Pinterest – Website Marked As SPAM & How I Got Back to Pinterest

Why I Am Not On Pinterest - Website Marked As SPAM???

Yesterday I received numerous messages from my readers that they were unable to pin my content in Pinterest. It looks like Pinterest marked my website as SPAM ????



I Immediately sent an email to Pinterest as I believed that this was a mistake. If you are one of my 2 million+ Facebook Fans you probably know that I’ve dedicated this website to improving everyone’s health naturally and there is absolutely nothing spammy in this site. I write extremely high quality content that got repinned by my readers who wanted to share my content with their friends.

This was the shocking reply I got from Pinterest:

Hi Jenny,

We blocked this website because several users reported content from this site as spammy. To us, spam is any unsolicited or unauthorized material that’s promotional, commercial, fraudulent, false, deceptive or misleading. It’s important for us to block this type of content because it often results in negative experiences for users. Unfortunately we will not be removing that website from our blacklist.


I am not the first blogger who had her website marked as spam. For example: Linda from “with a blast”  had her website marked as spam and also Becky from “your modern family” had her website marked as spam.

As far as I am aware of, my content was repinned millions of times and there are always a few people that will not be happy. But can you mark the whole website as spam based on the opinion of a few unhappy people???

Update – I Am Back On Pinterest – Thanks for YOUR AMAZING SUPPORT!!!

I’ve sent a message to the Healthy and Natural World community asking them for support and I am excited to share the great news with you: I am back on Pinterest. I truly appreciate all your support: I’ve received hundreds of supportive emails and messages from people who told me that they’ve asked pinterest to reconsider their decision. ….And it worked! I am truly humbled by your support!

Here is the message that I got from Pinterest:


What I Learned

I learned that we have amazing and caring people in the community and that by joining forces we can make a change and make a difference.

If you are a fellow blogger and you are in the same situation I truly recommend you to reach out to your community and ask for their support.

I left the instructions on how to contact pinterest for future reference for anyone who may need it (and for myself as well as it happened to me once again! – how frustrating)

You Can Now Follow Me On …. Pinterest

Well, I guess that you can now follow me on Pinterest (again) – here is the link to my profile:

Here is How To Contact Pinterest (For Anyone who May Need It…)

Use this URL:

Select the following options (also shown in the image below):

I have a question about..  select Account settings

More specifically.. select I disagree with a policy notice

Click the red button: I still need help


In the description you can state that you would like to pin from [type the website name] however this website has been recently blocked.

You can tell Pinterest what you think about their decision to block the website and also let your friends know about it.


I believe that sharing information with others is extremely important and can benefit everyone.


Healthy and Natural World