Headache Above or Behind the Left Eye: Causes and Treatments

Experiencing a headache above or behind the left eye can have a debilitating effect on your daily activities. Pain that occurs around your left eye can start off as a dull throb and gradually becomes more intense and turn into sharp stabbing pain. Along with the headache on your forehead above the left eye, you may feel pressure in your head that can make concentrating and focusing difficult.

Brown Discharge After Period: What Does It Mean?

Brown Discharge After Period: What Does It Mean?

Brown discharge after period is fairly common and usually means that there is old menstrual blood getting cleaned out. Noticing some light to dark brown spotting after your period has ended doesn’t always mean there is something to worry about. Many women experience some dark spotting after their period as part of their regular menstrual cycle.

RDW Blood Test: What It Means and What It Tells About Your Health

RDW blood test: What It Means and What It Tells About Your Health

Red cell distribution width (RDW for short) is a blood test used to measure the difference in size and volume of your red blood cells. Doctors use the RDW blood test as part of a complete blood test to help diagnose certain conditions that can affect your health. A blood test to measure variations in blood cell size can help diagnose causes of anemia, heart disease, diabetes, and liver disease.

Low Lymphocyte Count (Lymphocytopenia) – What Does It Mean?

Low Lymphocyte Count (Lymphocytopenia) - What Does It Mean?

Low lymphocyte count (Lymphocytopenia) could indicate that you are at greater risk of developing infections because your lymphocytes are low. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell and they are essential to kill off bacteria and viruses and prevent infections from getting worse. A weakened immune system is often caused by a low number of lymphocytes and other types of white blood cells.

What Is Spotting and What Does Spotting Look Like?

What Is Spotting and How Spotting Looks Like

Spotting is light bleeding that can look like the start of your regular menstrual period but happens before or after your period. Although you may be worried about light vaginal bleeding between your monthly periods, there usually isn’t anything to worry about. Spotting looks like small dark brown spots or light pink marks on your underwear which makes it possible to tell apart from regular menstrual bleeding.

Lip Twitching: What it Means and How to Treat it Effectively at Home

lip twitching

Lip twitching can cause annoying tics or slight muscle spasms around your mouth that can be difficult to control. Although most causes of a twitching lip are harmless, the twitching on the left side or right side of your lip, or your upper or lower lip can be a source of embarrassment. Usually, stress, tiredness, a nutrient deficiency, or excessive caffeine intake are to blame for lip twitching. In some cases, a lip that twitches constantly can be a sign of a more serious neurological condition if it is accompanied by other symptoms.

When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur and How Does It Look Like?

When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur and How Does It Look Like?

Knowing exactly when implantation bleeding occurs is helpful information for women who are trying to get pregnant. Implantation bleeding or spotting can be one of the first visible signs of pregnancy and it usually happens when the fertilized egg implants itself on the wall of the uterus. Bleeding caused by implantation doesn’t happen with every woman, however, if it does, implantation spotting may occur around 10 to 14 days after ovulation.

Candida Die-Off: What It is and How to Prevent it

Candida Die-Off (Herxheimer Reaction): Causes, Symptoms, prevention and Natural Candida Treatments

A lot of people say that they suffer from candida die-off when treating candida infections in their body. When large number of yeast pathogens such as candida albicans are killed off quickly in the body, you can experience candida die-off symptoms. This is the result of toxins that are released into the bloodstream during the rapid die-off of the yeast pathogens and the body’s reaction. As the body gets rid of the toxins, this causes an inflammatory response and you may feel like having the flu or a seasonal allergy. The medical name for this type of reaction is the Herxheimer Reaction or the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction (JHR).

Intercostal Muscle Strain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Intercostal Muscle Strain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Intercostal muscles are found between each of your ribs and provide support to your upper body and assist in breathing. Sudden jerking movements or overstretching can strain the intercostal muscles resulting in mild to severe chest and back pain. Intercostal muscle strains can cause localized but debilitating pain in and around your chest area, or the pain can radiate to other areas of your body such as your shoulder blades and arms.

Healthy and Natural World