Inner Thigh Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Effective Treatments
Inner thigh pain can cause a lot of discomfort anywhere on the inside of your leg from your groin area in the upper inner thigh to your knee. Depending on the reasons for having a sore inner thigh, the pain may be sharp and stabbing or it could be a constant dull ache. Sometimes the pain can radiate from other parts of the body to the inner thigh making it uncomfortable to go about your daily activities.
How to Naturally Get Rid of Ingrown Pubic Hair and Bumps
Ingrown pubic hair commonly appear around the genital area, or the bikini line after removing hair by shaving, waxing, or plucking. Sometimes, when your hair regrows it doesn’t break through the skin, instead, it curls around and grows back into the skin. This can cause ingrown hair bumps (also called razor bumps) and inflamed pimples around your pubic region that are very often red, itchy, painful, and irritated. If the bumps on the pubic area become infected, they can turn into inflamed boils or cysts that can fill with pus.
How to Get Rid of a Bump Inside Nose: The Most Effective Home Remedies
A bump inside your nose can be a nostril pimple, a nasal boil or another kind of inflamed lump causing discomfort, pain, and swelling. Bacterial infections or a blocked hair follicle inside your nasal passages are usually to blame for the sore nasal bump. At first, you may not notice the nostril bump at all, but as the lump grows, it may become itchy, swollen, painful, and fill with pus.
What Causes Red Moles on Skin and How to Get Rid of Them
Finding a red mole on your body can be a cause for alarm but mostly it’s nothing to worry about. These red skin growths can occur anywhere on the skin and can have the appearance of bright cherry-red bumps. The red color in these moles usually comes from the cluster of blood vessels that build up near the skin’s surface. The most common type of red moles is cherry angiomas which are sometimes called Campbell De Morgan spots or senile angiomas. They usually grow on the trunk area and increase in number with age.
Where Your Kidneys are Located & Where Kidney Pain is Felt
Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are located in the middle of your back against the back muscles, with one on either side of your spine. Your kidneys provide a vital function for your body to filter blood and produce urine. Pain in your upper abdomen or back and sides is also called flank pain or kidney pain. Flank pain can sometimes be an indication of a kidney infection or urinary tract infection. Kidney stones are also a common cause of kidney pain that is felt in the middle back.
Home Remedies for a Pimple in Ear That Actually Work
Pimples can develop in your ear the same way inflamed spots can affect other areas of your skin. Getting rid of painful red bumps from your ear is a challenge because the pimples can be difficult to reach. The good news is that there are many effective home remedies that can quickly deal with ear pimples and get rid of any infection.
Peeling Skin on Hands or Fingers: Causes and Effective Treatments
Peeling skin on your hands or fingers can cause much discomfort when going about your daily activities. Red rashes, flaking skin, and blisters on your hands can also make you feel self-conscious and embarrassed in social situations. When skin peels from your hands or fingers it can also cause pain and leave your skin open to infections.
How to Make Yourself Throw Up (And When You Should Avoid It)
No one likes to vomit; however, there are some occasions when you need to make yourself throw up. Sometimes making yourself vomit by triggering your gag reflex can help to relieve feelings of nausea. On other occasions, a doctor may recommend that you induce vomiting if you’ve ingested too many pills.
The Top 12 Essential Oils for Eczema (Backed by Studies)
If you suffer from eczema, you know that this itchy, inflammatory skin condition can cause a lot of distress. Eczema (dermatitis) causes red rashes on the arms, elbows, face, backs of knees, and ankles that can become dry and thickened. These red patches of scaly skin can cause a lot of itching and in time fluid may leak from the eczema sores and crust over. Too much scratching can cause damage to the upper layer of the skin and even put you at risk of developing a secondary skin infection.