Scientifically Proven Benefits and Uses of Lemon Oil (Lemon Essential Oil)

Scientifically Proven Benefits and Uses of Lemon Oil (Lemon Essential Oil)

Lemon essential oil is a fresh aromatic oil that is good for your skin, improving your brain health, boosting digestion, and invigorating you. To get the health benefits of lemon oil, you can dilute it with a carrier oil to massage onto your skin. You can also use lemon essential oil in a diffuser to inhale its refreshing scent and boost your mood.

Proven Health Benefits of Red Clover & How to Make Red Clover Tea

Proven Health Benefits of Red Clover & How to Make Red Clover Tea

Red clover comes as an herbal tea or supplement that can help manage many symptoms of the menopause. However the benefits of taking red clover supplements extend to more than just relieving hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, and other menopausal symptoms. Red clover extracts can help strengthen bones, soothe coughing, and keep your skin looking healthy.

5 Genius Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps & Keep Them Away

How to Get Rid of Wasps Naturally

Wasps can do more than just ruin your picnic. Some people are allergic to their venom and just one sting can be deadly. Because of this, it might be necessary to get rid of wasps and destroy nests found around your home.

Proven Health Benefits of Ground Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Meal (Science Based)

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds and flaxseed meal are a rich source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Flaxseed meal is a great addition to your diet because flaxseeds are low in calories, low in carbs, and are gluten-free. Eating raw ground flaxseeds can help to improve your heart health, lose weight, boost your digestive health, and improve your skin’s appearance. There are studies showing that certain compounds in flaxseed meal have anticancer activity.

Colon Cleansing: How to Naturally Flush Your Colon at Home (Science Based)

Colon Cleansing: How to Naturally Flush Your Colon at Home

Colon cleansing is a broad description of using methods to flush excess waste and toxins from your colon. Consuming high-fiber foods, probiotic foods, and foods that promote healthy digestion are among some of the natural ways to cleanse your colon at home. Also, water, healthy smoothies, and some herbal teas stimulate your digestive tract to promote colon cleansing.

Proven Benefits of Hemp Oil and CBD Oil: For Skin, Pain and More (Science Based)

Proven Benefits of Hemp Oil: For Skin, Pain and More

Hemp oil is a healthy oil that can help to soothe pain, reduce inflammation, alleviate stress, and promote good heart health. Although hemp oil is derived from the cannabis plant, it should not be confused with marijuana or cannabis oil. Most of the health benefits of hemp oil come from the cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD). Sometimes, hemp oil is referred to as CBD oil.

Proven Benefits of Kefir (Milk, Yogurt, Drink) – Science Based

Proven Benefits of Kefir (Milk, Yogurt, Drink)

Kefir is a fermented milk drink with many benefits to your digestive health because it contains probiotics. Kefir milk is traditionally made by putting kefir grains in cow, sheep, or goat’s milk to create a yogurt-type drink, although nowadays there are versions with non-dairy milks. Kefir drink is good for your immune system, bone health, digestion, and managing symptoms of diabetes.

Natural Energy Boosters: Foods that Give You Energy (Evidence Based) & Other Tips

Natural Energy Boosters: Foods that Give You Energy

Foods that boost your energy naturally can be just what you need if you feel tired, fatigued, and have no energy. Foods such as bananas, eggs, lentils, oatmeal, and brown rice contain protein, fiber, and nutrients that give you energy. Some energy-boosting snacks include peanut butter, dark chocolate, and nuts.

Fibromyalgia Diet: Food to Eat and Food to Avoid (Including Fibromyalgia Flare-up) – Science Based

Fibromyalgia Diet: Food to Eat and Food to Avoid (Including Fibromyalgia Flare-up)

The fibromyalgia diet includes foods that help to reduce chronic pain, tender points, fatigue, and other symptoms of fibromyalgia. Whole foods, plenty of vegetables, and healthy fats are all part of the foods to eat on a fibromyalgia diet. There are also some supplements like omega-3, D-ribose, and turmeric that are good for fibromyalgia sufferers.

Healthy and Natural World