Proven Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids: Tea Tree, Lavender and More (Science Based)

Essential oils have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect that can help to treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Some essential oils for hemorrhoids such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, and myrtle oil can help to shrink hemorrhoids. Applying essential oil to your anus can also relieve itching, pain, and the burning sensation characteristic of hemorrhoids.
To use essential oils for hemorrhoid relief, it is important to mix them with a carrier oil. In this respect, olive oil and coconut oil are good oils for the treatment of hemorrhoids due to their anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply an essential oil blend directly to your hemorrhoids to relieve soreness and itching. Or, you can add a few drops of essential oils for hemorrhoids to a sitz bath.
In this article, you will find out about the best essential oils to shrink hemorrhoids naturally. You will also learn about useful ways to apply essential oil blends for quick and long-term relief of hemorrhoid symptoms.
What Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids (sometimes called piles) are swollen veins in your lower rectum and anus.
Internal hemorrhoids are distended blood vessels on the wall of your rectum and may cause bleeding during a bowel movement. External hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels under the skin around your anal opening. These may become itchy and painful and can also bleed.
Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that the cause of hemorrhoids can be excessive straining when passing stool. However, no one really knows why some people suffer from hemorrhoids more than others. (1)
However, one thing is sure: hemorrhoids can cause a lot of discomfort and irritation in your anus. This is why many people decide to use natural remedies for treating hemorrhoids, including essential oils, to help get relief.
Why Essential Oils Can Help Treat Hemorrhoids
Essential oils are useful in relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids and also shrinking them. Many essential oils that are good for hemorrhoids help reduce swelling, stop itching, and have an analgesic effect on piles.
There is also scientific evidence that essential oils are good for improving the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Researchers report that botanical essential oils can help to treat hemorrhoids when applied topically. (2)
Some of the essential oils that are good for treating hemorrhoids include tea tree oil, dill essential oil, chamomile essential oil, clove oil, and calendula essential oil.
The best way to use essential oils to get relief from hemorrhoids is to combine them with a carrier oil. Some of the best oils to reduce pain and bleeding due to hemorrhoids are olive oil, coconut oil, and castor oil.
For example, studies have shown that you can use olive oil for piles because it contains anti-inflammatory properties. This is also one reason to consume olive oil to help improve gastric health. (3)
You can also use essential oil blends with coconut oil for curing hemorrhoids as it helps stool to pass easier and reduces itching and anal discomfort.
Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids
Let’s look in more detail at which essential oils are the best to use for hemorrhoid relief. You will also find practical ways to use these natural remedies to help shrink hemorrhoids and get rid of discomfort and pain in your anus.
Tea Tree Oil for Hemorrhoids
Tea tree oil is one of the best essential oils to use for hemorrhoid relief because it stops itching, reduces swelling, and prevents infections.
What is it about tea tree essential oil that makes it so effective as a hemorrhoid treatment?
Tea tree oil may help to shrink hemorrhoids because of its anti-inflammatory effect. Research has shown that applying tea tree oil to irritated skin can reduce swelling. Tea tree oil contains an anti-inflammatory compound terpenen-4-ol that helps soothe irritated skin. (4)
Components in tea tree oil also have an antiseptic activity that can greatly reduce the risk of an infection in your hemorrhoids because of broken skin. Researchers have also found that tea tree oil is a good anti-itch remedy and it may reduce the need to scratch your itchy anus. (5)
Applying a home remedy incorporating tea tree oil may help speed up the healing of damaged blood vessels in your anus.
Tea tree oil is so useful for treating hemorrhoids that scientists have produced a pharmaceutical gel with tea tree oil as an ingredient. One study showed that a tea tree oil gel helped significantly reduce anal pain, bleeding during defecation, itching, and inflammation. (6)
How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Hemorrhoids
The best way to get quick relief from hemorrhoids using tea tree oil is to combine it with a carrier oil. Two of the best oils for hemorrhoid relief are olive oil and coconut oil.
- Mix 3-4 drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of olive oil (or coconut oil).
- Dab a cotton ball in the essential oil hemorrhoid remedy.
- Apply a generous amount to your anal opening to relieve itching and burning in your anus.
- Repeat 2-3 times a day until your hemorrhoids no longer bother you.
Side Effects and Precautions When Using Tea Tree Oil for Hemorrhoids
Even though tea tree oil is a mild essential oil that can be applied directly to your skin as a spot treatment, it is best to dilute tea tree oil before using it for hemorrhoids.
