Rash on Inner Thigh: Causes and Effective Home Treatments (Research Based)
It is very common to have a rash on your inner thigh. The area between your legs has the perfect environment for fungal, bacterial, and other infections to develop and grow. Usually, clothing and underwear can trap in sweat, moisture, and heat making germs and bacteria flourish. Chaffing and friction on your upper thigh skin when you walk can just aggravate the problem even more.
How Long Does It Take for a Sunburn to Heal and How to Cure It Faster
Being out in the sun too long with your skin unprotected can leave you with a sunburn that can take a long time to heal. Usually a mild sunburn can take 3 to 5 days to heal, but moderate or severe sunburn can last much more time. Knowing exactly how long it takes for a sunburn to heal depends on a number of factors. For example, the length of time you were in the sun, what time of day you were sunbathing, and what type of skin type you have, all affect how long a sunburn lasts.
Black Toenail: Causes, Prevention, and Effective Treatments
Iliac Crest Pain: Causes and Home Remedies
Iliac crest pain is a common cause of lower back pain – a problem that millions of adults have to deal with daily. The iliac crest is the top part of your hip bone and is connected by various nerves, tendons, and muscles. Any inflammation or damage to the ilium (the uppermost and largest part of the hip bone) or the muscles around the hip bone will result in iliac crest pain that can be very sharp and severe.
Mottled Skin: Causes, Symptoms and Possible Treatments
Mottled skin is a term to describe skin that appears to have lacy patches of purple discoloration on it. The patchy-looking skin is often a chronic medical condition that looks worse when the skin is exposed to the cold. Mottled skin is also called livedo reticularis and it thought to be connected to vascular conditions and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
How to Get Rid of Dry Heaving: The Most Effective Natural Remedies
Dry heaving is an involuntary retching action similar to vomiting but when nothing comes up. Having dry heaves is a very unpleasant experience, especially if it happens frequently and in the company of others. There are many different reasons for dry heaving and in most cases, the dry heaves should go away on their own. For example, pregnancy, food poisoning, stress, and drinking too much alcohol can all cause retching but should resolve itself when the underlying cause is gone.
What Do Nitrites In Urine Mean and What To Do About It
If you have ever had to give a urine sample, doctors will usually check the level of nitrites in urine. If nitrites are found in urine, it is usually a sign of bacteria in your urinary tract which is causing a urinary tract infection (UTI). The other symptoms of a UTI are a burning sensation when you pee and discolored or stinky urine.
How to Get Rid of a Black Eye Faster: Home Remedies that Really Work
Getting rid of a black eye quickly is a top priority for anyone who has dark bruising around their eye and upper cheek. Any kind of trauma to the face can cause a black eye which typically results in swelling, pain, discoloration of the skin, and can even result in a serious injury. A black eye usually starts off as purple or black bruising around the eye that gradually becomes yellow until it heals and disappears completely.
How to Get Rid of a Sebaceous Cyst Naturally
Sebaceous cysts can appear on any part of your body where hair grows. These harmless bumps under your skin appear when sebaceous glands get blocked for some reason. The most common places on your body for sebaceous cysts to appear are on your head, neck, and chest. Unlike other cysts which fill up with fluid, sebaceous cysts are filled with sebum which is the oil excreted by your sebaceous glands.