Scientifically Proven Benefits of Moringa (Tea, Powder, Leaves)

Proven Benefits of Moringa (Tea, Powder, Leaves)

Moringa oleifera is a plant with many health benefits due to its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Moringa powder supplements help fight inflammation and pain, keep your heart healthy, and promote good liver health. You can also drink moringa tea to improve cognitive function, boost your digestive health, and even assist in losing weight.

Medicinal Health Benefits of Garlic (Raw, Supplement) – Science Based

Medicinal Health Benefits of Garlic (Raw, Supplement)

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a plant that is used for its many powerful medicinal benefits and as a pungent herb in cooking. Raw garlic has been used as a medicine for centuries. Recent scientific research has shown that garlic has many health benefits such as boosting your immune system, improving cardiovascular health, helping to fight colds and flu, and reducing inflammation.

Garlic has a strong anti-bacterial properties. According to a study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, a compound in garlic named diallyl disulfide is 100 times more powerful than two common types of antibiotics for fighting the bacteria Campylobacter. The garlic compound was able to destroy the bacteria in just a fraction of the time taken by the antibiotics. (35)

Proper pH Balance – What it Is and What the Research Says

How to Balance Your pH and Find Out If You’re Too Acidic

Have you recently heard people talking about being over-acidic, measuring their pH and eating alkalizing foods? Emphasizing the importance of body’s pH might seem like a new fashion.

Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric and Honey (Golden Honey) – Evidence Based

the many health benefits of turmeric and honey

Turmeric and honey are among some of the most powerful healing remedies you can use. Home remedies made from honey and turmeric help treat bacterial and viral infections and boost your immune system. The healing properties in turmeric golden honey may help ease seasonal allergies, improve digestion, and promote healthy gut flora.

Proven Ways to Lose Lower Belly Fat Based on Science

Losing lower belly fat is possible with the proper diet and the right kind of exercise. Getting rid of lower belly fat is important because fat around your belly is associated with a number of health issues. Certain foods that are high in protein and fiber are good for burning belly fat. Also, restricting carbs, cutting out sugar, and avoiding alcohol will all help to get rid of belly fat.

The Anti-Cancer Diet: Cancer Fighting Foods to Help Prevent Cancer (Evidence Based)

The Anti-Cancer Diet: Cancer Fighting Foods to Help Prevent Cancer

Enjoying a healthy diet can do much to lower your risk of developing serious diseases such as cancer. Including foods in your diet such as plenty of green leafy vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, and oily fish can help prevent many health issues. Although no single food can stop cancer, consuming more “cancer-fighting foods” in your diet can help reduce your risk of developing the disease.

Anxiety and Stress Relief: Natural Supplements, Vitamins, Herbs, & More (Science Based)

Supplements, Vitamins, Herbs

Anxiety and stress can severely impact your mental and physical well-being. Knowing how to treat anxiety can help reduce tension, panic, agitation, a fast heart rate, and trembling. In many cases, natural supplements can help to relieve anxiety disorders and stress.

Eggplant 101: Proven Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts (Carbs, Calories, Protein, Fiber, Vitamins)

Health benefits and nutrition of eggplant

Eggplant (also called aubergine) is instantly recognized for its long shape, purple edible skin, and spongy texture. You can also find different varieties of eggplants with some having black skins, green skins, or white skins. While technically a fruit, eggplant is consumed as a vegetable and is used in Asian, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern cuisine.

The Best Essential Oils to Have in Your Home and How to Use Them According to Science

The Best Essential Oils to Have in Your Home

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils that are extracted from plants and contain the essence of the plant aroma. Oil extracts can be obtained from flowers, leaves, roots, peel, seeds, and even wood and bark. Many essential oils can be used in aromatherapy preparations for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Having the best essential oils in your home allows you to create many practical home remedies.

Healthy and Natural World