Pain Under Left Breast: Causes, Treatments, and When to See a Doctor
The cause of pain under your left breast can range from a minor ailment like too much gas to a life-threatening condition like a heart attack. Knowing the exact cause of pain in your chest or upper abdomen can be difficult to find. Usually, the type of pain under your left breast can be an indication as to the cause of the discomfort in your upper abdomen.
Gas Pain in Chest: Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies
Most people associate gas pain with abdominal discomfort, however, excess gas can also cause pain in your chest. Intestinal gas, or flatus, is a natural occurrence and you can usually get relief from gas pain by burping or passing gas. Excess gas can not only be embarrassing to deal with but can cause anxiety if it causes upper chest discomfort and pain.
Warning Signs of an Infected Tattoo and How to Treat It
After going through the pain and discomfort of getting a tattoo, the last thing you want is for the tattoo to become infected. Unfortunately, infected tattoos are quite common, especially in the first few days after getting a tattoo. Germs, bacteria, or unhygienic equipment can all cause skin infections in and around the tattoo site.
How to Make Yourself Pee: Effective Ways that are Based on Research
Making yourself pee is usually necessary if you have to give a urine sample for a urinalysis. Usually, drinking plenty of water is enough to make yourself urinate when you need to. However, if you suffer from a shy bladder you many find that you can’t pee “on command” especially if others are waiting to use the bathroom. Difficulty peeing can also be caused by an underlying medical condition like a bladder infection, prostate problems, or even constipation.
How to Get Rid of Lie Bumps: The Most Effective Home Remedies
Lie bumps are another name for swollen inflamed taste buds that cause painful bumps to appear on the tongue. The medical name for lie bumps on the tongue is transient lingual papillitis (TLP). The swollen bumps on the tongue are actually an inflammatory condition affecting the thousands of papillae that contain your taste buds. Any inflammation of these taste buds will cause discomfort, pain and can affect your sense of taste.
Swollen Taste Buds: Causes and Effective Treatments
The taste buds on your tongue can become inflamed and swollen for a number of reasons. The medical name for swollen taste buds is transient lingual papillitis (TLP), however, the condition is sometimes referred to as “lie bumps.” This is an old wives’ tale that lying causes taste buds (papillae) to become inflamed. Thankfully, medical research has helped us find out the true reasons why the tissue on your tongue can become inflamed with pimple-like bumps.
Pain Under Left Rib Cage: Common Causes and Treatments
A sharp, aching pain under your left rib cage may cause you panic because of the possibility that it is heart-related pain. While it is true that pain under your ribs on the left-hand side could be a sign of angina or another serious cardiac issue, there are other reasons for pain under your left ribs. For example, kidney disease, an enlarged spleen, heartburn, or other digestive issues can all be reasons for varying degrees of upper abdominal or chest pain on the left side of your body.
Pain Under Right Rib Cage: Causes and When to See a Doctor
Feeling any kind of pain under your right rib cage can be a very worrying experience. Because there are many vital organs protected by the right rib cage, you should never ignore any kind of chest pain or upper abdomen aches. Many people may also be concerned about a heart attack if they feel sharp, stabbing pains in their rib cage. However, it’s only on rare occasions that pains under the right rib cage are heart-related.
Why Your Hands or Arms Fall Asleep at Night and What To Do
Waking up but realizing that your hand or arm has fallen asleep is usually nothing more than an annoying experience. The most common reason why your hands and arms fall asleep while you’re sleeping is pressure on a nerve in your arm. However, there are different reasons causing this pressure that results in one or both of your arms or hands to be numb when you wake up.