How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster: The Best Natural Ways

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster: The Best Natural Ways

It can be a challenge to keep and maintain healthy-looking shiny hair. The condition of your health and quality of your diet can affect your hair from the inside whereas environmental factors affect your hair externally.

The Health Benefits of Cocoa Butter (Evidence Based)

The Health Benefits of Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter, also known as theobroma oil, is that delicious ingredient you see in chocolate and cosmetic products alike. It is a type of vegetable fat that comes from cocoa beans and it has a wide range of health benefits for your skin, lips, hair and even for your heart.

The Most Amazing Benefits of Jojoba Oil for Your Hair and Skin

The Most Amazing Benefits of Jojoba Oil for Your Hair and Skin

Over the past few years the popularity of jojoba oil for skin and hair has grown and it seems that just about every cosmetic product contains it. There is actually good reason why jojoba oil has become so popular. Jojoba oil contains many properties which are beneficial for the skin and hair.

The Most Extraordinary Diatomaceous Earth Uses and Benefits

The Most Extraordinary Diatomaceous Earth Uses and Benefits

Diatomaceous Earth, or DE, is a naturally occurring mineral rock made from the remains of diatoms, or oceanic algae. Diatoms are formed when the algae plant-like remains become cemented on the earth’s surface in a chalky, clay-like substance.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

Acne is a condition that most people have had to endure in their lifetime. For some, it is a passing phase during puberty, for others the condition last much longer and may leave scars. This article will look at the best methods to get rid of acne scars naturally.

Refined vs. Unrefined Coconut Oil – Which One is Better?

Refined vs. Unrefined Coconut Oil – Which One is Better?

Coconut oil has quickly become one of the most universal oils used today and not just for cooking but also for weight loss, hair and skin care as well as dental care. Coconut oil is available in two main forms: refined and unrefined (often called virgin) coconut oil.

The Health Benefits and Uses of Neem Oil

The Health Benefits and Uses of Neem Oil

Neem oil is widely used in skin and hair care products, as an insect repellent, in dental care to treat gum infections and in gardens as a natural insecticide. In India, it is used for preparing cosmetic products and in Ayurvedic medicine it is used to reduce pain and swelling of arthritis and to treat of a wide range of skin conditions (due to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties).

Premature Gray Hair: Causes and Solutions (Medically Researched)

Premature Gray Hair - Causes and Solutions

As we age and grow older, we all expect that certain changes occur in our bodies and outward appearance. One of these changes is that, sooner or later, most of us will experience is gray hair. While it is usual for people in their senior years to have gray hair, many women, and some men, find it worrying to discover premature gray hairs appearing.

Pinterest Blocked My Website – BUT There Is GOOD News!

Why I Am Not On Pinterest - Website Marked As SPAM???

Yesterday I received numerous messages from my readers that they were unable to pin my content in Pinterest. It looks like Pinterest marked my website as SPAM yet again ????

Healthy and Natural World