Pimples on Neck: How to Effectively Treat Neck Acne Based on Science

Pimples on Neck: How to Treat Neck Acne

Pimples on the neck can range from small red bumps that look like an irritating rash to large pus-filled pustules that are sore and painful. Although neck acne can appear in many shapes and forms, it’s important to know how to treat these unsightly blemishes on your neck. In many cases, home remedies can effectively treat the symptoms of acne on your neck and get rid of the pimples.

Common Causes of Pimples on Butt and How to Get Rid of Butt Breakouts

Common Causes of Pimples on Butt and How to Get Rid of Butt Breakouts

Breakouts of pimples on your butt can cause a lot of frustration when trying to get rid of these annoying red bumps from your buttocks. Sometimes referred to as butt acne or ‘buttne’, it can be challenging to know how to treat painful butt pimples. It seems like every time you sit down you are reminded of these painful bumps on your butt cheeks. Butt pimples may also cause embarrassment if you have to pull on a swimsuit and you have acne-like bumps on your behind.

Cervical Mucus Before Period: How Does It Look Like? Can it Predict Pregnancy?

Cervical Mucus Before Period: How Does It Look Like? Is It a Sign of Pregnancy?

Many women look for changes in their cervical mucus (CM) before their period as a sign of early pregnancy. Cervical mucus or vaginal discharge changes in consistency and amount during the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, just before ovulation and before your period, cervical mucus can look like sticky egg white. If you are pregnant, vaginal discharge before you expect your period may increase and take on a jelly-like appearance.

High or Low Monocytes in Blood Test – What Does It Mean?

High or Low Monocytes in Blood Test - What Does It Mean?

Monocytes are a type of white blood cell, and their function is to fight infections, germs, and inflammation, and to keep your immune system healthy. Doctors check blood test results for low or high monocyte levels to help diagnose various health conditions. For example, high monocyte count can mean that your body is fighting infections or that you have an inflammatory condition. Low monocyte count can mean that you have a vitamin deficiency, anemia, or are under a lot of stress.

6 Effective DIY Peel-Off Face Masks for Blackheads Removal and Deep Pore Cleansing

6 DIY Peel-Off Face Masks for Blackheads Removal and Deep Pore Cleansing

Making DIY peel off face masks is a great way to get rid of blackheads and cleanse your pores. Homemade peel off masks remove dead skin cells, grime, and bacteria from clogged pores, and help make your skin look and feel radiant. You can also adjust the ingredients in peel off masks you make at home to suit your skin type or address any skin issues. Homemade natural peel off face masks can be used for oily skin, combination skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, and acne-prone skin.

7 Effective Egg White Face Masks for Various Skin Issues

7 Effective Egg White Face Masks for Various Skin Issues

Egg white face masks are a great way to improve your skin’s tone and address many skin issues. Egg white masks can tighten your skin, shrink pores, and help to deep cleanse your facial skin and get rid of blackheads and blemishes. Egg white is also a rich source of protein and many other nutrients that help to nourish your skin and give it a more youthful appearance.

Spotting Before or After Period: Low and High-Risk Causes Not to Ignore

spotting between periods

Spotting between periods can be a cause for concern for many women. In the majority of cases, there is nothing to worry about if you notice spotting before or after your period. In fact, light vaginal bleeding or spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle can be normal for some women. For example, ovulation bleeding, implantation spotting, or even stress can cause pink or brown spots on your underwear before or after your period.

The Psoas Muscle and How to Release it to Relieve Pain and Tension

The Psoas Muscle and How to Release it to Relieve Pain and Tension

The psoas muscle is an important muscle located in your lower back or lumbar region. Tension in the psoas muscle or injury to it can be a cause of low back pain and discomfort. Knowing how to release the psoas muscle is one of the ways to ease back pain and tension. However, the muscle is deep within your core and it’s not always easy to stretch or exercise the psoas muscle.

12 DIY Face Masks for Blackheads and Tightening Pores (Including Peel Off Masks)

12 DIY Face Masks for Blackheads removal and to Tighten Pores (Including Peel Off Masks)

DIY face masks for blackheads are very easy to make and they are effective at tightening pores, helping you get skin free from blemishes. The best homemade face masks to get rid of blackheads contain ingredients that help remove bacteria, excess sebum, and exfoliate dead skin cells. Blackhead peel off masks also help to unclog pores and give your skin a firmer look and a clearer complexion.

Healthy and Natural World