Three Day Lymphatic Cleanse To Keep You Healthy All Year Long

Lymphatic system might be the body’s most forgotten and under-studied system. People usually hear about it only in relation to cancer. When everything seems to be going well, the lymphatic system just gets ignored, and its function is not really considered. If you knew that the lymphatic system may be more important than the blood supply system, would that change the way you look after it? Read on to find out about the lymph’s significance and how to keep it flowing to preserve your health.
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: Extraordinary Uses, Dangers and More (Ultimate Guide)

Food grade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has many uses around the home and commercially. 3% hydrogen peroxide is usually used to disinfect surfaces, whiten teeth, and used as a mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide also comes in other grades that are stronger than 3%. For example, the food industry often uses 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide for various bleaching processes and to kill off germs.
How to Make Ginger Ale (Ginger Beer) to Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Ginger is extremely popular and versatile and has been used for its taste and health potential for thousands of years. It is rich in essential minerals and vitamins and is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain relief (analgesic) properties (and you can read more about it in my article about the proven health benefits of ginger which includes extensive research).
How to Naturally Improve Your Eyesight With Juicing
10 Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) You Didn’t Know About (Evidence Based)

Sensitivity to gluten is a serious issue in modern health. People suffering from it have difficulty digesting gluten and are consequently deprived of essential nutrients. The issue has been connected with a shockingly wide amount of disease and health issues ranging from skin problems to dementia and celiac disease.
Woman Loses 88 Pounds in One Year by Making 3 Simple Changes

This woman took a remarkable journey that inspired many. 26-year old Amanda was 222 pounds (100 kilograms) when she decided to do something about her weight. In just one year, she lost 88 pounds (40 kilograms) and achieved both an external and an internal transformation. She recorded her amazing makeover by taking a photo of herself every month. The images went viral and her story provided an invaluable lesson: it’s possible to lose weight by taking three simple steps and sticking with them.
The Best Natural Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – Evidence Based

According to the U.S. Health Department’s Office on Women Health, between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 women, who are of childbearing age, suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS currently affects an estimated five million Americans and although the majority of these cases are in mature women, girls as young as 11 can suffer from the disorder.
Proven Natural Ways to Treat PMS and PMDD (Science Based)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a wide range of emotional, physical, and behavioral conditions that occur 1-2 weeks before menstruation. Hormonal imbalances can cause sore breasts, headaches, mood swings, and abdominal cramping. Natural ways to treat PMS and its more severe form, PMDD, include vitamins and supplements, getting enough rest, and cutting out certain foods.
The Amazing Health Benefits of Stomach Massage (Evidence Based)

Abdominal massage is a technique that has been used by multiple cultures since the time of the ancients. Palpating the belly has been thought to promote health and wellness in many ways, including pain relief, stress relief, and overall improvement of the functioning of the digestive tract.
Abdominal massage doesn’t require a lot of hard work, and it’s easy to incorporate it into your daily life in order to facilitate lifelong wellness of both the body and the mind.