds or simply maintain the weight you’re at, utilizing coconut oil in your diet can help you lose weight.

Not so long ago coconut oil was not favored by health advocates due to its high saturated fat content, but it has since been deemed healthier and in fact, can successfully help people shed a few pounds over time.

Glyphosate in Food: Full List of Products that Contain this Cancerous Weed Killer

cearals with weed killer

Recent tests found trace amounts of the cancer linked weed killer, glyphosate, in breakfast cereals, oatmeals and snack bars. In some cases the tests found more of the weed killer glyphosate than some vitamins in samples of oat-based breakfast cereals marketed to children. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer, and lab studies found this herbicide in many oat-based cereals and foods.

12 Subtle Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms That Most People Ignore

Top Signs Your Body is Toxic and What to Do About It

Vitamin D deficiency is more common than you may think. In fact, it is so common that The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition called it a worldwide problem which is recognized as a pandemic. A survey in the UK showed that more than half of adults in the UK did not have enough vitamin D, and in the winter and spring about 1 in 6 people have a severe deficiency.

Healthy and Natural World