The Best Proven Essential Oils for Menopause (Evidence Based)

The Best Proven Essential Oils for Menopause

Using essential oils during the menopause can help you get relief from many of the symptoms associated with the change in life. The best essential oils for the menopause help relieve hot flashes, mood swings, sleep problems, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. You can get relief from menopause symptoms by using essential oils in a relaxing massage blend, an aromatherapy diffuser, or inhaling a combination of oils.

Love Nutella? Here’s Why You Should Never Eat It And Opt For A Healthier Alternative Recipe

Why you should stop eating Nutella

Nutella was a pantry staple of mine for many years, until I started to learn more about nutrition and how to decipher labeled ingredients. In theory Nutella is pretty healthy, chocolate has been shown to release happy hormones in the brain along with other benefits. Hazelnuts are high in vitamin E, various minerals such as magnesium and essential fatty acids. Then there’s skim milk which many people have been led to believe is a healthy food for strong bones and teeth.

Foods to Eat if You Need to Poop – The Best Natural Laxatives to Relieve Constipation

The Best Natural Laxatives For Constipation

We might not feel comfortable talking about it, but being able to go to the toilet regularly does make a big difference. There are many factors that can cause constipation, and often a combination of poor diet, stress and lack of activity can be blamed. In this article I am going to explain how natural laxatives can help you relieve constipation.

This Is What Happens with Your Lungs and Brain When You Diffuse Essential Oils

Exciting Health Boosting Essential Oil Recipes For Your Diffuser

You can easily convert your home or office into your own, personal aromatherapy paradise with just a diffuser and a range of essential oil blends. Whether you suffer from a specific ailment or simply want to improve your sense of well-being, you can select the essential oils that target each area of your life, mix them into the perfect blend, and place them in your diffuser for hours of bliss.

How Smoking Affects Your Body & How to Quit Smoking

Smoking Just 60 Cigarettes: What It Does to Your Lungs + How to Quit Smoking Naturally

Most people today are aware of the dangers of smoking and the adverse effect it has on their health. In the UK, cigarette smoking is the greatest single cause of illness and premature death. Still, smoking remains one of the most prevalent habits.

Pinched Nerve in Shoulder: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatments (Science Based)

Pinched Nerve in Shoulder: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatments

A pinched nerve in your shoulder is used to describe shoulder pain or irritation caused by a pinched (compressed) nerve in the upper or middle part of your spine. The pinched nerve can also cause the shoulder pain and irritation to spread from your shoulder blade down your arm. Nerves in the upper part of your spine and neck can become entrapped and cause tingling sensations, shooting pains, or muscle weakness in the shoulder.

Proven Health Benefits of Beets and Fermented Beets (Science Based)

The 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Beets

Beets have amazing health benefits and have an important place in a healthy diet. Beets are a sweet root vegetable that are full of important vitamins and minerals. Both the red beet root and the beetroot greens can be eaten hot or cold in delicious salads, soups and meals.

The Health Benefits of Cabbage Juice & How To Juice It

5 Healthy Reason to Drink Cabbage Juice

Cabbage juice has a wide range of health benefits such as cancer prevention, ulcers treatment, lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) as well as many other benefits.

Studies Link Soda To Depression, Kidney Damage, Heart Attacks And Brain Damage

Doctors Warn: Soda Can Seriously Damage Your Entire Body

Certain Coca-Cola bottles claim that the drink contains no artificial flavors and chemical preservatives. This seems to be the company’s newest strategy to get the more health-conscious customers back on board.

The only problem is that the labeling is somewhat misleading. Coke contains the notorious phosphoric acid, which is essentially both an artificial flavor and a preservative, and has been linked to many health problems. It also contains other ingredients that are linked to depression, kidney damage, heart attacks and brain damage.

Healthy and Natural World