Zu San Li: Point of Longevity (The Point of Hundred Diseases) – How to Activate It

Zu San Li - Point of Longevity - How to Activate It

Zu San Li, so named the “point of longevity,” as well as the “point of a hundred diseases” is a pressure point located just below the patella (kneecap) and between the two bones of the lower leg. Many people claim that massaging this pressure point controls the flow of energy to myriad bodily parts, and many disorders can be treated via the stimulation of Zu San Li.

Why Hot Dogs and Processed Meat Might Be the Most Dangerous Foods of All Time

Top 5 Cancer Causing Foods to Avoid

Who isn’t afraid of the word “cancer”? We all know a family member or a friend who had it. And indeed, according to the American Cancer Society, more than one million people in the United States suffer from cancer each year. According to scientific studies, certain foods such as hot dogs, bacon, potato chips and even sugar could possibly increase the risk of cancer. In addition, processed meat like hot dogs may also contain harmful ingredients such as nitrites, MSG, and mechanically separated meat (MSM).

Learn How to Save a Choking Baby in 3 Minutes

Learn How to Save a Chocking Baby in 3 Minutes

It’s every parent’s worst fear: your baby appears to be choking, and you don’t know what to do to help. Try as you might to put small objects up on the highest shelves and keep coins in your wallet and nuts and seeds locked away securely, babies can sometimes manage to get a hold of things they shouldn’t—and inevitably, they put these things in their mouths.

8 Flat Tummy Drinks to Help You Lose Belly Fat

Flat Tummy Water To Help You Lose Belly Fat: 8 Delicious Recipes

Flat tummy water is a great natural drink to help you lose belly fat and assist with weight loss in general. Water infusion recipes to help get a flatter tummy are also delicious and pleasurable to drink. What’s more, drinking water infused with ingredients like cucumber, ginger, mint, and lemon effectively flush toxins from your body and help you lose fat around your belly at the same time.

Get Rid of Throat Mucus Faster With These Home Treatments (Evidence Based)

Get Rid of Throat Mucus Faster With These Home Treatments

Having excessive throat mucus is a frustrating condition that can make you want to constantly clear your throat. This buildup of throat mucus can give you the feeling like there is always something stuck in your throat. Although an infection in the upper respiratory tract can be one cause, conditions like allergies, asthma, and heartburn can leave you feeling that there is too much phlegm in your throat.

The Best Teeth Whitening Home Remedies (Natural Teeth Whitening Methods)

13 Natural Methods for Teeth Whitening

Natural teeth whitening methods at home can help to remove yellow stains from teeth. As we age, teeth naturally lose their pearly-white color and can start to darken. You can whiten your teeth at home by using products such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, charcoal, or coconut oil.

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids: Fast and Effective Ways (Science Based)

Get rid of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (also called piles) are swollen or distended veins in your rectum or anus that cause anal itching, burning, pain, and bleeding. Hemorrhoids can make sitting painful and can bleed when you have a bowel movement. Although hemorrhoids rarely cause any complications, they can be extremely painful.

The Best Foods to Cleanse and Prevent Clogged Arteries

The Best Foods to Prevent Clogged Arteries

The arteries are the plumbing system of our body – they carry blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to every cell. Just like a house with bust plumbing is doomed, so too is the body if we let the arteries get clogged and hardened.

How to Detect and Eliminate Eyelash Mites (Demodex Mites)

Eyelash mites

The eyelash mite (Demodex folliculitis) or Demodex mite is a parasite found in the hair follicles of your face. It is can be found in the nose, cheeks and most especially the eyelash area hence it’s also called the eyelash mite.

Healthy and Natural World