Signs of Infected Belly Button Piercing and Best Treatment Options
Belly button piercings are one of the most common body piercings today apart from the ears. Infected belly button piercings can be avoided by cleaning the wound properly, and if you do this, the pierced navel should heal within 6 to 9 months. However, sometimes the belly button can become infected due to bacteria and germs getting into the pierced area. This can cause pain, swelling, redness, discharge, and a bump around the belly button jewelry.
The Best Sour Stomach Remedies that are Backed by Science
Bitter Taste in Mouth: Causes and Treatments
A bitter taste in your mouth can be caused by a number of conditions ranging from poor dental hygiene to digestive problems and lifestyle choices. Sometimes the bad taste in your mouth can be a side effect of some medications. Also, smoking interferes with your taste buds and can leave you with a constant unpleasant taste in your mouth. Many women who are pregnant experience a sour taste in their mouth due to hormonal changes in their bodies.
Forearm Pain: Common Causes and Effective Natural Treatments
Forearm pain can be caused by injury or damage to the bones, tendons, muscles, joints, or tissue that is located between your wrist and elbow. Depending on where the damage is, you may have constant pain in your forearm or just an ache when you move your fingers, wrist, or arm. There can be many reasons why you feel pain in your forearm. The most obvious cause of pain is some kind of injury. But infections, inflammation, arthritis, or a problem with the nerves in your hand, upper arm or forearm can also be a source of aches and pains.
How Long do Hemorrhoids Last and Can They Go Away on Their Own?
Hemorrhoids appear when veins in your anus and lower rectum become swollen and inflamed. The swollen blood vessels can be under the skin at the anal opening (external hemorrhoids) or they can form in the lining of the lower rectum or anus (internal hemorrhoids). The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids (also called piles) are itching around the anus, discomfort, pain, and bleeding from the rectum.
The Top 10 Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching (Research Based)
Having an irritating vaginal itching is quite common among women of all ages but usually, having an itchy vagina is not a sign of a serious condition. Vaginal itching can be due to bacterial or yeast infections, eczema, or using harsh soaps and body washes that irritate the delicate skin around the vulva. Depending on the reason for the irritating vaginal itch, you may also experience burning, swelling, irritation, and an unpleasant vaginal odor with thicker discharge.
Here’s Why You Have Bubbles in Your Urine
There are many different reasons why you can have bubbles in your urine. The foamy layer left by your urine could be something as simple as a reaction to a chemical residue in the toilet or because you urinated quickly into the water. However, bubbly urine could be a symptom of a more serious kidney condition because of too much protein being in your urine. Other causes of bubbles in your urine could be dehydration, stress, diabetes, or heart disease.
Stomach Spasms: Causes and the Best Natural Treatments
Stomach spasms are involuntary contractions in the upper or lower abdominal area that can feel like anything from a twitching stomach to sharp, sudden cramping pains. Because there are many organs in the abdominal region, sudden stomach contractions may cause you to worry. Very often stomach spasms are caused by gas, constipation, stomach bugs and viruses, or even stress. Light stomach twitching could even be an early sign of pregnancy. However, some types of spasmodic stomach pain can be a sign of a more serious health condition like appendicitis, stomach ulcers or inflammatory bowel disease.
The Most Amazing Health Benefits of Purple Rice (Science Based)
The amazing health benefits of purple rice have made it a very popular grain to include in meals and use as a health supplement. Purple rice (also known as black rice) was revered by the ancient Chinese for its healing power and nutritional qualities. In fact, because purple rice was kept for the Emperor and his family, it was referred to as ‘forbidden rice’.