Here’s What Getting Less Than 7 Hours of Sleep a Night Can Do to You

side effects from missing sleep

The effects of sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on your health. A lack of sleep can cause weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease, and mood swings. One of the dangers of sleep deprivation is that a lack of sleep can make you sick. Not getting adequate sleep can even increase your risk of diseases such as cancer, and can lead to premature death.

Proven Health Benefits of Cilantro (Coriander): Detox from Heavy Metals, Diabetes and More

Proven Health Benefits of Cilantro or Coriander

Cilantro is a tasty edible herb that has a number of health benefits. Cilantro leaves can help to lower inflammation, reduce high blood pressure, improve digestive health, and are good for your skin. The medicinal properties of cilantro also have powerful detoxification properties that can help to get rid of heavy metals.

How to Release the Pinched Nerve in the Lumbar Area: Top 8 Natural Treatments For Sciatic Pain

Top 8 Natural Treatments For Sciatic Pain

The sciatic nerve is one of the largest nerves of our body. It runs all the way down from the lower spine over the buttock to both feet to provide movement, feeling, and strength in both legs.

As many as 40% of all people will suffer from sciatic pain at some point in their life. This is a condition which is often mistaken for lower back pain or leg cramps. But it actually is something that puts pressure or pinches the nerve and fires pain down your back or thigh to your legs.

How Safe Are Amalgam Fillings and Should You Replace Them?

How Safe Are Amalgam Fillings and Should You Replace Them?

Almost half of US dentists still use dental amalgam fillings ( “silver fillings” ). But did you know that amalgam fillings contain about 50% mercury. Studies found that small amounts of mercury are continually released from amalgam fillings and it is mostly absorbed into the body. (1, 2)

Study: Diet Drinks Triple the Risk of Having a Stroke and Getting Dementia + Best Sugar Substitutes

diet soda causes barain damage

Diet Soda’s Worst Fear Coming True: Massive Study links Aspartame to Major Problems

You may think that drinking sugar-free diet soda is better for you than regular soda, which is full of sugar. After all, experts have been telling us for years about the dangers of consuming too much sugar, which has been associated with obesity and other health issues. However, medical studies proved that drinking diet soda is really bad for you as it can greatly increase your risk of stroke and dementia.

Bug repellent made from coconut oil works better than DEET, government study says

10 Natural Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

When summer arrives and mosquito season comes, all my family gets bitten like crazy. I like to make my own natural homemade mosquito spray which is a natural bug repellent as I don’t like to use the commercial products that contain nasty and harmful chemical ingredients. Therefore you’ll find here natural solutions to repel mosquitoes, which are the best and healthiest ways to keep them off anyone.

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato + Recipes

Proven Health Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato

Purple sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients that are great for your health. Purple sweet potato contains antioxidants that are good for your heart, digestion, cognitive function, and liver health. Because of their many health benefits, purple sweet potatoes are also good for diabetes.

10 Cancer Causing Products to Remove From Your Home: Scented Candles, Air Fresheners and More

8 Cancer Causing Products to Remove From Your Home

As a parent and spouse, you try to ensure your family is healthy and happy, and you do everything within your power to keep them safe. It doesn’t cross your mind that the products that you are using to keep them safe may actually be placing them in harm’s way.

Proven Brain Foods to Boost Brain Power, Focus and Memory

Proven Brain Foods to Boost Brain Power, Focus and Memory

Brain foods provide nourishment to one of the most important organs in your body. Some of the best brain foods include oily fish, broccoli, avocados, berries, nuts, olive oil, and green tea. These foods contain brain-boosting nutrients that help improve concentration, focus, memory, and cognitive function.

Healthy and Natural World