Proven Herbs, Supplements and Vitamins for the Menopause (Evidence Based)
There are many herbs, supplements, and vitamins that can provide support during the menopause. As part of the menopause diet, you need to consume the proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to help your body and mind cope with changes the menopause brings. The menopause can trigger many emotional and physical symptoms due to lower estrogen levels. This can result in menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, and depression.
Top 15 Causes of Headaches and How to Get Rid of Them Naturally
Honey and Salt: A Simple Recipe for a Great Sleep
How to Relieve Menopausal Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: Proven Natural Remedies
Hot flashes and night sweats are some of the most common menopause symptoms that can last for many years. Natural remedies for hot flashes help to reduce the appearance of flushed red skin, excessive sweating, and a rapid heartbeat. Some good natural supplements for hot flashes include black cohosh, evening primrose oil, red clover, and vitamin E.
Swollen Legs, Ankles and Feet: Causes and Proven Remedies (Including Parsley Tea Recipe)
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for Kidney Stones
Kidney stones can be an uncomfortable and extremely painful experience for anyone who has suffered from them. The pain can range from a dull pain in the stomach to a very severe pain in the lower back and even the inner thigh, and can sometimes be accompanied by nausea and blood in the urine.
Three Day Lymphatic Cleanse To Keep You Healthy All Year Long
Lymphatic system might be the body’s most forgotten and under-studied system. People usually hear about it only in relation to cancer. When everything seems to be going well, the lymphatic system just gets ignored, and its function is not really considered. If you knew that the lymphatic system may be more important than the blood supply system, would that change the way you look after it? Read on to find out about the lymph’s significance and how to keep it flowing to preserve your health.
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: Extraordinary Uses, Dangers and More (Ultimate Guide)
Food grade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has many uses around the home and commercially. 3% hydrogen peroxide is usually used to disinfect surfaces, whiten teeth, and used as a mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide also comes in other grades that are stronger than 3%. For example, the food industry often uses 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide for various bleaching processes and to kill off germs.
How to Make Ginger Ale (Ginger Beer) to Reduce Pain and Inflammation
Ginger is extremely popular and versatile and has been used for its taste and health potential for thousands of years. It is rich in essential minerals and vitamins and is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain relief (analgesic) properties (and you can read more about it in my article about the proven health benefits of ginger which includes extensive research).