How to Make Your Period Come Faster: What Works According to Science

How to Make Your Period Come Faster: What Research Really Says

There can be many reasons why you might want your period to come faster. If you suffer from irregular periods, you may want to induce your period sooner to get relief from stress and discomfort. You might think that you are pregnant if your period is late and you want to make your period start earlier so you can stop worrying. Or, it could be that you have a vacation planned and you think that menstruation will spoil the start of it.

Types of Mucus: What the Color of Your Mucus Tells About Your Health

Types of Mucus: What the Color of Your Mucus Tells About Your Health

The mucus in your nose, mouth, throat, and lungs is usually a clear, colorless thin fluid that helps to keep tissue in your airways moist. The color and consistency of mucus secretions can tell a lot about your health. If you have an infection, the color of mucus can change to a green or yellow color and become a lot thicker and stickier. If you cough a lot or you have a serious respiratory infection, the color of mucus can turn brown, pink, or even red. Smoking or breathing in black dust can make you cough up black mucus.

Clear Urine: What Does It Mean and Is It a Reason for Concern?

Clear Urine: What Does It Mean and Is It a Reason for Concern?

Clear urine with a tint of yellow color is usually a sign of healthy urine and that you are well-hydrated. Most people would assume that urine that is completely clear with no color at all would be a good thing. So, you might be surprised to learn that clear, colorless urine can sometimes be a symptom of certain health issues. In fact, completely clear urine could indicate that your body is missing important electrolytes.

Pain Around, Above, Below or Behind Belly Button

Pain Around, Above, Below or Behind Belly Button

Having pain around, above, below, or behind your belly button can be a worrisome experience. Some reasons for aches and pains around your belly button can be fairly harmless and resolve themselves quickly. However, sharp, incessant pains below or behind your belly button could be a symptom of a more serious condition. You might also find that pain above or below your belly button radiates to your pelvic area, legs, or chest.

Why Your Testicles Hurt: Surprising Reasons for Testicle Pain

Why Your Testicles Hurt: Surprising Reasons of Testicle Pain

The reasons why your testicles hurt can be more complex than getting kicked or hit between the legs. Of course, blunt trauma to your scrotum can result in excruciating testicle pain that can last a long time. However, there are a number of reasons for testicular pain and tenderness that could affect both testicles or just one of them.

Ischial Tuberosity Pain (Sit Bone Pain): Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Sit Bone Pain

If you find it difficult to sit comfortably for a long time, it could be that you suffer from ischial tuberosity pain (sit bone pain). Your ischial tuberosity is located at the bottom of your pelvis and is the bone that you sit on. Therefore, the ischial tuberosity carries most of your weight when you sit.

Homemade DIY Body Wraps to Lose Weight, Detox and Reduce Cellulite

Homemade DIY Body Wraps to Lose Weight, Detox and Reduce Cellulite

Many people use homemade DIY body wraps if they want to lose weight, detox, or get rid of unsightly cellulite. Making body wraps at home to improve your skin and lose a few inches is much cheaper than a session at a spa. In fact, homemade body wraps can be just as effective as ones that are very expensive.

Foamy Urine: Here’s Why You Have Bubbles in Your Urine

Foamy Urine: Here’s Why You Have Bubbles in Your Urine

Passing foamy urine every once in a while is usually nothing to worry about. There are a number of factors that can make your urine look foamy. For example, urine can foam up if your bladder is full and urine hits the water faster than usual. Or, the foam in the toilet after peeing could be a reaction to chemical residue left over from cleaning.

Hand Fungus (Tinea Manuum): Causes, Symptoms & Natural Treatments

Hand Fungus (Tinea Manuum): Causes, Symptoms & Natural Treatments

Hand fungus is a contagious skin rash that can develop on the palms of your hands, between your fingers, or back of your hands. The unsightly rash that a hand fungal infection cause can be very itchy, turn into sore blisters, and cause general discomfort. In time, you may notice that the fungal hand rash discolors your skin and causes a dark patch.

Healthy and Natural World