Common Types of Wound Drainage and How to Take Care of Your Wound

Common Types of Wound Drainage and How to Take Care of Your Wound

Wound drainage is common in many types of wounds (including open wounds) while they are healing. The type of wound drainage you experience can help to know how well the wound is healing. Some types of drainage from wounds also indicate the presence of bacteria and that the wound is infected.

High Testosterone in Women: Causes, Symptoms and What to Do

High Testosterone in Women: Causes, Symptoms and What to Do

High testosterone in women can cause a number of symptoms like excessive body hair, mood changes, acne, and problems with your reproductive system. A hormonal imbalance in your body can mean that testosterone levels in women become abnormally high. Knowing how to lower testosterone if you are showing any of the symptoms can improve your quality of life.

9 Warning Signs of High Progesterone Levels and How to Treat It

9 Warning Signs of High Progesterone Levels and How to Treat It

Progesterone is a hormone that plays an important role in your menstrual cycle and pregnancy. It is natural that your levels of progesterone fluctuate during the month as your body prepares for ovulation and menstruation. If you become pregnant, levels of progesterone will be higher during the term of pregnancy.

Why Almonds Are So Good for You: Health Benefits of Almonds Backed by Science

Why Almonds Are So Good for You: Health Benefits of Almonds Backed by Science

Almonds are a delicious nut that are packed with protein, minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Almonds come from the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the Western United States and are very good for you because they are a very nutritious snack. Consuming almonds can help you lose weight, improve your cardiovascular health, and keep your digestion working well.

How to Get Rid of Armpit Pimples, Zits, or Pimple Like Bumps

How to Get Rid of Armpit Pimples, Zits, or Pimple Like Bumps

Pimples, zits, and red infected bumps can affect your armpit just as much as other parts of your body. Underarm pimples can appear in your left or right armpit for a number of reasons. For example, incorrect shaving techniques, ingrown armpit hairs, clogged pores, bacteria, and sweat can all result in pimple-like bumps in your armpit.

How to Stop Your Period Early: What Works According to Science

How to Stop Your Period Early? What Works According to Science

Menstruation is a regular part of every woman’s life and sometimes you may want to know how to stop your period early. Many women suffer from heavy blood flow and painful cramps during their period. If this is true in your case, then knowing how to shorten or lighten your period can give welcome relief. Or, it could be that you have planned a vacation or some other event and want to try and stop your period early.

Pimple on Lip: Causes and Effective Natural Treatments

Pimple on Lip: Causes and Effective Natural Treatments

Having a pimple on your lip or a cold sore can be very painful and cause some embarrassment. A pimple on your lip may look like a large red bump that is tender to touch and may be filled with pus. A cold sore may start off as an itchy bump before turning into a blister on your lip that oozes fluid before crusting over.

Under Eye Wrinkles: Causes, Natural Treatments and Prevention

Under Eye Wrinkles: Causes, Natural Treatments and Prevention

Looking in the mirror and noticing under eye wrinkles can be very distressing. Wrinkles that appear under the eyes or wrinkles at the corners of your eyes can be one of the first signs of aging. It usually happens when you smile, frown, or laugh, which causes the look and appearance of wrinkles to be accentuated. The fine lines around your eyes can make you very self-conscious and cause you to look older than you are.

How to Get Rid of Armpit Rash: Natural Remedies That Really Work

How to Get Rid of Armpit Rash

Having an armpit rash may cause a lot of itching, pain, and discomfort and be difficult to treat. Underarm rashes are very common and can affect adults and children alike. Because the armpits are generally dark, moist and sweaty, they can be a breeding ground for germs which can infect and irritate the skin. Also, chaffing from moving your arms can be a cause of a rash in your underarm that results in itchy red patches. The rubbing in your armpits can also make getting rid of the armpit rash more difficult.

Healthy and Natural World