The Most Effective Home Remedies for Gas and Bloating

Having gas, bloating, or belching can be an embarrassing, uncomfortable and even a painful experience. It is good to remember that stomach gas is a natural occurrence in the body and you can usually alleviate gas problems by letting it out or by consuming different types of foods. However, stomach gas can also cause bloating, stomach cramps, hard stomach and some people feel that they generally have excessive gas. The good news is that there are many natural home remedies for gas and bloating.
Armpit Pain: Causes and Effective Natural Treatments for Sore Armpits

Armpit pain or a general pain in the underarm area (also called axilla) can be caused by a number of different reasons. Our underarm areas contain many lymph nodes that can become inflamed and infected, which can cause pain in your left armpit as well as in your right armpit. There are also many muscles, tendons, and nerves in the armpits which can cause discomfort or pain in the underarm area if they are damaged or inflamed.
Itchy Ear Canal – Causes and Natural Home Remedies

An Itchy ear canal can be a very annoying condition, and there are many different reasons why some people suffer from itchy ear right inside their ear canal. Some people have more sensitive skin than others. Also, some irritants and infections can cause chronic itching in the ears. In this this article I will discuss various causes of itchy ear, as well as home remedies to relieve itchy ear canal.
How to Get Rid of a Tickle in Your Throat: Effective Natural Treatments

Having a tickle in your throat can be a source of irritation, especially if you can’t find a way to get rid of it. You may also suffer from a tickle in the back of your throat accompanied with cough at night, and this can be extremely annoying and prevent you from getting a good sleep. Usually, a tickly throat is accompanied by a cough which is the body’s reaction to relieve the tickle. You may also experience the sensation that you have an itchy throat. There are many natural home remedies that you can use to reduce the tickling sensation, dryness, and irritation in your throat.
How to Get Rid of Sunburn and Sunburn Blisters: Top Home Remedies

Sunburns happen when overexposure to the sun’s UV radiation damages the skin. There are many home remedies for treating a sunburn and you can use them to soothe your stinging skin, reduce inflammation and help with the healing process. Some of these remedies can also help with the treatment of sunburn blisters. Let’s have a look at natural treatments to get rid of sunburn and sunburn blisters.
Stomach Pain After Eating: Causes and Effective Treatments

Stomach pain after eating can happen for a number of reasons such as indigestion, gas, ulcers, gastritis as well as other conditions. In this article I’ll get to the bottom of why many people suffer from stomach ache after eating. I’ll also cover natural remedies to help you relieve the post-meal stomach discomfort. However, you should also be aware that in many cases, an abdominal pain should be checked by your doctor, especially stomach ache every time you eat.
How to Stop Vomiting: The Best Home Remedies (Backed by Science)

Vomiting is a very unpleasant experience, but fortunately, there are many home remedies that can help you stop vomiting and alleviate feelings of nausea. Vomiting occurs when the muscles in your stomach suddenly contract, forcing whatever is in your stomach out through your mouth. Usually along with vomiting a person has a feeling of nausea.
White Spots on Skin – Causes and Possible Treatments
How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System

Do you want to know how long alcohol stays in your system? Many people ask this question after having a few drinks because they don’t know when it’s safe to drive again. Or, depending on the type of employment, you may want to make sure that you don’t drink too much at night to stay under the alcohol limit the next morning. So, knowing how long alcohol stays in your body can be a question of a great importance.