The Top 8 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Scabies – Research Based

Scabies is a skin condition caused by an infestation of the mite Sarcoptes scabiei (also called ‘itch mite’). It is highly contagious skin condition causing discomfort and sometimes pain in affected persons. Symptoms of scabies are a severe and relentless skin itch, skin rashes, red bumps and blisters, and swelling on infected areas of the body. The intense itch can cause a person to scratch the skin areas infected by scabies causing secondary skin infections.
The Top 9 Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) – Research Based

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs when there is a change in the type of bacteria in your vagina. This imbalance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the vagina causes a white or gray discharge and a strong fishy odor. Many women who have BV may also experience a burning sensation when urinating and they may have itching in and around their vagina. However, many women who have bacterial vaginosis may not experience any symptoms at all.
Fordyce Spots – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Fordyce spots are small white, yellowish, or skin-colored spots or bumps that can appear on the lips, penis, scrotum and vulva. These small spots, which appear just under the skin, are completely harmless and they are not contagious. However, having a lot of Fordyce spots around the lips or genitals can make a person feel very self-conscious. Because of that, many people look for ways to get rid of Fordyce spots.
Bumps on Lips: Causes and Top Natural Treatments

Bumps on lips can be irritating and very painful on this sensitive area of your body, not to mention affect your self-confidence. Bumps on lips can be caused by a weak immune system, poor skin condition, or indicate that there is a more serious underlying health problem. Sometimes the lip bumps can look like small white dots, others turn into large cysts, and some become blisters.
Itching All Over the Body – Causes and Natural Treatments

Itchy skin in one particular area or all over your body can be frustrating and uncomfortable. The itch can range from a mild tickle to a feeling of intense sudden itching. Very often, the itchy feeling on the skin is made worse by a person’s stress levels because these make the itch become more intense. Conditions like eczema, psoriasis, allergies, sunburn, or yeast infections can cause itchy patches of skin all over your body.
How to Get Rid of Flying Ants Quickly and Naturally
Pain in Belly Button: Causes and Natural Treatments

Pain in the belly button or navel area can cause discomfort and worry for many people, especially if the pain is severe and doesn’t go away. Some people feel a constant sharp pain in the belly button whereas others only feel pain around the belly button area while doing certain movements, for example, bending over and coughing. Sometimes, belly button pain can be a sign of a serious condition like appendicitis or a hernia. However, many times sore belly button is caused by digestive problems and the pain seems to come from the belly button. Many women also experience belly button pain while pregnant.
Itchy Armpits: Causes and Effective Natural Treatments

Itchy armpits give you an irritating sensation of a constant need to scratch them to get rid of the tickling or tingling feeling. Very often the itchy underarm area can have a rash, red bumps, swelling, inflammation and the skin can be dry and flaky. You might try to get relief from the itchy armpit by scratching, but that can lead to infections, which make the armpit itch even more. But there are many effective home remedies to treat the cause of itchy underarms and get rid of the itch for good.
Pain in the Back of Head – Causes and Treatments

Have you ever wondered what causes the sharp pain in the back of your head? Usually, headaches in the back of head are the result of stress, muscle tightness, tension, the overuse of medications, and tiredness. Sometimes a pain in the base of your skull can be caused by Occipital neuralgia which is a condition that affects the nerves that run from the top of the spinal cord up through the scalp.