Proven Ways to Lose Lower Belly Fat Based on Science

Losing lower belly fat is possible with the proper diet and the right kind of exercise. Getting rid of lower belly fat is important because fat around your belly is associated with a number of health issues. Certain foods that are high in protein and fiber are good for burning belly fat. Also, restricting carbs, cutting out sugar, and avoiding alcohol will all help to get rid of belly fat.
The Anti-Cancer Diet: Cancer Fighting Foods to Help Prevent Cancer (Evidence Based)

Enjoying a healthy diet can do much to lower your risk of developing serious diseases such as cancer. Including foods in your diet such as plenty of green leafy vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, and oily fish can help prevent many health issues. Although no single food can stop cancer, consuming more “cancer-fighting foods” in your diet can help reduce your risk of developing the disease.
Anxiety and Stress Relief: Natural Supplements, Vitamins, Herbs, & More (Science Based)
Eggplant 101: Proven Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts (Carbs, Calories, Protein, Fiber, Vitamins)

Eggplant (also called aubergine) is instantly recognized for its long shape, purple edible skin, and spongy texture. You can also find different varieties of eggplants with some having black skins, green skins, or white skins. While technically a fruit, eggplant is consumed as a vegetable and is used in Asian, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern cuisine.
The Best Essential Oils to Have in Your Home and How to Use Them According to Science

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils that are extracted from plants and contain the essence of the plant aroma. Oil extracts can be obtained from flowers, leaves, roots, peel, seeds, and even wood and bark. Many essential oils can be used in aromatherapy preparations for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Having the best essential oils in your home allows you to create many practical home remedies.
Proven Health Benefits of Kale Including Nutrition Facts (Science Based)

Kale is a green leafy vegetable that is low in calories and is packed with an amazing array of nutrients. Kale is truly a superfood because it contains high levels of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and is virtually fat-free. Consuming more kale in your diet is good to help keep your heart healthy, improve your digestive health, reduce inflammation, and help you lose weight.
The Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Castor Oil

Castor oil has been used for centuries in the Far East, Africa, and the Mediterranean region for its amazing health benefits. For most people today, though, castor oil is usually just associated with its use as a laxative. However, castor oil has many other uses and it can greatly benefit your hair, skin, and face. Read on to discover the many health benefits and uses of castor oil.
How to Get Rid of Muscle Soreness: Home Remedies That Really Work

Knowing how to get rid of muscle soreness can greatly help to improve your quality of life. Most of us will suffer from sore muscles at some point in our lives. Muscles in the lower back can get sore from sitting at a desk all day or you could have sore muscles in your arms, chest, and legs after a strenuous workout. Sometimes injury, overusing muscles, strains, sprains, or pulling a muscle can all cause muscle soreness and even make your whole body feel sore.
Instant Noodles Are Linked to Stroke, Diabetes, and Weight Gain According to Studies

Instant noodles are a convenient and tasty dish that is popular worldwide. The number one global consumer is China, and the United States is ranked sixth in instant noodle sales, with 4.1 billion units sold in 2017. However, studies showed that eating instant noodles is linked to heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and possibly cancer.