Scientists Explain The Effects of Eating Too Much Sugar

Sugar-related illnesses are on the rise. Diabetes, cardio-vascular problems, cancer and even adrenal fatigue are just some of the serious chronic diseases connected to over-indulging in the sweet white poison.
Many people realize they are addicted to sugar when throughout the day, they would often find themselves craving something sweet and comforting that would give them a little lift. Have you become a sugar addict? Are you eating too much sugar? Here are warning signs you’re eating too much sugar.
10 Signs you are Eating Too Much Sugar
1. Tiredness & Lack of energy
A constant feeling of tiredness or fatigue is one of the biggest signs you’ve got too much sugar in your diet.
Although high-sugar foods can give you a big carbohydrate boost and temporarily lend a feeling of increased energy, the crash that comes afterward is a daunting one. Feeling tired all the time may be a sign that it’s time to reexamine your diet to see if you’re eating (or drinking) too much sugar. There could be other reasons you are feeling tired and you can read about them in my article about the 6 reasons you’re tired all the time and how to beat fatigue.
2. Sugar/Carb Cravings
If you find yourself craving the sweet flavor of sugary snacks on a daily basis, chances are you’ve become a sugar addict.
Sugar consumption can create a chain reaction of sugar cravings because it is so sweetly addictive. If you hear the carbs calling your name with every move you make, you could be in the throes of a deep sugar addiction.
3. Frequent colds & flu
If you find yourself falling ill more often than you used to, it could be due to having excessive sugar in your diet.
If every virus that goes around seems to find you and make you sick, it could be due to your penchant for sugary treats. Consumption of too much sugar can weaken your immune system, making your body’s natural ability to fight off colds, flu viruses, and even chronic disease weaker than it would be if you avoided foods with added sugars.
You can use my tips for boosting your immune system naturally or you or you could try these 10 quick life hacks to improve your immunity almost immediately
4. Anxiety or depression
Just as eating a lot of sugar can make your body physically crash, it can make you emotionally crash, as well.
Once sugar’s energy-boosting effects have worn off, the physical fatigue of the “sugar crash” may be accompanied by psychological fatigue. Feelings associated with depression, such as lethargy, sadness, and social withdrawal, may be experienced by sugar addicts.
Feelings of anxiety, such as nervousness, feelings of impending doom, and constant worry, may also be a sign that your sugary diet needs adjustment.
If you suffer from anxiety or depression, you can try essential oils for anxiety and depression and you can also try these 4 natural treatments for depression.
5. Skin and feet problems (including dark circles under your eyes)
Sugar has an inflammatory effect on the body when it is eaten, so it can also contribute to inflammatory skin problems.
If you find yourself suffering from acne, rosacea, eczema, or even just excessive oiliness or dryness, sugar could be to blame. Some people find that cutting sugar out of their diets greatly improves their skin problems (not to mention their overall health).
6. Weight gain
The human body is set up to accommodate a limited amount of sugar. When the body has had its fill and the sugar keeps pouring in, the sugar calories end up being converted to and stored as body fat.
This can quickly lead to weight problems like obesity—and weight problems carry a risk for a host of health problems, such as high blood cholesterol levels, cardiac problems, sleep apnea, and more.
If you want to lose weight you can try to use this spice or this drink. You can also start walking or make only 3 simple changes in your life.
7. High blood pressure
Blood pressure problems may not be due to the sodium in your diet, but rather, to the sugar in your diet.
In one 2010 study performed by researchers at the University of Colorado – Denver, more than 4,500 adults were studied and the data gathered showed that there was a link between hypertension (high blood pressure) and excessive sugar consumption. So, if you have high blood pressure, don’t be too quick to blame the salt shaker without looking at your sugar intake, as well.
8. Dental issues
Virtually everyone has heard that sugar is no good for your teeth, and it’s the truth. If you keep finding yourself in the dentist’s chair due to constant cavities requiring fillings and root canals, it could be the sugar you eat causing the problem.
Sugar likes to work its way into the nooks and crannies in your teeth, where it can rot away tooth enamel and infiltrate your teeth, causing painful dental problems. Make sure to follow these helpful tips for natural dental care.
Sugary drinks could be to blame for white patches on your teeth. Sugar causes damage to the protective enamel on your teeth causing them to have a white stain-like appearance.
9. Diabetes
Eating too much sugar or sugary foods can cause weight gain, and weight gain can increase your risk for developing type II diabetes.
Even if you haven’t ever been diagnosed as full-on diabetic, many people are “pre-diabetic” and don’t even realize it. If you find yourself constantly thirsty or hungry in spite of regular eating and hydration and feel flushed after a sugar binge or extremely weak and “off” when you skip a meal, you may wish to talk to your doctor about your diabetes risk. There are other early warning signs of diabetes that you shouldn’t ignore.
10. Heart disease
A sugary diet has the potential to wreak havoc on the heart.
In a study conducted on rats at Case Reserve Western University, a high-sucrose diet was found to hasten death and increase risk for cardiac issues more than high-fructose, high-fat, or high-starch diets.
These findings cannot be applied directly to people, as the subjects in the study were rodents—but since sugar bingeing does increase the risk of developing illnesses that have a negative impact on heart health in humans, it’s not a far leap. There are foods that can help you to keep your heart in top working condition.
How to Beat Sugar Addiction
Reducing the amount of refined sugar and simple carbs is one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health which will guide you how to take positive steps to improve your wellness and overall health. And with the potential to cause all these health problems and overall bad feelings, there’s no reason to keep eating sugar-laden foods and gulping down sugary drinks.
If you take a close look at what you’re consuming and find sugary stuff to be a common theme, it’s time to make a pledge to purge yourself of excessive sugar.
Many healthy foods, like fruits and sweet potatoes, are naturally sweet—and once you kick processed sugars like candies and soft drinks to the curb, your taste buds will be able to appreciate a healthy level of sweetness all the more.
So, what are you waiting for? Give excess sugar the boot and get on the road to a healthier, happier you.
1. Here are 13 effective ways to quit sugar.
2. Research Reveals how sugar causes cancer
Journal of the American Dental Association, 2009;
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International Dental Journal, 2013
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British Journal of Nutrition, 2011
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British Medical Journal, 2013
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013
JAMA, 2004
Diabetes Care, 2010
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Journal of Hypertension, 2008
American Journal of Cardiology, 2012
JAMA Internal Medicine, 2014