The Best Teas for Digestion to Relieve Bloating, Gas, Upset Stomach and Constipation (Evidence Based)

Drinking herbal and green teas can improve your digestion by helping to relieve feelings of fullness and bloating after a meal. Teas such as chamomile tea, ginger tea, fennel infusions, or peppermint teas help to relieve many symptoms of indigestion. The best teas for digestion help to relieve excess gas, bloating, and upset stomach.
Digestive teas benefit your gastrointestinal health in a number of ways. Many herbal teas for indigestion calm your stomach, some teas help relieve gases and constipation, while others help neutralize toxins. Some of the best herbal teas such as ginger tea are good for a wide range of digestive issues.
In this article, you will learn about the best herbal teas that are good for your digestion. You will also find out what teas to drink if you have an upset stomach, bloating, or constipation.
Why Herbal Teas Promote Good Digestion
If you suffer from feelings of heaviness, fullness, bloating, or gas after a meal, then drinking digestive teas can help to ease your discomfort.
The reason why certain teas are good for the stomach is that they help treat some of the underlying causes of indigestion.
Stress can be one of the causes of bloating, gas, or an upset stomach after a meal. Studies have shown that stress causes digestive symptoms including nausea, abdominal cramping after a meal, diarrhea, and bowel upset. (1)
Some teas such as ginger tea, chamomile tea, and lavender tea help to relieve stress and also calm your intestines. These teas have antispasmodic properties that can greatly relieve stomach upset.
Another reason to drink herbal teas for digestion is that the increase in fluid boosts digestive health. Many doctors say that a lack of fluid is one of the reasons for constipation. Drinking more fluids in the form of relaxing warm teas can do much to ease digestive complaints. (2)
Green tea is also good for your digestion as research has shown that it helps to kill off toxins in your gut. (3)
Let’s look at what scientific research has revealed as to why drinking tea for digestive problems is a good idea.
Ginger Tea for Better Digestion, Bloating, and Gas
Ginger tea is one of the best teas for digestion and helping to relieve various gastrointestinal problems.
The World Journal of Gastroenterology reports that ginger has the ability to help with digestion. Consuming ginger helped to relieve stomach upset, gas, and abdominal pain. Research has shown that ginger may help relieve constipation because it speeds up gastric emptying. (4)
Drinking ginger tea before a meal is good if you suffer from flatulence and bloating after eating. Studies have shown that ginger is a good digestive tea for many gastrointestinal problems. Ginger compounds have a carminative effect on the stomach and prevent a buildup of gas. (5)
You can also drink ginger tea if you have constipation. For example, some studies have shown that compounds in ginger are used in laxative and antacid medications. (6)
Another reason to drink ginger tea is that ginger is good for gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. Gastritis is inflammation of your stomach lining that can cause cramping and nausea after a meal.
Ginger helps with your digestion if your stomach upset is caused by a gastric ulcer. Research has shown that ginger helps to prevent gastric ulcers by increasing gastric secretions that help protect the stomach lining. (7)
To make a digestive tea using ginger, you can chop up 1 inch of ginger root and put it for 5 minutes in hot water to infuse. You can also chew the leftover bits of ginger to ingest all of the healing ginger juice.
If you don’t have a fresh ginger root, you can add ½ a teaspoon of ginger powder to a cup of hot water to make an herbal tea for indigestion.
Learn more about how you can use ginger tea to boost your health and prevent various stomach problems. You can also learn how heat affects ginger in my article about the amazing benefits of cooked and dried ginger.
Fennel Seed Tea for Bloating and Other Digestive Issues
Another tea that helps remove excess gas, bloating, and other digestion problems is fennel seed tea.
Fennel extracts have been used for centuries due to their positive effect on digestive health. Studies have shown that herbal preparations using fennel have a carminative effect on the digestive system. Fennel tea can also help to ease stomach spasm, bloating, and excess gas. (8)
Other studies have shown that fennel tea aids digestion because it has anti-inflammatory, laxative, and carminative properties. (9)
A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2009 found that crushed fennel seed extract had antibacterial properties and was effective against various gut bacteria. (13)
To make fennel seed tea, simmer a teaspoon of dried lightly crushed fennel seeds per cup of water in a covered pan for about 15 minutes (you can add to the mix a small amount of chopped fennel leaves). Take off the heat and leave to stand for 20 minutes. Drink 3 times a day to help reduce your symptoms of stomach upset.
Chamomile Tea to Reduce Bloating and Flatulence
Chamomile is a natural herb that promotes good digestive health and helps to relieve stress at the same time.
One of the reasons why chamomile is among the best teas for digestion is that it calms muscle spasms and contractions. The journal Frontiers in Pharmacology reports that many studies have shown the effectiveness of chamomile tea as a digestive aid. Chamomile helps get rid of gas, abdominal cramps, bloating, and indigestion. (10)
A report on the therapeutic properties of chamomile found that chamomile is good for digestion as it is a digestive relaxant. You can use chamomile tea to treat indigestion and bloating in adults as well as children. (11)
Drinking chamomile tea for gastritis can also be a useful natural remedy for indigestion. Scientists say that chamomile helps prevent stomach irritation and prevents the buildup of abdominal gasses that lead to bloating. (11)
You can easily make your own chamomile herbal tea for digestion at home by putting 1-2 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers (or double the amount for fresh flowers) in a cup of hot water. Cover for 10 minutes and drink after meals to help relieve nausea, excess gas, and stomach upset.