The skin around your anus can be particularly sensitive if you have hemorrhoids, and undiluted tea tree oil may cause further irritation and itching.
Learn more about the many ways you can use tea tree oil according to scientific studies.
Other Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids
There are also many other essential oils that can help to reduce the size and severity of hemorrhoids. You can try using these on their own with a carrier oil or combining them with other essential oils for pain-free bowel movements.
Lavender Essential Oil Soothes Pain and Itching Around Hemorrhoids
Including lavender essential oil in a topical natural hemorrhoid remedy can help to greatly soothe anal discomfort that hemorrhoids cause.
Lavender oil can help treat your irritating hemorrhoid symptoms because it helps reduce inflammation. Research into the medicinal properties of lavender has shown that its essential oil doesn’t just reduce pain but also stops swelling and has antioxidant properties. (7)
Other studies have shown that topical creams containing lavender essential oil can help reduce irritation and swelling. (8)
How to use lavender oil in improving symptoms of hemorrhoids
Combine a few drops of lavender essential oil with a tablespoon of coconut oil. Use a cotton pad to apply around the rim of your anus for hemorrhoid relief.
Find out about the other great uses for lavender oil.
Arnica Essential Oil for Relief from Piles
Making a topical ointment with arnica essential oil can help to reduce the size of hemorrhoids and improve blood flow.
Scientists have found that arnica helps reduce inflammation in damaged skin and helps prevent bruising and swelling. In some countries, arnica is also approved for topical use in treating phlebitis – inflammation of veins. (9)
Other research suggests that arnica creams can help to repair damaged skin tissue. (10) So, making a topical remedy with arnica essential oil may help heal your hemorrhoids quicker.
How to use arnica oil to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
You can buy natural arnica cream to help relieve swollen hemorrhoids. Apply arnica as instructed on the packaging. Look for arnica creams that have 15% arnica oil. (11)
Chamomile Essential Oil is Good for Hemorrhoids
Chamomile is a plant renowned for its soothing powers and healing properties. Essential oils extracted from chamomile flowers also help to soothe irritation caused by external or internal hemorrhoids.
Applying chamomile essential oil treatments can help to reduce swelling and help you pass stools without bleeding. Researchers have found that the anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile is good for treating swollen hemorrhoids and preventing skin infections. (12)
How to use chamomile oil to relieve problems with piles
You can dilute a couple of drops of chamomile essential oil in a carrier oil and apply to your painful hemorrhoids. You can also mix chamomile oil with witch hazel.
Another way to get hemorrhoid relief with chamomile oil is to add it to a sitz bath. Put a few drops of chamomile essential oil and a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil (10-12 drops of essential oil per 1 oz. (30 ml) of carrier oil) in warm water in a sitz bath. Mix well. Sit for 15 minutes to help resolve itching and pain caused by hemorrhoids.
Learn about the soothing and healing power of chamomile tea and how it can improve your digestive health.
Peppermint Essential Oil Soothes Hemorrhoid Irritation
The cooling effect of peppermint oil can help to quickly stop itching, burning, and pain if your hemorrhoids are irritating.
Studies have shown that peppermint oil is anti-inflammatory and can help to reduce irritation and swelling in damaged tissue. In fact, scientific research has identified over 51 anti-inflammatory compounds in peppermint essential oil. (13)
Other studies have found that peppermint oil has a cooling effect on the skin and can reduce the severity of itching. (14)
How to use peppermint oil to get relief from hemorrhoids
To help prevent stinging pain and burning around your anal opening, dilute 2 drops of peppermint oil and a drop of tea tree oil in a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply with a cotton ball to your anal rim to prevent the urge to scratch and have pain-free bowel movements.
There are many more medicinal uses for peppermint oil that you can learn about in this article.
Frankincense Essential Oil Can Reduce Hemorrhoid Inflammation
A home remedy for treating hemorrhoids that includes frankincense oil can help to give you welcome relief from hemorrhoid pain.
One of the reasons why frankincense essential oil accelerates hemorrhoid healing is that it helps repair damaged tissue and reduce inflammation. A 2017 study found that frankincense oil is anti-inflammatory and promotes wound healing. (15)
How to use frankincense essential oil for hemorrhoid relief
Mix 3 drops of frankincense essential oil with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Massage into the affected areas 2 or 3 times a day to relieve hemorrhoid inflammation and swelling.
Find out about other natural remedies that include frankincense for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Myrtle Essential Oil Helps Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally
You can help stop bleeding and pain while having a bowel movement by using myrtle essential oil for treating hemorrhoids.
