Red Bumps or Spots on Back of Throat: What it Means and How to Get rid of It

Red bumps on the back of your throat usually mean that you have an inflammation, irritation, or an infection in your upper respiratory tract. Because the back of the throat is already red, it can be difficult to notice red spots on your throat. The red bumps can appear as small red dots in the throat or they can look like sore red ulcers. Usually, treating red spots on your tonsils or throat involves soothing the irritation or gargling with salt water to kill off infection-causing germs.
Mucus in Stool: Is It Normal? Causes and Treatments

It’s normal for a little amount of mucus to be in your stool sometimes. If you have no other symptoms, then there is usually no cause for concern if your stool has some slimy bits in it. Mucus in your stool is usually clear but sometimes can be yellowish or white. Infections in the intestines can change rectal mucus to a thick slimy substance.
Top 5 Most Effective DIY Hair Growth Mask Recipes (Science Based)

Homemade hair growth mask recipes contain natural nourishing ingredients to give you lustrous hair. The beauty of DIY hair masks for hair growth is that you can adjust the components to suit exactly your hair type. Using ingredients like castor oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil can help to moisturize your hair and give it an amazing shine. Essential oils in homemade hair masks also help to boost hair growth and get rid of scalp infections that can cause hair to thin.
Black or Dark Green Stool: What Dark Poop Means (Science Based)

Noticing black stool after a bowel movement may cause you to wonder what has turned your poop very dark. Usually black or dark green stool is caused by eating certain foods or due to gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Some foods like licorice, green leafy vegetables, or taking supplements can turn your poop very dark green or black. If bleeding of the upper GI is to blame, you may pass black and tarry stools that could have a foul smell. Bleeding of the colon or small intestine can also cause darkened stool with bright red blood on the stool.
Pain in Right Temple of Head: Causes of Headache in the Right Temple & Treatments

Headaches that affect your right temple affect many people and are a common source of pain and discomfort. A headache on one side of your head can cause you to feel a wave of nausea, fatigue, or even have vision disturbances. Very often the right temple pain can feel like sharp jabbing stabs behind your eye or it could be like unrelenting pounding aches. Even dull throbs on the right side of your head can affect your daily activities.
What are T3 and T4: The Complete Guide to Your Thyroid Hormones

T3 and T4 are hormones that are secreted by your thyroid gland and have a major impact on your health. T4 is the thyroid hormone thyroxine and T3 is the hormone triiodothyronine, and they affect almost every organ in your body. T4 and T3 levels in your body are regulated by the thyroid-stimulating hormone, or TSH for short. Thyroid tests to check thyroid function usually check for abnormal levels of TSH and T4 hormones.
Why Does My Heart Hurt? Common Reasons For Heart or Chest Pain

Feeling like your heart hurts can cause you a lot of worry and stress. The reasons for chest or heart pain are many, and not all causes of pain in your heart area are a sign that you have cardiac pain. For example, your heart can hurt because of indigestion, stress, chest muscle strain, or lung problems. Of course, pain in the heart area could be related to problems with your heart or arteries. Therefore, you should always get squeezing or unexplained chest pains checked out.
TSH Levels: Normal, High, or Low (Including Optimal Thyroid Levels)

TSH is a hormone secreted by the brain’s pituitary gland to control the activity of your thyroid gland. TSH stands for thyroid stimulating hormone and as its name suggests, it stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones. Levels of TSH affect the production the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Doctors usually test TSH level to see if it’s within the normal range if you show symptoms of an overactive or underactive thyroid.
Thick White Discharge: What It Means and Is it a Reason for Concern?

It is normal for most women to have some amount of thick white discharge during their menstrual cycle. The consistency of normal milky white discharge tends to get thicker around the time of ovulation. Thick white sticky discharge could also be an early sign of pregnancy or changes in your hormones. However, sometimes white creamy discharge that has a clumpy appearance could indicate a vaginal infection.