Please read this article to find out more about the health benefits of drinking chamomile tea every day. You will learn why chamomile may be one of the best teas for indigestion.
Green Tea for Gas and Bloating
Regularly consuming green tea helps with bloating because it promotes good digestive health and is full of antioxidants.
Research into the benefits of drinking green tea has found that green tea can help with digestion. Catechins in green tea have a protective effect on the gastrointestinal system and can help to reduce inflammation. Drinking green tea also helps your digestion break down fats and reduces cholesterol. (12)
To find out how to use green tea for bloating and stomach upset, please read this article on the health benefits of green tea.
Matcha tea is also beneficial for your digestion. Matcha is a form of green tea that is sold in powder form. There are many health benefits to drinking matcha tea, not just for your digestive health.
You can also use old green tea bags to help get rid of puffy eyes due to the astringent effect of tannins in tea leaves.
Peppermint Tea for Upset Stomach
The relaxing properties of peppermint can help to treat a stomach ache and reduce gas.
Brewing a cup of peppermint tea for digestion helps to release essential oils from the leaves. Many studies have shown that peppermint extracts can provide relief from a number of digestive complaints.
Gastroenterologists have found that peppermint oil can help to reduce bloating, painful abdominal gas, and a feeling of fullness after eating. One study found that peppermint oil capsules were helpful for digestion and bloating. (15)
Other trials have found that peppermint tea has no adverse side effects and can help to treat abdominal pain, excess gas, and diarrhea. (16)
Learn more about the many uses of peppermint oil in helping to control and manage a number of digestive complaints.
To make peppermint tea tear a few fresh mint leaves and let them infuse in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Remember to cover the cup so that the peppermint essential oil doesn’t escape.
Lemon Balm Tea to Calm Upset Stomach
Lemon balm is related to the mint family and is a good tea for digestion because it helps relax and soothe gastrointestinal upset.
The antioxidant effect of lemon balm digestive tea is beneficial in relieving many digestive-related problems. Studies have found that lemon balm extracts help to calm stomach muscle spasms and ease symptoms of indigestion. (17)
Licorice Root Tea for Healthy Digestion
Many researchers class licorice root as a digestive herb that relieves stomach upset and bloating.
Studies into the gastro-protective effect of licorice root have found that licorice root is a good tea for constipation. Licorice is known to have a laxative effect and stimulates bile secretions. (18)
A 2015 review of the medicinal properties of licorice root found that licorice root tea can help with treating gastritis. Consuming licorice root tea can help prevent the H. pylori bacteria causing damage to the stomach lining. Using licorice tea as an herbal tea for digestion could help prevent gastric ulcers from developing. (19)
Licorice root is an excellent digestive tea that has many more health benefits. You can find out how to use licorice root to prevent tooth decay, improve your heart health, and lose weight.
To make licorice root tea, chop the root into small chunks. Simmer the root in a covered pan for about 15 minutes. Take off the heat and leave to stand for 20 minutes.
Holy Basil Tea to Help with Digestive Problems
Holy basil (Ocimum Tenuiflorum) is another good tea for digestion because its compounds help heal damage to the stomach lining that can result in stomach upset.
Researchers have found that holy basil (tulsi) promotes healing in the gastrointestinal tract. Consuming holy basil extracts also increases mucus secretion that protects stomach tissue for damage caused by toxins. (20)
Dandelion Tea for an Upset Stomach
Dandelion is an herbal tea for digestion because it contains a number of therapeutic properties that protect your gastrointestinal health.
Researchers have found that dandelion root contains the compound inulin which helps to eliminate pathogens from the gut. Consuming dandelion products also aids your digestion by preventing starch absorption. (21)
If you suffer from hard stools, you can also try dandelion root tea for constipation. The International Journal of Molecular Science reports that dandelion tea is used for its laxative properties. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may also improve your digestive symptoms. (22)
To make dandelion root tea, chop the dandelion root into small chunks. Simmer the root in a covered pan for about 15 minutes. Take off the heat and leave to stand for 20 minutes.
Lavender Tea to Calm Your Stomach
There are a number of reasons to try lavender tea for digestion because of its carminative properties in your intestines.
Doctors report that lavender tea can help alleviate many of the symptoms of stomach upset. Lavender can help to treat a number of digestive problems such as nausea, excess gas, and loss of appetite. (23)
Apart from drinking lavender tea for bloating, gas, and indigestion, there is also evidence that lavender aromas have digestive healing properties. Researchers have found that lavender essential oil has a positive effect on the digestive system. Among the benefits of lavender are that it regulates bowel movements and prevents gas. (24)
Lavender is one of the most versatile herbs that is good for digestion, calming your mind, soothing skin irritation, and healing wounds.
