Proven Benefits of Elderberry and Elderberry Syrup (Including Elderberry Syrup Recipe)

Benefits of Elderberry and Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry is a fruit of the elder tree with medicinal properties. Elderberries can help treat a cold, get rid of coughing and improve your digestion. The benefits of elderberries are due to the many vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants in the fruit. You can also help prevent getting the flu or a cold by making your own elderberry syrup.

The Top 10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally

10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally

If you notice that you have small itchy spots, red rashes or blisters when you wake up, it could be a sign that you have bed bugs. These tiny little pests can infest the seams of your mattress, bed frames, box springs, and headboards. It can be a challenge to get rid of bed bugs because they are hard to detect and they multiply rapidly. Bed bugs should be destroyed as quickly as possible because they can infest other areas of your home and cause a major problem.

This Will Make You Stop Cleaning Inside Your Ears (According to Doctors)

This Will Make You Stop Cleaning Inside Your Ears

Many people regularly clean their ears with the best intentions of keeping them clean and healthy. However, our ears are not designed for cleaning. In fact, they have their own hygienic regime in place, and by sticking objects into the ear, you are only disrupting this natural process. Or worse, causing an injury.

Immune System Boosters: Foods, Vitamins and Supplements for Boosting the Immune System

Immune System Boosters: Foods, Vitamins and Supplements for Boosting the Immune System

A healthy immune system is essential to protect you against disease and prevent infection. You can boost your immune system by eating foods containing antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Supplements are also helpful to strengthen your immunity as they can address any nutritional deficiencies and give your immune system a boost.

14 Human Foods That Can Harm or Even Kill Your Beloved Dog or Cat

14 Common Foods that Can Kill Your Pet

Lots of people have pets and they treat them as an integral part of their family, but while there are foods that are safe and delicious for us, they might be dangerous for our pets. Some of them may just cause a stomach upset, but some of them can be fatal. Below you will find a list of common people foods to avoid feeding your pets. While no matter how cautious you are, your pet may still eat something it shouldn’t. If you suspect your pet has a food poisoning, contact your local vet or the closest emergency clinic.

Beware: U.S Salmon May be Crawling with Japanese Tapeworm, Say Scientists

Farmed Salmon is Toxic

A recently published study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that Alaskan salmon could be infected with Japanese broad tapeworm, a parasite previously believed to only infect fish in Asia.

According to CDC’s study, salmon caught anywhere along the Pacific coast of North America and Asia could be infected with the Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense Tapeworm Larvae.

How to Cook Rice to Dramatically Cut the Calories (According to Research)

How Adding Coconut Oil to White Rice Makes it 50% Healthier

Readers of this website are already familiar with my enthusiasm for coconut oil. Now, there is even another reason to love it. When used in a certain way, coconut oil can make a bowl of white rice into a much healthier meal. In fact, this unique cooking method means that your body will be able to absorb half of the calories in rice with the added benefit of decreasing body fat accumulation.

The Impressive Health Benefits of Guava Fruit and Leaves & How to Eat Guava (Evidence Based)

Health Benefits of Guava Fruit and Leaves & How to Eat Guava

Guava is a delicious tropical fruit that is packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and many other healthy nutrients. Eating guava fruit can help to lower blood pressure, boost your immunity and improve your digestive health. Because guava is full of fiber, it is also a good fruit for helping to lose weight naturally.

The Most Effective Foods to Cleanse your Lungs (Research Based)

The Best Foods to Cleanse your Lungs

Our lungs play a vital function in our respiratory system by taking in oxygen and filter out toxins from the air. Keeping your lungs healthy and working properly is essential to make sure all cells and tissue in your body get fed by oxygen-rich blood.

Healthy and Natural World