Raspberries: Nutrition Facts, Calories, Carbs, Proven Health Benefits (Science Based)

Raspberries: Nutrition Facts, Calories, Carbs, Proven Health Benefits

Raspberries are a delicious edible fruit that contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrients. Raspberries are low in carbohydrates and calories and are a tasty and healthy addition to your diet. One ounce (28 g) of raspberries contains 7.3 mg of vitamin C which is about 12% of your recommended daily vitamin C intake.

Eliminate Head Lice With This Simple Home Remedy (Evidence Based)

Eliminate Head Lice With This Simple Home Remedy

Head lice are harmless, but they are still nothing to rejoice about. Despite all the parental efforts, every year about 12 million kids in America get affected. The infestation becomes itchy and sore. As a result of constant scratching, secondary infections can develop in some cases.

Proven Health Benefits of Sea Kelp: For Weight Loss, Thyroid, Heart Health and More

Proven Health Benefits of Sea Kelp: For Weight Loss, Thyroid, Heart Health and More

Sea kelp is a type of edible seaweed that is packed full of nutrients that benefit your health. Sea kelp contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Taking sea kelp supplements has been linked to weight loss, boosting your cardiovascular health, and improving digestion. The high level of iodine in kelp means that it can also help address thyroid disorders.

What to Do to Restore Gut Flora After Taking Antibiotics (Foods to Eat, Prebiotics, Probiotics)

What to Do After Taking Antibiotics to Restore Gut Flora (Foods to Eat, Prebiotics, Probiotics)

After taking antibiotics, it is important to take probiotics and eat the proper foods to prevent gastrointestinal upset and help restore gut flora. A course of antibiotics can upset the delicate flora in your gut because they destroy both the bad and good bacteria. Foods like plain yogurt, bananas, and whole-grain cereals help to boost the number of good bacteria to restore your gut flora.

How to Treat (and Prevent) Dry Socket Naturally (Detailed Instructions)

How to Treat (and Prevent) Dry Socket Naturally

A dry socket (also known as alveolar osteitis) is a common complication that can happen to some people following a tooth extraction or other oral surgery. Dry socket is not a common complication of a tooth removal but if you’ve had your tooth removed recently then you have a risk for developing this complication.

How to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth In 3 Minutes at Home (Research Based)

How to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth In 3 Minutes at Home

Products aimed at beautifying your smile line the shelves of drugstores these days. The problem? Many of these teeth whitening products contain chemicals that can be harmful to your health and can ultimately lead to eroding the enamel on your teeth.

How & Why You Need to Freeze Lemons (Detailed Instructions)

How & Why You Need to Freeze Lemons

Refreshing, zesty and alkalizing. Lemons are one of those fruits I always like to stock in my kitchen. One way to assure you are never short of these yellow vitamin bombs is to freeze them. Yes, it’s perfectly all right to do that.

In fact, every part of the fruit can be frozen, including the juice, and consumed at your convenience. Moreover, freezing lemons can bring some other benefits and make the preparation of food and beverages a lot smoother.

The Best Cooking Methods for Cancer Prevention + Powerful Healing Food Combinations

The Best Cooking Methods for Cancer Prevention

Did you know that some cooking methods can reduce your risk of getting cancer? Many studies have shown that our nutrition has a crucial influence on our health, including reducing the risk of serious diseases like cancer.

Coconut Oil Secrets for Beautiful Glowing Skin and Shiny Hair (Based on Studies)

Coconut Oil Secrets for Beautiful Glowing Skin and Shiny Hair

Coconut oil is so versatile and is a staple in many kitchens. Coconut oil has been a common ingredient in Asian and Pacific households for ages, but received in the past a bad reputation in Western society due to its saturated fat content. But now it is gaining popularity in the West and is recognized for its health benefits (and you can read my previous article about coconut oil’s many health benefits).

Healthy and Natural World