Cumin Tea Promotes Healthy Digestion
Cumin is excellent for your digestive health because it helps to stimulate digestive enzymes.
Research from India discovered that spices such as cumin help to increase bile acids that assist in breaking down fats. Spices like cumin also help to increase digestive secretions and enzymes. (25)
Consuming more cumin in your meals could also help to reduce excessive gas after eating. For example, one medical journal recommends the following cumin tea recipe: (26)
- Grind 10 grams of cumin seeds, 5 grams anise seeds, and 10 grams of fennel seeds.
- Put the cumin powder mixture in a cup and pour boiling water over, cover and leave for 20 minutes.
- Drink the warm cumin tea 30 minutes after your meal to get rid of flatulence.
Cumin can also benefit your digestive health if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). One trial involving 50 patients found that taking 20 drops of cumin oil daily helped to improve all symptoms of IBS. All patients reported less bloating, abdominal pain, and painful defecation. (28)
Taking cumin oil also helped to relieve IBS-related constipation. (27)
Further reading: Scientifically Proven Benefits of Cumin: For Weight Loss, Diabetes and More.
Cinnamon Tea Promotes Good Gastrointestinal Health
The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity of cinnamon means that consuming a warm cup of cinnamon tea is an excellent way to help improve your digestive health.
A study from 2017 found that phenolic compounds in cinnamon help to kill off certain types of harmful bacteria that can cause gastrointestinal upset. (28)
Regularly consuming cinnamon-spiced tea can also help reduce inflammation in your gastrointestinal system. For example, cinnamon can help to alleviate inflammation associated with inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD). (29)
Other studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory effect of cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon helps to resolve many digestive complaints such as heartburn, excess gas, vomiting, and diarrhea. (30)
To get the many health benefits of cinnamon, you can put a 3-inch long piece of Ceylon cinnamon stick in a pan of water. Bring the water to the boil, cover the pan, and simmer for 15 minutes. Take off the heat and leave to stand for 20 minutes.
Another option is to mix 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder in a glass of hot water. Let it infuse for a few minutes and drink to enjoy the medicinal health benefits of cinnamon.
Learn more about the health benefits of cinnamon in my article about the science based benefits of cinnamon (tea, powder, bark).
Anise Seed Tea for Constipation
Anise is a carminative herb which has been traditionally used to relieve a wide range of digestive issues such as excess gas and bloating.
A study published on 2012 in the journal ISRN Pharmaceutics reviewed scientific studies about the benefits of anise. The researchers found that anise can be used effectively to relieve nausea, gastric ulcers, and constipation. (32)
The laxative effect of compounds in anise was studied on patients who suffered from chronic constipation. The results of the study revealed significant laxative effects of anise when compared with placebo. There was a decrease in colonic transit time as well as an increase in the number of daily bowel movements.
To make anise seed tea, simmer a teaspoon of lightly crushed anise seeds per cup of water in a covered pan for about 15 minutes. Take off the heat and leave to stand for 20 minutes.
Coriander Seed Tea for Better Digestion
Coriander (cilantro) has many health benefits, and its leaves are used to flavor many Asian and Mexican dishes. Coriander seeds are also dried and used for culinary or therapeutic purposes, and one of them is to improve digestive health.
A review on the chemical components and pharmacological activities of coriander mentions that coriander seeds were included in many prescriptions as carminative and for the treatment of diarrhea, vomiting and indigestion. (33)
Another study on animals found that coriander extracts led to a decrease in the numbers of harmful bacteria (E. coli) in the gut while at the same time increasing the numbers of beneficial bacteria. (34)
To make a coriander tea at home simply steep a teaspoon of ground coriander seeds in a covered cup with boiling water for 5-10 minutes and drink 2-3 times a day.
How to Make Herbal Teas for Good Digestion
It is very easy to make a therapeutic digestive tea at home to treat gas, bloating, stomach upset, and constipation. To make teas as a digestive aid, you can use fresh leaves and flowers, dried parts of the plant, or herbal tea bags.
When brewing herbal teas for their digestive healing properties, it is essential to cover the cup or pot to prevent the essential oils from evaporating.
Digestive teas using fresh flowers and leaves
If you want to make the best tea for digestion, you should use around a tablespoon of fresh leaves and flowers for every 8 oz. cup of hot water.
Put a tablespoon of fresh leaves and flowers of any of the herbs from this article in a cup of boiling water. Cover for few minutes and consume regularly to relieve digestive problems.
You should always thoroughly rinse fresh parts of the herb to remove any grit, dirt, or impurities.
Teas for digestion using dried herbal leaves
When making herbal teas for digestion using dried parts of the plant, you will only need a small amount of plant. Usually, 1-2 teaspoons for every 8 oz. of hot water is enough.
Using root herbs or seeds to make digestive teas
When using roots such as ginger to make a tea to aid digestion, you should chop around 1 tablespoon of root for every cup of boiling water.
When using the seeds, make sure to lightly crush them before simmering to release their oils.
Simmer in a covered pan for 15 minutes, take off the heat and leave to stand for 20 minutes.
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