Proven Health Benefits of Beets and Fermented Beets (Science Based)

The 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Beets

Beets have amazing health benefits and have an important place in a healthy diet. Beets are a sweet root vegetable that are full of important vitamins and minerals. Both the red beet root and the beetroot greens can be eaten hot or cold in delicious salads, soups and meals.

The Health Benefits of Cabbage Juice & How To Juice It

5 Healthy Reason to Drink Cabbage Juice

Cabbage juice has a wide range of health benefits such as cancer prevention, ulcers treatment, lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) as well as many other benefits.

Studies Link Soda To Depression, Kidney Damage, Heart Attacks And Brain Damage

Doctors Warn: Soda Can Seriously Damage Your Entire Body

Certain Coca-Cola bottles claim that the drink contains no artificial flavors and chemical preservatives. This seems to be the company’s newest strategy to get the more health-conscious customers back on board.

The only problem is that the labeling is somewhat misleading. Coke contains the notorious phosphoric acid, which is essentially both an artificial flavor and a preservative, and has been linked to many health problems. It also contains other ingredients that are linked to depression, kidney damage, heart attacks and brain damage.

Proven Home Remedies for Vaginal Dryness (Vaginal Atrophy) & Best Natural Lubes

Proven Home Remedies for Vaginal Dryness & Best Natural Lubes (Vaginal Atrophy)

Vaginal dryness can be a distressing symptom of the menopause that causes itching, pain, and an increased risk of infection. A decrease in vaginal lubrication can be due to reasons such as low estrogen levels, medications and age. The best lubricants for women with menopause dryness that help to moisturize the genital area include vitamin E, aloe vera, coconut oil, and olive oil.

Amazing Reasons for Using Himalayan Salt Block and How to Use It

Amazing Reasons for using Himalayan salt block

You may have heard about the health benefits of pink Himalayan salt and about the health benefits of using a Himalayan salt lamp. But did you know that you can also use a Himalayan pink salt block for cooking and for serving food?

Evidence Based Benefits of Onions Including Nutrition Facts (Science Based)

red onion health benefits

Onion is a vegetable used in cooking and is full of healthy nutrients. Onion bulbs are extremely good for you because they contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Consuming raw, cooked, or boiled onions can help you lose weight, boost your cardiovascular health, strengthen your immunity, and reduce inflammation.

Science Explains 10 Anti-Aging Foods For Glowing, Younger Looking Skin

Top 10 Foods Against Wrinkles

What we eat and drink often shows on our skin. A few late nights, and a few too many naughty meals, and our skin starts showing signs of exhaustion and premature aging. But, you can fight off unnecessary wrinkles and lines by treating yourself to food that will support your skin with the right nutrients and make it smoother. If you want to improve the condition of your skin, consider enjoying some of the following superfoods.

Proven Essential Oils for Anxiety Based on Science and How to Use Them

Proven Essential Oils for Anxiety Based on Science and How to Use Them

Essential oils are good for treating anxiety because their powerful scents affect our emotions and mood. Essential oils such as lavender oil, chamomile, valerian, bergamot, and orange essential oil have a sedative effect that calms nerves. The uplifting aromas of essential oils can also help improve mood, help you sleep better, and reduce anxiety.

How To Make Onion Juice For Hair Growth & Strong Hair

How To Make Onion Juice For Hair Growth & Strong Hair

Are you worried about a receding hairline or bald patches? Do you feel your hair is becoming thinner or grayer? When people notice their hair is changing, this can be a blow to their confidence. Our hair is often a part of our identity, so we might go to great lengths to preserve it.

Healthy and Natural World