The Journal of Integrative Medicine reported in 2017 that myrtle essential oil helps to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms. Applying a topical application of myrtle oil reduced anal bleeding, rectal pain, and itching around the anus due to hemorrhoids. (16)
Researchers suggested that suppositories containing myrtle oil could also be an effective cure for hemorrhoids. (16)
How to use myrtle oil for getting rid of hemorrhoids
Dilute 3 drops of myrtle oil in a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and apply to your painful hemorrhoids to stop bleeding and soothe rectal pain.
Dill Essential Oil for Hemorrhoid Relief
The anti-inflammatory properties of dill oil are good for relieving pain, swelling, and irritation associated with hemorrhoids.
Dill contains a compound called carvone which helps reduce skin inflammation. One study showed that the anti-inflammatory effect of dill was comparable to diclofenac. Diclofenac is sometimes used as an anal suppository to relieve rectal pain. (17)
How to use dill oil to improve hemorrhoid pain
To help relieve stinging pain caused by hemorrhoids, mix 3-4 drops of dill oil with a tablespoon of coconut oil or castor oil. Apply liberally to your external hemorrhoids for pain relief and to prevent bleeding while passing stool.
Cinnamon Essential Oil is Anti-Inflammatory and Good for Piles
Cinnamon’s healing power can help to provide relief from the pain and itching caused by hemorrhoids.
Studies into the therapeutic properties of cinnamon essential oil (cinnamon bark oil) have found that it helps to reduce skin inflammation. However, cinnamon oil can also be good for curing hemorrhoids because its antimicrobial effect helps promote wound healing and prevents infections. (18)
How to use cinnamon bark oil to resolve painful hemorrhoids
Dilute 3 drops of cinnamon oil with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and dab on your inflamed hemorrhoids with a cotton ball. Repeat 3 times a day and apply after every bowel movement to help reduce the size of your inflamed hemorrhoids.
Find out about the many uses of cinnamon oil in helping to resolve a number of health issues.
Clove Essential Oil Can Help Reduce the Size of External Hemorrhoids
An essential oil blend for hemorrhoids using clove oil can help to greatly reduce pain and bleeding during a bowel movement.
Many studies into the medicinal uses of clove oil have found that it has a powerful analgesic (pain relieving) effect. (19)
Other studies have shown that compounds in clove oil also have antimicrobial properties that can help prevent Staphylococcus skin infections. (20)
You can also apply clove essential oil to reduce pressure in your anal region and treat chronic anal fissures. Anal fissures are sometimes a complication of hemorrhoids that also causes pain and bleeding. (21)
How to apply clove oil to relieve anal pressure and treat hemorrhoids
Create your own clove hemorrhoid cream by putting 3-4 drops of clove essential oil in a tablespoon of carrier oil. Apply the natural hemorrhoid remedy 2 or 3 times a day to help clear up external hemorrhoids.
Cypress Essential Oil for Relieving Hemorrhoid Pain
If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you can help make a bowel movement less painful by applying a cream containing cypress essential oil.
Cypress oil is good for hemorrhoid relief because it contains many anti-inflammatory compounds. Because cypress oil also acts as an astringent, cypress extracts are also used in ointments to treat hemorrhoids and varicose veins. The antiseptic effect of cypress essential oil also helps prevent secondary infections in your anal region. (22)
How to use cypress oil to reduce hemorrhoid swelling
Try adding a few drops of cypress oil diluted in a carrier oil to your sitz bath to help get relief from hemorrhoids and to shrink their size.
Calendula Essential Oil for Hemorrhoid Relief
Calendula oil (pot marigold) is used in many remedies to treat swelling, help wounds heal faster, and reduce skin irritation. These properties mean that calendula essential oil has the potential to relieve many symptoms of hemorrhoids.
The journal Pharmacognosy Review reports that calendula extracts have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Because of this, calendula is used as a natural remedy for venous conditions such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins. (23)
How to use calendula cream to improve the symptoms of painful hemorrhoids
The easiest way to treat external hemorrhoids and anal fissures with calendula is to buy cream containing at least 10% plant extract.
Horse Chestnut Oil May Reduce the Irritation of Hemorrhoids
Extracts from horse chestnut are known to help reduce swelling in veins and may help shrink hemorrhoids over time.
Although not classed as an essential oil, oil infused with horse chestnut seed extract can help cure your hemorrhoids. Horse chestnut tincture is extracted in alcohol and can also support vein health.
