Otitis Interna: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Otitis Interna: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Otitis interna describes a serious infection or inflammation in the inner ear. Usually, most ear infections affect the outer ear (otitis externa) or middle ear (otitis media). Because the part of your inner ear resembles a labyrinth, otitis interna is sometimes referred to as labyrinthitis. Any infection in your inner ear can affect your balance, make you feel as if your head is spinning, and result in a temporary hearing loss.

Itchy Breasts: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Natural Treatments

Itchy Breasts: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Treatments

For some women, having itchy breasts or nipples is an occasional discomfort. But for many women, breasts and nipples that constantly itch can be an embarrassing problem that affects their quality of life. In many cases, breasts or nipples become itchy because of hormonal changes or, it could be something as simple as a bra causing an allergic reaction. However, some causes of breast itching are more serious and are caused by inflammation, infections, or even cancer.

Swollen Occipital Lymph Nodes: Causes and When to See a Doctor

Swollen Occipital Lymph Node

The occipital lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system and are found at the back of your head. Because lymph nodes help in keeping your body healthy, they can become swollen if you have an illness or infection. The occipital lymph nodes at the top of your neck can also swell if you have a viral or bacterial infection.

Right Arm Numbness or Tingling: Causes and Home Treatments

Right Arm Numbness or Tingling: Causes and Home Treatments

Tingling or numbness in the right arm is an annoying condition that affects many people. For most people, a prickly sensation or loss of sensation in their right arm is a temporary irritation. Causes of right arm numbness or tingling are usually nothing to worry about. However, a sudden, recurring, or persistent feeling like your skin is crawling or frequent numbness in your right arm could be a sign of something more serious.

Crepey Skin: Causes and Effective Natural Treatments

Crepey Skin: Causes and Effective Natural Treatments

Crepey skin is a common visible sign of aging. As we age, our skin loses some of its elasticity and this causes it to have a crinkly texture. Sometimes crepey skin is called elephant skin or paper skin, just like crepe paper. Because there is a loss of collagen and elastin from skin as it ages, this can cause skin to sag and lose its plump appearance resulting in crepey skin.

Adult Butt Rash: Causes and Effective Natural Treatments

Adult Butt Rash: Causes and Effective Treatments

A rash on your butt or having patches of red skin between your buttock cheeks can be a very uncomfortable condition. The patches of red and, sometimes, flaky skin can cause mild to severe itching and may start to blister. This can cause a lot of embarrassment as the rash can be deep in your butt cheeks causing you to have an anal itching.

Blood Blisters in Mouth: Causes, Possible Treatments, and When to See a Doctor

Blood Blisters in Mouth: Causes and Treatments

A blood blister in the mouth is often caused by cheek biting or some other trauma inside the mouth. Blood blisters that occur on the roof of your mouth, tongue, or cheek are red in color and filled with blood and other fluids. Other types of sores in the mouth can resemble blood blisters and can cause pain and discomfort when eating or talking. Also, consuming hot liquids can make the blister in your mouth even more painful.

Urine Smells Like Coffee: What Does it Mean?

Urine Smells Like Coffee: What Does it Mean?

Have you ever noticed that your urine smells like coffee when you pee after drinking a cup of coffee? If so, you are not alone. Many people say that drinking coffee affects the smell of their pee. In fact, coffee is just one of many food and drink products that can cause your pee to smell funny. For example, asparagus, salmon, garlic, and green leafy vegetables can all give your urine an unusual whiff.

Bumps on Back of Tongue: Causes and Effective Treatments

Bumps on Back of Tongue: Causes and Effective Treatments

The surface of your tongue has many tiny bumps called papillae that give the tongue a rough texture and help you taste food. These small bumps are found from the back of your tongue to the tip of your tongue. Usually, you only notice these tongue bumps if they become inflamed or swollen for some reason. For example, viral or bacterial infections, injury, or allergic reactions can cause red or white swollen bumps on the back of the tongue.

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