Guanabana (Fruit, Tea): Scientifically Proven Health Benefits (Extensively Researched)

Guanabana (Fruit, Tea): Scientifically Proven Health Benefits

Guanabana (also called soursop or graviola) is a fruit that grows in tropical climates, and guanabana extracts are prized for their proven health benefits. Scientific research into the medicinal properties of the guanabana leaf, pulp, and skin extracts has revealed its potential as a potent natural remedy for many ailments.

Breast Cancer Prevention Tips According to Scientific Studies

The Best 7 Foods for Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers and is the second leading cause of cancer death in American women. By changing your diet, you can do a lot to reduce your risk of getting it. Scientific studies have also revealed that 90–95% of cancer cases have their roots in the environment and lifestyle factors.

Sleep Paralysis: Why We Sometimes Wake Up But Cannot Move

Why We Sometimes Wake Up But Cannot Move (Sleep Paralysis)

For most of us, sleep is a welcome friend at the end of a tough day. Our bedrooms are a place of sanctuary where we can slide between our comfortable sheets and finally put away the cares and stresses that beset us during waking hours and just – drift off…

Proven Natural Treatments for Shingles: Essential Oils and Honey

Essential Oil Remedies for Treating Shingles Naturally

Shingles is a viral disease that manifests in a painful skin rash with blisters on a small area of your body, normally your torso or face. Before the blisters appear, you may have a headache and fever, but this is often so mild that most people miss it.

How to Detox from Heavy Metals & Powerful Detox Smoothie (Chelation Therapy)

How to Detox from Heavy Metals

Heavy metal poisoning, or heavy metal toxicity, is a dangerous condition that causes many debilitating symptoms. It’s caused by toxic amounts of heavy metals that accumulate in the soft tissues of the body.

Honey and Cinnamon: A Proven Natural Cure For Many Diseases (Evidence Based)

How to Combine Honey and Cinnamon for Great Health

Honey and cinnamon are two amazing natural substances. Natural honey which hasn’t been heated is an excellent raw ingredient for your health. Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices and it’s full of medicinal properties that can contribute a lot to your health.

The Many Health Benefits Of Okra Water and How to Make It (Evidence Based)

How to Use Okra For Treating Diabetes

Okra is considered a comfort food by all who love it. Although okra or Abelmoschus esculentus (sometimes referred to as “lady fingers”,”bamia” or “bhindi”) is often served fried and battered, it is quite the healthy food and boasts many health benefits when prepared without a beer-battering and deep-frying.

Why You Should Stop Using Petroleum Jelly On Your Skin (It’s a Byproduct of the Petroleum Manufacturing Process)

Here is why you should stop using petroleum jelly immediately

Many people use Vaseline as a cheap way to soften and moisturize their skin. Petroleum jelly is a semisolid mixture of fatty substances that are a byproduct of the crude oil industry. A common brand name is Vaseline. Although it can soften skin, there are many reasons never to put petroleum jelly on your skin. Products containing petroleum jelly can contaminate the body, interfere with estrogen levels, and may contain carcinogenic substances.

Why Your Digestive System Doesn’t Function Properly and How to Fix It

5 Reasons Your Digestive System Doesn't Function Properly

Your digestive system plays a major role in the overall health of your body. Poor or slow digestion are particularly common in Western society and have become part of the daily routine for many of us, but in normal condition they are not supposed to appear at all. Food may not get digested properly if you suffer from gastroparesis, stress, or enzyme deficiency. Some of the common symptoms of poor digestion are abdominal pain and bloating, irritable bowel and constipation.

Healthy and Natural World