Proven Inflammatory Foods to Avoid According to Science
Certain foods are known to increase inflammation in the body which can impact on your general health. Avoiding inflammatory foods such as sugar, trans fats, refined carbs, and processed meats can help lower your risk of chronic disease. Eating too many foods that cause inflammation has been linked to rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
How to Release Garlic’s Medicinal Potential and avoid Common Mistakes When Using It
If you want garlic to do its job and preserve your health, it’s important to know how to use it properly. Otherwise, its health benefits are limited, and you might not get the positive results you’re looking for. if you are trying to use garlic as a natural medicine you need to avoid a number of common mistakes.
The Most Likely Symptoms of a Gallbladder Problem (Don’t Ignore Them)
Most symptoms of gallbladder problems involve intense pain in the upper right abdomen that lasts for a few hours. Although gallstones are frequently to blame for gallbladder disease symptoms, there are also other reasons why you can have problems with your gallbladder. Inflammation, infections, or growths on the gallbladder can all cause shoulder pain, chest pain, nausea, and changes to your bowel habits.
Natural Blood Thinners: Proven Foods, Supplements and Vitamins to Thin Blood (Evidence Based)
Natural blood thinners can help to prevent your blood from becoming too thick and keep blood clots from forming or getting larger. Some blood-thinning foods and supplements include turmeric, garlic, Ginkgo biloba, cinnamon, and omega-3. Also, some vitamins such as vitamin E and vitamin C help to improve your blood circulation and are good for your heart.
10 Snacks Made of Petroleum Based Chemicals Linked to ADHD, Nervous System Issues, Allergies, and Even Cancer
Chemical food dyes are added to many foods to improve their color or give them a vibrant appearance. These synthetic food dyes are made from petroleum and are a complex mixture of chemicals. It’s not just sugary cereals and candies such as Lucky Charms, Trix, and Skittles that have food dyes. Artificial food colors are found in many products such as sodas, breakfast cereals, candies, processed foods, and baked goods.
How to Get Rid of Ants Cheaply and Naturally
A Powerful Mixture for Cleansing Your Liver (2 Ingredients)
The benefits of olive oil are extensive and well-known, and the uses of lemon as a home remedy are nearly countless. These two mainstays of the Mediterranean diet, so commonly found together in salads and other tasty-yet-healthy meals, can also work to heal, protect and cleanse your liver.
The Top 10 Causes of Premature Aging of Your Face and Skin
It happens one day. We look at ourselves in the mirror and suddenly notice a new wrinkle or age spot on the skin that hasn’t been there before. Our skin serves many purposes, and our facial skin is especially exposed and stands at the forefront, hence it is so prone to evident damage. What causes our facial skin to age and what can you do about it?
How to Make Effective Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drinks (Easy Recipes)
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is very versatile and has many all-natural uses in food, household cleaning and health. Many health enthusiasts praise the healing properties of apple cider vinegar to cure almost everything. I’ve already written about the 16 amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar and honey (research based), and in this article I am to explain specifically how to use ACV to cleanse and detox and I am going to share with you apple cider vinegar detox drinks.