Research into the benefits of horse chestnut has shown that it has good potential for treating hemorrhoids. Horse chestnut contains anti-inflammatory properties that are especially good for conditions relating to blood vessels. Researchers say that horse chestnuts preparations can be used for every stage of hemorrhoidal conditions. (7)
There is also some evidence showing that applying topical creams or gels containing horse chestnut can reduce hemorrhoid swelling. (11)
Horse chestnut tinctures are also recommended to take orally to help reduce anal bleeding, itching around that anus, and shrink the size of hemorrhoids. (7)
How to use horse chestnut to get rid of external hemorrhoids
You can purchase oil infused with horse chestnut extract and apply directly to your anus to relieve hemorrhoid irritation.
You can also combine horse chestnut tincture with witch hazel to help shrink hemorrhoids and improve blood circulation.
Learn about how you can use horse chestnut to treat varicose veins naturally.
How to Use Essential Oils for To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids – General Instructions
Some essential oils can be applied directly to your hemorrhoids, while other oils require a base oil (carrier oil) to dilute them first. However, it’s best to dilute any essential oil you use because your anal area can be extremely sensitive and irritated.
You can use carrier oils such as olive oil, sesame oil, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, jojoba or castor oil, as base oils. Use ratio of 3-4 drops of essential oil per one tablespoon of carrier oil.
Place two to three drops of the blend on the cloth or pre-moistened wipe (use organic materials if possible) and gently wipe the anal area. Repeat this once daily or more frequently if needed.
Perform daily sitz baths to reduce discomfort and promote the healing process. Add about 10-12 drops of essential oil to 1 oz. (30 ml) of carrier oil and add it to your warm bath water.
Essential oil blend to calm the itch and pain associated with hemorrhoids
Mix the following oils:
- 4 drops each of lavender oil, chamomile oil and cinnamon oil
- 1 oz. (30 ml) base oil (such as sweet almond oil, olive oil or castor oil)
Blend and store in a dark glass bottle. Apply a few drops to the affected area daily.
Essential Oil Suppositories for Treating Hemorrhoids
The rectum is a highly absorbable place, so inserting the remedy can be a very effective solution, also in the cases when internal hemorrhoids are causing trouble.
To make suppositories, use an ice cube tray that makes small ice cubes. This is very practical and makes the suppositories easy to pop out once they are settled. Fractionated coconut oil is a good choice for a base oil and is used together with essential oils to make the healing suppository.
If you are in doubt, always contact your doctor and discuss your individual case.
How to make essential oil suppositories for hemorrhoids
Use liquid, organic, non-refined, virgin coconut oil (if the coconut oil is solid put the jar in a warm water to melt the coconut oil).
- Mix 10-12 drops of essential oil(s) for hemorrhoids per 1 oz. (30 ml) of melted coconut oil. You can use the above mentioned oils or make a personalized blend. You can increase the amounts to make a larger batch of suppositories.
- Pour the mixture to the small ice cubes in the tray.
- Put in the freezer for one to two hours.
- When the suppository is solid, you can pop it out and use it immediately. The suppositories are very self-lubricating and start melting as soon as they touch an area of your body, so they are easy to insert.
- Insert the suppository into the rectum, where it melts quickly and acts in a highly therapeutic way.
- Use the suppositories for a few days, while regular use is recommended to avoid hemorrhoids altogether.
Other Ways to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Naturally
Essential oils such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, cypress oil, and chamomile oil are excellent to reduce swelling, alleviate itching, and heal painful hemorrhoids.
However, essential oils for the treatment of hemorrhoids are best used in conjunction with other remedies for swollen anal blood vessels.
Learn about other natural remedies for hemorrhoids to drastically reduce pain and bleeding caused by hemorrhoids. Some of these ways to relieve anal pressure and get rid of hemorrhoids include:
- Getting more fiber and fluids in your diet to make stools softer and easier to pass
- Dab some witch hazel on your inflamed hemorrhoids to shrink their size and soothe itching
- Apply some aloe vera to make passing stool easier and less painful
- Use diluted apple cider vinegar as a topical remedy to get rid of hemorrhoids
Related articles:
- The Most Effective Natural Ways to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids (Science Based)
- How Long do Hemorrhoids Last and Can They Go Away on Their Own?
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You can find more information on how to use essential oils in my e-Book Magical Aromatherapy which will help you to discover the most effective ways to use essential oils to unlock their amazing healing power.