14 Human Foods That Can Harm or Even Kill Your Beloved Dog or Cat
Lots of people have pets and they treat them as an integral part of their family, but while there are foods that are safe and delicious for us, they might be dangerous for our pets. Some of them may just cause a stomach upset, but some of them can be fatal. Below you will find a list of common people foods to avoid feeding your pets. While no matter how cautious you are, your pet may still eat something it shouldn’t. If you suspect your pet has a food poisoning, contact your local vet or the closest emergency clinic.
Beware: U.S Salmon May be Crawling with Japanese Tapeworm, Say Scientists
A recently published study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that Alaskan salmon could be infected with Japanese broad tapeworm, a parasite previously believed to only infect fish in Asia.
According to CDC’s study, salmon caught anywhere along the Pacific coast of North America and Asia could be infected with the Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense Tapeworm Larvae.
How to Cook Rice to Dramatically Cut the Calories (According to Research)
Readers of this website are already familiar with my enthusiasm for coconut oil. Now, there is even another reason to love it. When used in a certain way, coconut oil can make a bowl of white rice into a much healthier meal. In fact, this unique cooking method means that your body will be able to absorb half of the calories in rice with the added benefit of decreasing body fat accumulation.
The Impressive Health Benefits of Guava Fruit and Leaves & How to Eat Guava (Evidence Based)
Guava is a delicious tropical fruit that is packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and many other healthy nutrients. Eating guava fruit can help to lower blood pressure, boost your immunity and improve your digestive health. Because guava is full of fiber, it is also a good fruit for helping to lose weight naturally.
The Most Effective Foods to Cleanse your Lungs (Research Based)
Broccoli: Is It Good for You? Nutrition Facts, Proven Health Benefits (Science Based)
Broccoli is a healthy green cruciferous vegetable that is high in vitamins, minerals and fiber but low in calories. Many people class broccoli as a superfood because of its many health benefits. Broccoli is good for your digestion, your cardiovascular health, keeping your liver healthy, and lowering blood glucose levels.
Benefits and Uses of Sea Salt for Skin (including Dead Sea Salt) – Evidence Based
Sea salt is produced by the evaporation of seawater and contains minerals and antibacterial properties. Sea salt has many uses in cosmetics, and you can use sea salt in home remedies to improve your skin’s appearance. Natural preparations containing sea salt can help treat acne, cleanse your skin from impurities, and exfoliate your skin.
‘Kissing Bug’ Spreads A Parasitic Disease in the U.S – They Bite People’s Face at Night
Why Weighted Blanket Helps with Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Autism, and More (Evidence Based)
Weighted blankets are designed to help people manage problems related to anxiety, insomnia, depression and autism. These heavy blankets create gentle pressure on the body that many say feels like a comforting hug. Getting under a blanket filled with chains, weighted pellets, or balls can help reduce many anxiety-related symptoms and help you sleep better.