Proven Natural Remedies for Knee Osteoarthritis and Joint Pain (Evidence Based)

Knee Osteoarthritis Proven Remedies

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a form of degenerative joint disease which causes a variety of symptoms such as pain, swelling, abnormal bone growth, disfigured cartilage and loss of motion. While sufferers can contract OA in any joint, it is most commonly noticed in the knee, back and neck, hips, fingers and toes.

In this article you’ll find natural remedies that can help relieve joint pain and treat knee osteoarthritis: cabbage leaves, gelatin, turmeric extract (curcumin) and sesame seeds. They are all research based and are safer alternatives than conventional medicines.

How to Easily Make Alkaline Water At Home

How to Easily Make Alkaline Water At Home

We all know there is no life without water. Water has many health benefits and drinking enough water is essential to your body. But have you heard about alkaline water and its many health benefits? There are people who claim that drinking alkaline water helps slow the aging process, promotes kidney health, and regulates your body’s pH level.

Rosemary (Essential) Oil: Benefits and Uses for Hair, Skin and More (Science Based)

Rosemary (Essential) Oil: Benefits and Uses for Hair, Skin and More (Science Based)

Rosemary essential oil is a fragrant oil that is good for improving your brain function, enhancing memory, coping with stress, and relieving pain. The pleasant aroma of rosemary oil does wonders to boost your mood and enhance feelings of calm. Rosemary essential oil can also be used topically to promote hair growth, relieve muscle pain, and improve the appearance of your skin.

Bedroom Plants That May Help You Relax and Sleep Better: Jasmine, Lavender and More

The 10 Best Plants to Have in Your Bedroom

People who have trouble sleeping from time to time will be glad to know that there are many bedroom plants that can help to purify the air and help you sleep. The smell of some bedroom plants like jasmine can be as strong as sedative and help you relax and fall asleep. Other calming plants such as lavender and gardenia can also help you sleep and enhance the quality of your sleep.

Proven Benefits and Uses of Oregano Oil (Oregano Essential Oil) – Evidence Based

Oregano Oil (Oregano Essential Oil) Benefits and Uses

Oregano essential oil has many health benefits due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Oregano oil can help to treat colds, get rid of herpes infections, clear up acne, get rid of parasites, and improve digestion. Scientific studies discovered that oregano essential oil can even kill MRSA (bacteria which is resistant to antibiotics).

How to Remove Dental Plaque Naturally (Evidence Based)

How to Remove Plaque the Natural Way

Having plaque on your teeth can not only be unsightly, but it can be unhealthy. Although many anti-plaque products exist on the commercial market, many of them are laden with nasty chemicals. Do you want an all-natural alternative to fluoride rinses and lab-made toothpastes and mouthwashes? You’re in luck! There are several ways to get rid of plaque or prevent it from forming without having to rely on man-made chemicals.

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Figs (Fruit, Leaves, Dried or Fresh)

Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Figs (Fruit, Leaves, Dried or Fresh)

Figs are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber with many health benefits. Fresh and dried figs have been traditionally used as a natural medicine to treat many ailments, and scientific research backs up many of the health benefits of figs. You can also make a healthy fig tea from infusing fig leaves in hot water. You can use figs to help relieve constipation, improve digestive health, lower blood pressure, and even manage the symptoms of diabetes.

14 Warning Signs of Low Magnesium Levels and What to Do About It (Science Based)

Top Signs That You Have Magnesium Deficiency and What to Do About It

The warning signs of low magnesium levels in your body can be difficult to spot. A magnesium deficiency can show signs like muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea, tingling in your hand, and constipation. Many of these signs can also be indicative of other health conditions and are easy to mistake for something else. However, signs of low levels of magnesium should never be ignored.

Maracuja Oil (Passion Fruit Oil): What It Is, Benefits for Skin, Hair and How to Use It

Maracuja Oil: What It Is, Benefits for Skin, Hair and How to Use It

Maracuja oil is extracted from the seeds of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) and it has many benefits for your skin and hair. Maracuja oil is also called passion fruit oil, maracuya oil, Passiflora oil, or Passiflora edulis oil. It is said that maracuja oil is good for dry skin conditions, reducing inflammation, smoothing fine lines, and protecting your skin from sun damage.

Healthy and Natural World