How Many Calories in One Egg: Fried, Boiled, Cooked or Scrambled

How Many Calories Are in An Egg? And Why You Should Eat More Eggs

Many people wonder how many calories an egg contains and some people are worried about egg’s cholesterol and fat content. One medium raw egg contains about 63 calories. However a larger or smaller egg has a different amount of calories. Also, boiling, frying or scrambling the egg affects the total calorie content.

16 Warning Signs of Poor Blood Circulation and How to Treat It

14 Warning Signs That You Have Poor Blood Circulation

If you frequently have cold feet and hands with a tingling feeling in them, it could be that you are showing signs of poor blood circulation. If blood flow in your body is reduced for some reason, you may also suffer other health complications. For example, it is known that poor blood circulation can cause dizziness, fatigue, hair loss, and even result in digestive upset.

13 Health Issues Caused By Lack Of Water in Your Body

7 Warning Signs That Tell You Your Body Is Lacking Water

If you have a houseplant and forget to give it water for extended periods of time what happens? The physical appearance of the plant begins to wither. It shrivels and drys up, loses its color and liveliness, and it eventually dies. Humans aren’t any different than plants in this aspect. Without water, which comprises approximately 75% of our bodies, we would die.

The Best Scientifically Proven Foods to Cleanse Your Liver

The Best Foods to Cleanse Your Liver (Research Based)

Foods that are good for your liver help to naturally increase detoxification enzymes that help to cleanse the liver. Liver healthy foods that have a cleansing effect include green tea, citrus fruits, garlic, green leafy vegetables, and nuts. To help improve your liver function, it is also important to consume healthy oils like extra virgin olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids.

The Best Exercises to Tone and Trim your Inner Thighs (Images Included)

The Best Exercises to Tone and Trim your Inner Thighs

If you suffer from excess fat in your inner thighs, don’t despair. You can tone your inner thighs with specific exercises and dietary changes that will target full body weight loss. Toning your inner thighs will make them stronger and more attractive and will improve your confidence when you go to the beach or wear leggings and skinny jeans.

How to Stop Snoring: Anti-Snoring Devices, Snoring Remedies, and More

How to Stop Snoring: Anti-Snoring Devices, Snoring Remedies, and More

Finding out how to stop snoring is usually something that partners of chronic snorers want to find. Snoring can cause sleepless nights and misery for others, especially as the person snoring may be oblivious to their problem. The good news is that there are many snoring remedies that help to cure snoring so that everyone can get a good night’s sleep.

Intermittent Fasting 5:2 – Principles, Science and How To

Intermittent Fasting, 5:2 - Principles, Science and How To

Millions of people around the world are seeing excellent weight loss and health improvement results by following the intermittent fasting diet.

The diet goes by many names including 5:2 Intermittent Fasting, the Mosley Diet, the FastDiet, and The Dukan Diet. Although there are subtle differences between the diets, the principles remain the same.

Quickly Drain You Lymph System Using Theses Simple Techniques to Boost Immunity and Remove Toxins

Clean your Body’s Drains: 10 Ways to Detoxify your Lymphatic System

The lymph system is a complex drainage system. The lymphatic drainage consists of lymph nodes, vessels, spleen, and thymus. The lymphatic system plays an important role in fighting infections and absorbing excess fluids, fats, and toxic waste material from your entire body.

A lack of exercise, iodine deficiency, illness, or digestive imbalances can clog the lymphatic system and cause health issues and diseases. Luckily there are many natural ways to cleanse your lymphatic system and improve skin issues, arthritis, cellulite, headaches, colds, sinus infections, fatigue, cholesterol, digestive disorders, and overall health.

Vitamin A Deficiency May Be Causing a Diabetes Epidemic (Science Based)

This Vitamin Deficiency May Be Causing a Diabetes Epidemic

Diabetes is a chronic illness where the body’s ability to metabolize sugars malfunctions. It afflicts millions of people—both adults and children—worldwide. A groundbreaking study performed by researchers from New York’s Weill Cornell Medical College, has unlocked the secret to vitamin A’s role in diabetes.

Healthy and Natural World